Kelly: Mueller Investigation Distracting President Trump

Republicunts really showing what spineless bastards they are... my respect was low to begin with, its lower now. They will not stop him from anything, they have been broken by the trumpsters tweets... They have knelt and kissed the ring, all of em, save maybe but only maybe McCain and Flake.

Our republic is in grave danger till they become the minority party... Currently elected Republicans are a real threat to our democracy. I dont say this because Im a liberal, i beleive we need funtioning parties of both persuasions, but this entire gang is bat shit crazy and spineless, and with no principles besides obedience to the American Oligarchs.

This is not the historical Republican party! WTF would Ike think of this trainwreck?
Republicunts really showing what spineless bastards they are... my respect was low to begin with, its lower now. They will not stop him from anything, they have been broken by the trumpsters tweets... They have knelt and kissed the ring, all of em, save maybe but only maybe McCain and Flake.

Our republic is in grave danger till they become the minority party... Currently elected Republicans are a real threat to our democracy. I dont say this because Im a liberal, i beleive we need funtioning parties of both persuasions, but this entire gang is bat shit crazy and spineless, and with no principles besides obedience to the American Oligarchs.

This is not the historical Republican party! WTF would Ike think of this trainwreck?
What do you think of supposed leftists that helped usher in Trump thru their constant attacks on the democrats nominee last year?
I dont think it was positive.. but i dont think it was the major issue. But at same time as tight as it was any Bernie supporter who didnt throw all of his enthusiasm for Bernie behind Clinton was no true Bernie suporter. I think the damned emails where the biggest thing, as stupid as that was it had ppl worked right up. I follow sit pretty close im not sure i can recall any content from them, made no sense to me that whatever was in them was worse tban this narcasistic sex pereditor. Im bothered deeply at the naivety of the masses. The masses have no critical thinking skills, none.

But speaking for the statistical large majority of supporters of Bernie in the Primary we lined up behind Clinton. I ordered my Clinton sign within a week of the official nomination, and sent what meager donation i could afford. I wanted my name firmly behind her. Im proud to have supported both. Yes there was an group of Bernie supporters that went off the rails for write ins or dear god some went trump, thats fucking stupid. They are no more a true supporter of Bernie than a Clinton supporter in primary switching to trump had Clinton lost the primary...

Im an idealist and pragmatist. Yes i would like a lot less corporate money flowing into politics as a whole and especially our side... But if dems as a whole aren't there yet, by god id rather have a Corey Booker, who iv heard gets lots of corp money for a dem, with my country's fate in his hands than a republicunt of any variety. And i like Booker btw, just using him as example of a dem that takes large amounts of corp sums.. i think a Booker would be all for money out of politics if it was out for both parties, hes being a pragmatist doing what he feels he needs to do to be there fighting the good fight.. So yes i want to see the party move slightly left but there are no purity tests with me, thats not wise. A "corporate democrat" has one hell of a lot more heart and good intentions than anyone of those maga minions.

Idk if that makes sense, may need heavy editing in the morning

I tbin
I dont think it was positive.. but i dont think it was the major issue. But at same time as tight as it was any Bernie supporter who didnt throw all of his enthusiasm for Bernie behind Clinton was no true Bernie suporter. I think the damned emails where the biggest thing, as stupid as that was it had ppl worked right up. I follow sit pretty close im not sure i can recall any content from them, made no sense to me that whatever was in them was worse tban this narcasistic sex pereditor. Im bothered deeply at the naivety of the masses. The masses have no critical thinking skills, none.

But speaking for the statistical large majority of supporters of Bernie in the Primary we lined up behind Clinton. I ordered my Clinton sign within a week of the official nomination, and sent what meager donation i could afford. I wanted my name firmly behind her. Im proud to have supported both. Yes there was an group of Bernie supporters that went off the rails for write ins or dear god some went trump, thats fucking stupid. They are no more a true supporter of Bernie than a Clinton supporter in primary switching to trump had Clinton lost the primary...

Im an idealist and pragmatist. Yes i would like a lot less corporate money flowing into politics as a whole and especially our side... But if dems as a whole aren't there yet, by god id rather have a Corey Booker, who iv heard gets lots of corp money for a dem, with my country's fate in his hands than a republicunt of any variety. And i like Booker btw, just using him as example of a dem that takes large amounts of corp sums.. i think a Booker would be all for money out of politics if it was out for both parties, hes being a pragmatist doing what he feels he needs to do to be there fighting the good fight.. So yes i want to see the party move slightly left but there are no purity tests with me, thats not wise. A "corporate democrat" has one hell of a lot more heart and good intentions than anyone of those maga minions.

Idk if that makes sense, may need heavy editing in the morning

I tbin
Finally. A sensible person who supported Sanders in this forum
Wow it came out a coherent thought. I was one toke over the line when I wrote it.

Donna Brazil’s stuff today, though bothersome cannot take our eyes off the task at hand removal from office for trump via impeachment, the 25th, or 2020.., we gain nothing rearguing 2016, if shady shit happened let’s just work together to make sure 2020 primary is unquestionably fair. If Bernie ppl win the argument on this Trumps still POTUS, if Clinton folks win the argument trumps still POTUS...

Iv said before and will say again: if we could ally with Stalin to defeat Hitler than certainly the camps in the Democratic Party can ally to defeat trump.

No matter if Bernie ppl took things too far or the DNC was unfair in primary the hand of cards is dealt- we gotta play em now and we must win. If our republics shrinks into autocracy none of these squabbles between left and further left matter at all.
Donna Braziile has been a clinton hater since obama first ran. You can't take anything she says objectively. It's kind of like expecting to hear anything positive about clinton from cokie roberts.
I dont think it was positive.. but i dont think it was the major issue. But at same time as tight as it was any Bernie supporter who didnt throw all of his enthusiasm for Bernie behind Clinton was no true Bernie suporter. I think the damned emails where the biggest thing, as stupid as that was it had ppl worked right up. I follow sit pretty close im not sure i can recall any content from them, made no sense to me that whatever was in them was worse tban this narcasistic sex pereditor. Im bothered deeply at the naivety of the masses. The masses have no critical thinking skills, none.

But speaking for the statistical large majority of supporters of Bernie in the Primary we lined up behind Clinton. I ordered my Clinton sign within a week of the official nomination, and sent what meager donation i could afford. I wanted my name firmly behind her. Im proud to have supported both. Yes there was an group of Bernie supporters that went off the rails for write ins or dear god some went trump, thats fucking stupid. They are no more a true supporter of Bernie than a Clinton supporter in primary switching to trump had Clinton lost the primary...

Im an idealist and pragmatist. Yes i would like a lot less corporate money flowing into politics as a whole and especially our side... But if dems as a whole aren't there yet, by god id rather have a Corey Booker, who iv heard gets lots of corp money for a dem, with my country's fate in his hands than a republicunt of any variety. And i like Booker btw, just using him as example of a dem that takes large amounts of corp sums.. i think a Booker would be all for money out of politics if it was out for both parties, hes being a pragmatist doing what he feels he needs to do to be there fighting the good fight.. So yes i want to see the party move slightly left but there are no purity tests with me, thats not wise. A "corporate democrat" has one hell of a lot more heart and good intentions than anyone of those maga minions.

Idk if that makes sense, may need heavy editing in the morning

I tbin
Made much sense. Thanks
I dont think it was positive.. but i dont think it was the major issue. But at same time as tight as it was any Bernie supporter who didnt throw all of his enthusiasm for Bernie behind Clinton was no true Bernie suporter. I think the damned emails where the biggest thing, as stupid as that was it had ppl worked right up. I follow sit pretty close im not sure i can recall any content from them, made no sense to me that whatever was in them was worse tban this narcasistic sex pereditor. Im bothered deeply at the naivety of the masses. The masses have no critical thinking skills, none.

But speaking for the statistical large majority of supporters of Bernie in the Primary we lined up behind Clinton. I ordered my Clinton sign within a week of the official nomination, and sent what meager donation i could afford. I wanted my name firmly behind her. Im proud to have supported both. Yes there was an group of Bernie supporters that went off the rails for write ins or dear god some went trump, thats fucking stupid. They are no more a true supporter of Bernie than a Clinton supporter in primary switching to trump had Clinton lost the primary...

Im an idealist and pragmatist. Yes i would like a lot less corporate money flowing into politics as a whole and especially our side... But if dems as a whole aren't there yet, by god id rather have a Corey Booker, who iv heard gets lots of corp money for a dem, with my country's fate in his hands than a republicunt of any variety. And i like Booker btw, just using him as example of a dem that takes large amounts of corp sums.. i think a Booker would be all for money out of politics if it was out for both parties, hes being a pragmatist doing what he feels he needs to do to be there fighting the good fight.. So yes i want to see the party move slightly left but there are no purity tests with me, thats not wise. A "corporate democrat" has one hell of a lot more heart and good intentions than anyone of those maga minions.

Idk if that makes sense, may need heavy editing in the morning

I tbin

it would be nice it that were true.
it would be nice it that were true.

I'd choose booker anyday over Roy Moore or even Corker or even Collins. Any day no question. My beleifs are as far left as any of Bernies- but I don't want us Bernie folks to be the tea party of the left. The tea party brought a lot of enthusiasm to the GOP, but now have torn the party to shreds, and Trump is now a third force within their party, to where they can do nothing even controlling all branches of government... We can't afford that.

We can pull the party to the left, but we can't pull so hard so fast we rip the party itself...
I'd choose booker anyday over Roy Moore or even Corker or even Collins. Any day no question. My beleifs are as far left as any of Bernies- but I don't want us Bernie folks to be the tea party of the left. The tea party brought a lot of enthusiasm to the GOP, but now have torn the party to shreds, and Trump is now a third force within their party, to where they can do nothing even controlling all branches of government... We can't afford that.

We can pull the party to the left, but we can't pull so hard so fast we rip the party itself...
Booker has his own skeletons that turn people off. Being from SE New Jersey, he's quite naturally as the Senator from there quite cozy with Wall Street. He voted recently against people being able to import pharmaceuticals from Canada where the same prescription costs half what it does in the US. He quite vociferously opposed the weak Wall Street regulations written after 2008 not because they were too weak but because they did anything at all.

I'm not saying Booker is not going to end up being my choice, he says and does some good things. I'm just saying he has some big and ugly warts.

For myself, I'm just keeping track of them and waiting to hear the debates in 2019.
I'd choose booker anyday over Roy Moore or even Corker or even Collins. Any day no question. My beleifs are as far left as any of Bernies- but I don't want us Bernie folks to be the tea party of the left. The tea party brought a lot of enthusiasm to the GOP, but now have torn the party to shreds, and Trump is now a third force within their party, to where they can do nothing even controlling all branches of government... We can't afford that.

We can pull the party to the left, but we can't pull so hard so fast we rip the party itself...

do you really think the establishment is going to give up their gravy train without a fight?

sadly, it is not up to you to tell us what we can afford.

the dems are DEAD..the gop is nearly there..what was done to Sanders during the contest only confirms what has been suspect since the word 'political' is negative association.

it's going to be what its going to be..when Clinton decided to cheat, she also set in motion changing the course of history..there's no undoing of this now.
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Booker has his own skeletons that turn people off. Being from SE New Jersey, he's quite naturally as the Senator from there quite cozy with Wall Street. He voted recently against people being able to import pharmaceuticals from Canada where the same prescription costs half what it does in the US. He quite vociferously opposed the weak Wall Street regulations written after 2008 not because they were too weak but because they did anything at all.

I'm not saying Booker is not going to end up being my choice, he says and does some good things. I'm just saying he has some big and ugly warts.

For myself, I'm just keeping track of them and waiting to hear the debates in 2019.

he sure does..what was that you were saying about fresh young blood?

before anyone sells themselves on that idea..take a gander at donor list.