Charges for growing?


Active Member
Say I have 3 plants growing in my closet. Not selling any weed just growing as a hobby. If I get caught,whats the worst police can charge me with? Thanks for any help.:peace:


Active Member
Hey thanks,it's much worse then I thought. I don't think I'll ever get caught though,since I'm not selling and it's my house not an apartment.


Active Member darkmatter said: check out The laws vary dramatically from state to state. In states where MJ has been de-criminalized it may be nothing more than a ticket, while in other states it's still a f*cking felony.

- eyes88


Well-Known Member
I got caught, charged wit felony cultivation , n a mista for my bowls n shit. Had no weed on me either. Bastards.


Well-Known Member
im ready for em to kick my door open i figer id only sit a year in ta pen but i just hope that never happens cuze i love what i do


Well-Known Member
Don't think it can't or won't happen to you. Prison is full of people who thought that. Circumstances beyond your control can get you busted.

A few years ago, my house caught on fire, wiring issue in the basement. By the time I smelled smoke, the fire was roaring along, far too large for me to stop. I wasn't growing anything then, but imagine if I were. I'd have been busted because of some shitty luck and random chance, not because I blabbed, not because it was an apartment instead of a house, not because of foot traffic. I did nothing at all wrong, and yet...I'd be in prison now if I'd been growing anything then.


Well-Known Member
Don't think it can't or won't happen to you. Prison is full of people who thought that. Circumstances beyond your control can get you busted.

A few years ago, my house caught on fire, wiring issue in the basement. By the time I smelled smoke, the fire was roaring along, far too large for me to stop. I wasn't growing anything then, but imagine if I were. I'd have been busted because of some shitty luck and random chance, not because I blabbed, not because it was an apartment instead of a house, not because of foot traffic. I did nothing at all wrong, and yet...I'd be in prison now if I'd been growing anything then.
i should just move somewhere better lol, where dope is legal, fuck this place, it sucks anyways, people sit around with their heads in their assholes worshipping rock abands and other idiotic shit, weed is illegal, booze is legal, cigarettes are legal, what the fuck? what a moronic place to live


Well-Known Member
i should just move somewhere better lol, where dope is legal, fuck this place, it sucks anyways, people sit around with their heads in their assholes worshipping rock abands and other idiotic shit, weed is illegal, booze is legal, cigarettes are legal, what the fuck? what a moronic place to live
Amen to that.


New Member
you gotta weigh the risk vs it worth it to you..a felony is a pretty big deal for your permanent record it will follow you everywhere and you can go to prison in some states for a long time....I am legal now but for many years the risk was worth it for me, the chance to help responsible adults for a living and making 4 times what I make at my 9-5 job for the risk of going to prison for up to 4 years....for me I risked it and I wouldnt take it back even if I had got busted. I am single guy however, If I had a family and made good money legitly I would of never did it. Stay smart, be responsible, obey all other laws, be underground and you can get away with it. If you don't think you would like the consequence of being busted then DONT DO IT...For life was such hell at the time that prison would of been better then my situation at the time and it really was not an option.