Such bullshit. They are plants, not toilets. Nice product plug on the flushing agent. That is the entire reason that the flushing myth was started and is still perpetuated today. Name one other crop, food or otherwise, that is flushed. A fool and their money are soon parted.
Not sure why you'd starve your plants out the last two weeks of its life? At most a lucas formula has you taper off, but there are still nutrients present. In my opinion a flush is only necessary to wash salts from your medium. As for white ash, I believe that has more to do with curing methods than flushing. When you "flush" a plant for weeks with just water in hydroponics, your not removing anything from the plant, your just starving it.You only need to flush when you're ready to flush, whenever your plants are close to being ready.
Personally I like to use florakleen as it flushes out the medium a lot quicker than just plain water. When you are ready to flush you should use tap water non pH for about 7 days and then flush it out again for 3 more days with tap water and then again for another 3 with tap or for a final clean flush use distilled water. This is how I do it in RDWC.
White Ash .. Every time !
Not sure why you'd starve your plants out the last two weeks of its life? At most a lucas formula has you taper off, but there are still nutrients present. In my opinion a flush is only necessary to wash salts from your medium. As for white ash, I believe that has more to do with curing methods than flushing. When you "flush" a plant for weeks with just water in hydroponics, your not removing anything from the plant, your just starving it.
I know, but why? What is that doing?Some people flush for 3 days, some for a week, others choose to do close to 2 weeks. It's up for debate.
100% of what?I like my stuff to be 100% but hey .. that's just me.
Sooooo, you get compliments on your unflushed bud and you can't tell a difference between the 2 and you still spend money on products to flush and tell others to flush?!? Did I read that wrong?Is Flushing Important?
I used to think that flushing wasn’t that important. I'd still do it most of the time based on habits I'd learned from other growers, but other times I'd skip it altogether. One of the most common reasons growers tell you to flush is that not doing so affects flavor. I’d tried flushing and not flushing, and I personally couldn’t tell any difference when it came to smell or flavor.
In fact, I got lots of compliments on the taste and flavor of my buds. My unflushed buds didn’t have a “chemical” taste like others had warned of, and I figured the need to flush was basically a growing myth, or something growers should only do if they’ve given their plant too many nutrients.
Sooooo, you get compliments on your unflushed bud and you can't tell a difference between the 2 and you still spend money on products to flush and tell others to flush?!? Did I read that wrong?
All good man. What works for you is perfect -if you like it I love it. Im not here to rag on's not my style. I just dont want someone getting a bunch of bro science advice and starving their plant for the last 2 weeks on straight water either. If you read the dudes "experiment" in the link you provided, he used 3 different strains and three different flushing levels....then compared them against each other in a smoothness test?????Yes you read wrong ... link at bottom, done editing. Btw am not telling you what to do people.. do what you want. I do what works and yields me the most and it works.
Lucas Formula.Everyone here that has replied to this thread instead of saying what is right and what's wrong, instead of debating on this how about you all tell us how you finnish a crop off instead of focusing on my opinion ........