My first grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. I ran into a few problems but quickly corrected them. I'm growing in fox farm soil 3 gal pots. Using emerald harvest nutes. 3×3 tent with a 400 watt hps with exhaust. All tips are welcomed. What do you guys think? Using the scrog method. I've also topped and supercropped. I'm also at 4 weeks in flower right now. #OGKush



Well-Known Member
Sounds nice. Do you believe that it's better than mh and hps? Mind sharing a pic? I'm still in a tent for now.
no can't say it's better, they both led and hid(hps or mh) have their pros and cons. Depends on what works best for the environment and grower. Lots of factors, I had my 400 hps in a 4x4 tent for years. Leds can be very expensive to start out with.


Well-Known Member
no can't say it's better, they both led and hid(hps or mh) have their pros and cons. Depends on what works best for the environment and grower. Lots of factors, I had my 400 hps in a 4x4 tent for years. Leds can be very expensive to start out with.
I can't lie your setup looks damn good man. Makes me wanna step my game up lol. Have to use this tent for now. At least two years until I buy a house.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, hopefully this round pays off, my first grow with the new room. Stoked for sure. Tents work great for me. Blew up my 4x4 for years without the landlord ever knowing haha