Pictures ak 47/ bubblegum


How many days into flower?
Today they are at 55 days, but that picture was taken about a week ago. They were really healthy all through veg and then suddenly started getting sick about 4 weeks into flower. Come to find out (thanks to this website) I was pretty much starving them, and also not Adjusting the ph of the water. After fixing these two things they have completely turned around.


Well-Known Member
Today they are at 55 days, but that picture was taken about a week ago. They were really healthy all through veg and then suddenly started getting sick about 4 weeks into flower. Come to find out (thanks to this website) I was pretty much starving them, and also not Adjusting the ph of the water. After fixing these two things they have completely turned around.
Starving them in what way, not enough nutrients or not enough water? I'm 35-36 days into flower and i have not checked my ph level one time durring my whole grow!


Starving them in what way, not enough nutrients or not enough water? I'm 35-36 days into flower and i have not checked my ph level one time durring my whole grow!
I wasn’t giving them enough nutrient. I was feeding them only big bloom by fox farm during flower which is apparently only an additive. The ph is something I just started adjusting a couple weeks ago and they seem to be responding to it really well. My last grow was super healthy up until like 40 days into flower and they slowly started dying and I ended up completely losing them. I am noticing that they become extra picky as they get further into flower and they will get sick easier. My tap water was at a ph of 7 I bought this stuff called “ph down” put a few drops in and it brings it down to 6. They love it.


Well-Known Member
I wasn’t giving them enough nutrient. I was feeding them only big bloom by fox farm during flower which is apparently only an additive. The ph is something I just started adjusting a couple weeks ago and they seem to be responding to it really well. My last grow was super healthy up until like 40 days into flower and they slowly started dying and I ended up completely losing them. I am noticing that they become extra picky as they get further into flower and they will get sick easier. My tap water was at a ph of 7 I bought this stuff called “ph down” put a few drops in and it brings it down to 6. They love it.
I feed them fox farm as well, I'm 36 days into flower and I use 1.5 table spoon of big bloom and 1.5 sometimes 2 tsp of tiger bloom per gallon of water.

What all are you feeding in flower now and how's much of everything?