I'm suspicious of why you'd need to register to watch that. Sounds scammy somewhat. I would like to watch it but feel they have ulterior motives behind this. Am I wrong anyone?
someone always has to have their way I guess...
everyone wants to be THE HERO I guess...

who cares..

it;ll get posted for free no registration..after its out.
maybe they just wanna know how many are interested or how their video was taken...

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Step #3: Watch Episode 1
It’s critical that you watch Episode 1 as soon as possible because within the first 15 minutes it reveals what The Sacred Plant is and why it’s been hidden from us for so long.

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Your Host and Advocate
The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed
This is like infomercial level hyperbolic for the Martha stewart house wife’s. It’s like gonna a QVC product line lol.
its sad they want people to buy the video..:roll:
always an angle in the wrong direction...
BUTT and this is one hellofa BUTT...

this shit saved my ass..literally! ;)
Theres always someone who feels they should make it rich off of free info....:roll:


end of story!
Look into it.
Theres always someone who feels they should make it rich off of free info....:roll:


end of story!
Look into it.
The run from the cure video has been on YouTube for years. It's free. It's all I ever needed to be convinced. We started grandma too late, didn't save her but improved her quality of life for her last months. It worked for my younger cousin.
if you had watched her from day one..there were many times where youd think...she was going to die.
.but life throws curves at you and she has hit each ball as it came her way and she talks about it the entire time...
we fall back in our ways...specially when things are going well. You see how this plays over again through the fours plus years of her fight.

From someone that was told they would be dead in months... She looks pretty damn healthy to me.
Far better than any chemo/radiation treatments!!!.
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