Samsung F562B Linear Strip Build

I am prefering 5 eb strips, instead of 2 f strips, because you get a better uniformity and because the light is more diffuse (less shadows) also more penetration. I would like to see bridgelux constructing strips with the smaller SMD‘s 2835 0.2W 3V (~170lm/w), so I can get more strips :)

And if money wouldn‘t matter, the h-series would get my interes!

this.. multiple strips close to canopy win..all those points of light..the higher your light is the less efficient it is
When someone tells people to turn down their lights to increase efficiency it is totally missing the point.
huh what? thats electrical efficiency being talked about, all LEDs have a sweet spot. Yes I would get more lumens driving an EB strip at 1400mA (max) than at 700mA (typical), that is a given, but at 700mA I get the most efficient conversion of electricity to light. Thats the point.
It isn't all about lm/W though. You might get 159lm/W at half the price but you'll get less than half the luminous flux. Efficiency doesn't grow weed. It's about the total output first then efficiency comes after that.
Honestly man, I have no idea what you are talking about.
the 3000K 560mm strips output
Luminus Flux (lumens) 2410
luminus Efficacy (lumens/watt) 156
at 700mA
If you crank up the power you get more lumens but the electrical efficacy goes down as does the LEDs lifespan and you generate more heat.
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huh what? thats electrical efficiency being talked about, all LEDs have a sweet spot. Yes I would get more lumens driving an EB strip at 1400mA (max) than at 700mA (typical), that is a given, but at 700mA I get the most efficient conversion of electricity to light. Thats the point.
But surely the point is that we are trying to grow weed which is about PAR/PPF. Efficiency doesn't grow weed. Real efficiency is about getting what you need with less. Turning down the power to increase efficiency will have the opposite effect because you'll have less PAR/PPF and therefore need more strips. Using more strips at a lower current isn't efficiency, or am I missing something?
and the other point is 5 led strips within the same range will really beat 2 for coverage
What do you mean by "within the same range?"
In a ScrOG set-up I can use 2 F series in my 4x2 that will use ~ 205W to get a PPFD of 800. Running 5 EB's at 700mA won't get you the 800 but sure, it'll use less power. To get the same PPFD you'd need to increase the current which brings the efficiency down and the Watts would be ~250. More heat and power to achieve the same thing with the EB's.
Honestly man, I have no idea what you are talking about.
the 3000K 560mm strips output
Luminus Flux (lumens) 2410
luminus Efficacy (lumens/watt) 156
at 700mA
If you crank up the power you get more lumens but the electrical efficacy goes down as does the LEDs lifespan and you generate more heat.
What I'm saying is by concentrating on lm/W you are putting the cart before the horse. It is PAR/PPFD that grows the plants not the lm/W efficiency.
Using more strips at a lower current isn't efficiency, or am I missing something?
yes imo you are, more strips at lower current are more electrically efficient ($$$ on your hydro bill) and you get better coverage/diffusion etc.
Actual peak efficacy on the EB is 168lm/w at 200mA and would output 706 lm, the edit from my post above is for typical.
I can see on my 6 strip build that as I adjust the dimmer from 200mA up through 1400mA I can see the performance curve. At about 50% (700mA) I can visually see the performance / watt and as I adjust further I can see the diminishing returns above the peak. Once I know the peak electrical efficiency of the light I can start to build a plan as to the distribution of the strips and height of fixture.

edit, I am not suggesting that one build this way, just illustrating electrical performance vs lumen output Most people would drive the EB strips in the 700-1000mA range.
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What do you mean by "within the same range?"
In a ScrOG set-up I can use 2 F series in my 4x2 that will use ~ 205W to get a PPFD of 800. Running 5 EB's at 700mA won't get you the 800 but sure, it'll use less power. To get the same PPFD you'd need to increase the current which brings the efficiency down and the Watts would be ~250. More heat and power to achieve the same thing with the EB's.

Come on now mate. Do you even own any of these strips?? or a decent par meter??
more strips at lower current are more electrically efficient
But electrical efficiency doesn't grow weed. If I want to achieve a PPFD of 800 - which is reckoned to be the right level - I can do this with 2 F series using ~200W. To do this with EB series I'd need more strips (5) that would use ~250W. That would produce more heat which means you'd need to use more electricity for your extractor fan. Turn the current down and you'd need even more strips to get that 800.
Surely the question is: What do I need in order to get a PPFD of 800? Not how efficient can my set-up be if I use more strips at a lower current?
700mA I get the most efficient conversion of electricity to light
Yes you do but you get less total output which means you need more strips. It isn't about efficient conversion of electricity to light. It's about achieving a level of PAR/PPFD to grow your cannabis.
I think what Canadian1969 takes umbrage with is the mix-up between Tp, Tc, and Ta.
Ta (temp ambient) refers to the environment
Tp ( temp performance) is the strip temp (Tc) at which performance is spec'd
Tc (temp contact) is measured at the strip on a fucking tiny solder dot in the middle of the strip which you'll go blind trying to hold a temp probe to