So, whose head is 1st on the chopping block?

Who should be pissing in their pants tonite, because they're going to jail tomorrow ?

  • Paul Manafort

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Donald Trump Jr

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Jared Kushner

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Donald J Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • All of the assholes noted above

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Bitch whore, not a good wife or mother, can't keep her emails in her panties, gives the Russkies atomic bombs, leaves Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, and fucked Bernie figuratively.
Am I missing something?
Yes. That man smile of hers with the monotone speech voice. (Really. She is about the worst speaker I've ever heard. Even Gilbert Gottfried would be a step in the right direction.)

greg nr

Well-Known Member
It's easy to get excited over the screws being tightened, but let's not forget a key lesson from the watergate era:

"Unindicted co-conspirator".

Muehler can simply choose not to indict or even name trump. Even though he has plenty of evidence. And there will plenty of pressure on him not to. Of course, Nixon was still going to be impeached, but congress actually had people with ethics back then.

Stay alert. There are still plenty of games that can get played we will never see...


Well-Known Member
Read the indictment against Manafort and Gates

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. (Yahoo News photo Illustration; photos: AP)
Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, and Rick Gates, Manafort’s former business partner, were indicted by a federal grand jury on 12 counts, including "conspiracy against the United States", special counsel Robert Mueller’s office said Monday. The 31-page indictment was unsealed by a federal judge in Washington, D.C., on Monday morning after Manafort and Gates surrendered to the FBI. The charges are the first brought by Mueller since he was appointed in May to lead the federal probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Fucking hang that pos, and his boss, and all his minions.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
I just hope Manafort doesn't become a latter-day Scooter Libby.

Oh, fucking look it up, you retards,
G. Gordon Libby was one sick fuke. He was reported to once hold his hand over a candle long enough to get second degree burns without flinching.

At least he served time. What people do after that is their business as long as its legal. He may have been repugnant, but he had a first amendment right to be.

There is no guarantee any indicted trump minions will ever see jail time. He can pardon them outright. The question is only whether courts will allow it. And this scotus has at least 4 "originalists" who wouldn't take that power away from him.


Well-Known Member
Fucking everyone will roll on Trump. Even Christie, once he stops tossing Donald's salad.
They can't roll, because their all in the same fucking bed,
At the best it's gonna be I didn't know (sorta like Hitler), but the end will be the same, which is anyone associated with that contaminant Trump, is going to be ruined.
Bye Trump LLC.
Bye Trump POTUS
Your fucking done

greg nr

Well-Known Member
They can't roll, because their all in the same fucking bed,
At the best it's gonna be I didn't know (sorta like Hitler), but the end will be the same, which is anyone associated with that contaminant Trump, is going to be ruined.
Bye Trump LLC.
Bye Trump POTUS
Your fucking done
The theory behind rolling is you reduce your 40 year sentence to 5-10 years; with good behavior, you are out in 3.

It's the prosecutors job to convince the accused and their attorneys that it's not a question of whether they will be convicted, but how much time they want to serve.

Everyone can roll, IF the prosecutor has leverage. In this case, he may not given the reality of pardons to anyone who holds out and keeps quiet.

Of course, trump has never kept a deal in his life, so muehler has that going for him.