The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ur on about mixing the thc with propylene glycol which is a silly idea as thc binds to fat which glycol dont got. Hes on about vaporising the flower like what I do with my volcano,it doesnt burn it so ur left with a tobacco like residue thats been through decarboxylation (pot plants growing have more thca than thc maybe 1% thc if at that).
Now decarboxylation is a chemical process you do every day when u light that joint ur removing the CARBON atom from the chain so COOH turns to ooh and u get high ta fuck so always decarb your flowers before cooking n I recommend coconut butter/oil or high fat butter anything with high fat content is whwre its at. I place my decarboxylated material in a Cheese cloth wrapped well in a slow cooker with about 2 blocks of butter n cook it on its lowerat setting for 18 hours minimum then drain,refrigerator n boom u got super stoner butter oh I throw in a few vanilla pods in the slowcooker just to help the palate


Well-Known Member
Went to pay the lassies a visit.
All is well. Two of them had alot of roots showing so I repotted them and did some light lst. The topping I gave them are making the lower branches thicker which is a good sign.
Has anyone vegged for longer than 6 weeks ?
I usually only vegged for 3 to 4 max but hoping to veg these lassies for 8weeks at least.

Any suggestions to when I should add the 400wt ?
I have a 600wt too but reckon it would be to hot for the tent. Unless I make a homemade glass cover and suck the heat out above it !



Well-Known Member
Ur on about mixing the thc with propylene glycol which is a silly idea as thc binds to fat which glycol dont got. Hes on about vaporising the flower like what I do with my volcano,it doesnt burn it so ur left with a tobacco like residue thats been through decarboxylation (pot plants growing have more thca than thc maybe 1% thc if at that).
Now decarboxylation is a chemical process you do every day when u light that joint ur removing the CARBON atom from the chain so COOH turns to ooh and u get high ta fuck so always decarb your flowers before cooking n I recommend coconut butter/oil or high fat butter anything with high fat content is whwre its at. I place my decarboxylated material in a Cheese cloth wrapped well in a slow cooker with about 2 blocks of butter n cook it on its lowerat setting for 18 hours minimum then drain,refrigerator n boom u got super stoner butter oh I throw in a few vanilla pods in the slowcooker just to help the palate
Savage post Slippers. You should make a thread about that shit man.


Well-Known Member
It's great when the tolerance isn't stoopid high but right now I might as well be smoking air, for all the effect it has. .
Its not the tolerance its the brain expecting the extra (bad) chemicals associated with burning
Takes at least a week before you get used to vapes, if your mixing Tabasco the effect is even worse.


Well-Known Member
Ur on about mixing the thc with propylene glycol
Where did I say that? I don't even know where to get propylene glycol! Dry herb goes into the vapcap, same as the volcano. The buddy uses herb in the volcano, and then adds that to his recipe for cannabutter. I reuse herb from the vapcap in blunts.

I've made cannabutter before so I know the process, but a tip of the hat to your extensive knowledge. ;)

Its not the tolerance its the brain expecting the extra (bad) chemicals associated with burning
Takes at least a week before you get used to vapes, if your mixing Tabasco the effect is even worse.
Interesting to know! And definitely not mixing it with Tabasco, or tobacco for that matter :grin:
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Well-Known Member
Has anyone vegged for longer than 6 weeks ?
I usually only vegged for 3 to 4 max but hoping to veg these lassies for 8weeks at least.
I left a Plemon in veg for 2 months once, and another 2 months for flowering. She turned out only savage!! Stank the house out though, even with a filter. Can't remember the yield but we got some good times outta her! :weed:

@theslipperbandit , ask and you shall receive! I took this pic a few mins after lights on so temps & rh readings aren't accurate. Both tents measure 0.6x0.6x1.4, on the left is a BlackBox for grow and the right is a Mammoth Lite. I'm not too fond of the BlackBox so will be looking to replace it at some stage, as weird as this might sound I prefer the feel of the Mammoth.

Anyhoo - on the left we have 2 RQS Speedy Chile 3 weeks into veg. The grey pot is an experiment using recycled soil and as you can see, it's not going very well but flock it, I was always prepared to lose it. The lady in brown has stalled on her 5th set of leaves for about a week for some reason, conditions are good so I'm still trying to figure out why.

On the right is RQS Special Queen 1 in her second week of flower. There were 2 but one was was a bad seed that never really took so she got pulled. I'm planning to move my Speedy Chile into the flower tent in a week or 2 and will probably ditch the experiment at that point. The next 2 seeds I plan to pop are Royal AK (ak47) and either an OG Kusk or Skunk XL.

Btw, is the rottie your dog or a random pic?



Well-Known Member
That's coz I'm here. :mrgreen:

That explains it, I never got into them. I've known too many people like them, minus the humour - just not able. I'll suss the podcast though!

I got one for the mr for his bday. It's great when the tolerance isn't stoopid high but right now I might as well be smoking air, for all the effect it has. I also love the fact the "used" green can be re-used in blunts. A buddy of mine has a volcano and he uses his spent weed to make cannabutter, mixed with a bit of fresh as well of course.
Shhhit I totally didn't read that right


Well-Known Member
I left a Plemon in veg for 2 months once, and another 2 months for flowering. She turned out only savage!! Stank the house out though, even with a filter. Can't remember the yield but we got some good times outta her! :weed:

@theslipperbandit , ask and you shall receive! I took this pic a few mins after lights on so temps & rh readings aren't accurate. Both tents measure 0.6x0.6x1.4, on the left is a BlackBox for grow and the right is a Mammoth Lite. I'm not too fond of the BlackBox so will be looking to replace it at some stage, as weird as this might sound I prefer the feel of the Mammoth.

Anyhoo - on the left we have 2 RQS Speedy Chile 3 weeks into veg. The grey pot is an experiment using recycled soil and as you can see, it's not going very well but flock it, I was always prepared to lose it. The lady in brown has stalled on her 5th set of leaves for about a week for some reason, conditions are good so I'm still trying to figure out why.

On the right is RQS Special Queen 1 in her second week of flower. There were 2 but one was was a bad seed that never really took so she got pulled. I'm planning to move my Speedy Chile into the flower tent in a week or 2 and will probably ditch the experiment at that point. The next 2 seeds I plan to pop are Royal AK (ak47) and either an OG Kusk or Skunk XL.

Btw, is the rottie your dog or a random pic?
Nice tidy set up there Kit.
Fairplay :eyesmoke:

4 weeks flower and 4 weeks veg ? That's the job. I'm hoping to grow this ladies alot longer I hope.
Have you any experience in scrog ?

I have mine in my shed so no hassle with smell.


Well-Known Member
Why thank you Naes! A compliment indeed. It's not quite finished yet, I'd like to upgrade the extraction fans and go up to 250W eventually, and cool tubes or air hoods but I'm happy for now. I might even go mad and splash out for LED or cobs (c'mon lotto!), take the pressure off worrying about temps.

As I'm only harvesting 2 at a time, and each plant is supposed to last a month (or suffer on bitch! :mrgreen:) I'll be doing 2 months veg and 2 months flower from my next grow on, which I'll be starting once I move the Chile to the flower tent, (xmas stash). I'm quite giddy about starting the AK47, I tried it once before in my wilder days (with a little sniff sniff on the side ;)) and I got into a ferocious case of the giggles - so much so that the people in the apartment downstairs rang to tell me shut the fuck up! :lol::lol::lol: It was about 4am so can't really blame them. It is the only strain that had that effect on me so I want my AK to be as glorious as possible.

I have a scrog net in the flower tent but this is only my second grow with it so it's still a work in progress. Forever learning, but I can't wait for the day I have a full, lush canopy smiling back at me.

Having a shed would be the business alright but not where I live, my garden is quite exposed. Must be nice to not have to worry about smell. My MIL caught whiff of the Plemon :shock: She told me she was very worried - that's right up there with "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed." C'moooooooooon!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Went to pay the lassies a visit.
All is well. Two of them had alot of roots showing so I repotted them and did some light lst. The topping I gave them are making the lower branches thicker which is a good sign.
Has anyone vegged for longer than 6 weeks ?
I usually only vegged for 3 to 4 max but hoping to veg these lassies for 8weeks at least.

Any suggestions to when I should add the 400wt ?
I have a 600wt too but reckon it would be to hot for the tent. Unless I make a homemade glass cover and suck the heat out above it !
Was that picture taken last night? Not much growth in fairness


Well-Known Member
Was that picture taken last night? Not much growth in fairness
Ya taken last night. They have only been vegging for 3 weeks so far I think.
The storm knocked the power out for a week so they are all over the shop!
2 weeks of light in 3 to 4 weeks.

Edit. I just re read old posts. I actually planted them at the end of Sept ! Fuck me they are slow :(
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Well-Known Member
Ya taken last night. They have only been vegging for 3 weeks so far I think.
The storm knocked the power out for a week so they are all over the shop!
2 weeks of light in 3 to 4 weeks.

Edit. I just re read old posts. I actually planted them at the end of Sept ! Fuck me they are slow :(
Care to explain this so?Screenshot_20171103-092519.png


Well-Known Member
Whats up with that man ^^^?

Great to see a women on the thread !!
What sort of yield do ya pull mrs kitty ?