false flag attack in NYC, paid crisis actors trying to take away our muslims


what's it like knowing the guy you voted for and put all your faith in will go down as the most criminal and corrupt president in american history?
what's it like knowing the guy you voted for and put all your faith in will go down as the most criminal and corrupt president in american history?
Don’t forget treacherous, that seems to be the normal behavior of most Republican Presidents (Nixon’s conspiracy with the south Vietnamese Government to prolong the war so that he could win an election, Reagan and the Iran-Contra and once again conspiring with a foreign Government to win an election). I cringe every time I hear the pukes scream out about Patriotism, they don’t even comprehend what that means.
Got me there, cripes....someone in your family will die of being pinned by the vending machine going for the extra free Ho-Ho drop. How is your Silver Plan, bro potato?

Funny you should mention that.
Do you know where those Do Not Tip stickers on soda machines come from? None of my family has had that happen to them but a sophomore in my boarding school dorm teamed up with another genius to shake the Pepsi machine down for free soda. They were pissed the price went from 45 cents to 65 cents. We got those prices because a student's dad ran the local Pepsi distributor. These are rich kids mind you. One got up on the window sill behind the machine and the other dude was in front of the machine ready to catch it. We were upstairs when we heard a crash and a scream. When we ran to the common room we saw Jimmy pinned under the machine crying (he broke his leg in 2 places) and the other kid frantically trying to get us to call 911. Couldn't have happened to better people. Both of those idiots were southern rednecks.
We were loading my grandmother into the car and as she put her right foot in, she took her right foot out (wrong foot). She then put her left foot in and then she started to shake all about. Later that year she became addicted to the hokey pokey, but luckily she turned herself around. And honestly guys, that's what it's all about...