Strawberry Cough (Quantum Board LED / Organic Living Soil)


Well-Known Member
5 feminized Strawberry Cough seeds from Dutch Passion.
15 gallon fabric pots in a 4x4 tent.
Clackamas Coot soil recipe ingredients from Buildasoil.
I've also added Gro Kashi into the soil.
Transplanted into these pots from solo cups on Nov. 1st.
Seeds popped up from soil on Oct. 17th, which makes them 19 days old today.
These pots are topped dressed with 1 inch of bagged EWC and mulched with straw.
I could only fit 4 pots in here so I transplanted 2 seedlings into 1 pot.
Pots are sitting on a square container of 4 inches of perlite.
I fill this perlite container with 3 inches of water for a SIP effect.

Light: HLG quantum board kits; 320 watts; 3000k spectrum.
I have 2 of these (640 watts total) hanging but only using 1 for now.
Temp & humidity with lights on: 78-83F / 60-75% RH
Temp & humidity with lights off: 76-79F / 40-55% RH
My humidifier turns on when lights turn on and turns off when lights go off.
Light cycle: 18/6
16" oscillating fan creates plenty of air movement.
Water source: RO filter
Contemplating on ditching the RO and just using tap water left out for 24hrs, thoughts?






Here, I can see some mycelium growing in the top layer of EWC, which is good, right?
I think the Gro Kashi is responsible for this.
I've also sprayed some EM1 water on them and the soil as well.

This is one of the 2 seedlings that are in the same pot. The new growth on this one seems a bit yellow. It can't be nitrogen deficiency already? Any idea?

I have a worm bin on the way and some red wigglers as well. My future EWC should be way better quality than store bought bagged ones. Once the worms arrive, I will let a few loose into each pot. I've also planted cilantro and chamomile seeds during transplant but then I did the top dress layer of EWC and straw so I don't know if they will sprout thru. I'm gonna order the cover crop mix from BAS and try that, too. I've read chamomile flowers causes neighbor plants to increase resin production. Cilantro deters pests.

Today 11/05:
I lightly watered the seedlings with SLF 100.

Welcome to the show. Any inputs are 100% welcomed and appreciated.
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My water recipes so far will consist of:

1) Organic store bought coconut water: 1/4 cup per gallon
2) Raw fresh aloe vera flesh: 1/4 cup per gallon
3) BioAG Ful-power: 20ml per gallon
4) EM1 and Activated EM1: 1oz per gallon
5) SLF 100: 5ml per gallon

Numbers 3, 4, and 5 are to be used only once a week. But with my perlite SIP system, I won't need to water them that often... maybe once every 3-5 days. So, options 3-5 will be more like once every 2 weeks.
Subbed brother, this looks like fun goodluck, some healthy living soil you got there. I also use aloe Vera flesh , how does the coconut water help exactly? curious about it, I’ve read about it before but while back some what hazy.
Subbed brother, this looks like fun goodluck, some healthy living soil you got there. I also use aloe Vera flesh , how does the coconut water help exactly? curious about it, I’ve read about it before but while back some what hazy.

I'm not exactly too sure on all the benefits but I know it's really good lol. Full of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals?
Keep the RO , if u amended with cal sources ur fine
I use RO with Coot's mix , I only use corn sst , I do top dress twice .
Did u use stone flours ? Try Rock dust local for rock flours
Seems like alot for a bag but it will last awhile ,the fine grd basalt, st George black clay , granite flour ,,I get the combo st g blk , basalt fines , the humic basalt is good as well
Did u use stone flours ? Try Rock dust local for rock flours
Seems like alot for a bag but it will last awhile ,the fine grd basalt, st George black clay , granite flour ,,I get the combo st g blk , basalt fines , the humic basalt is good as well
What is the corn sst exactly? Never heard of it
Sprouted corn that is grd up in blender ,till liquid .Coots uses barley
I like corn due to a higher enzymes,
Enzymes help break down starches of yer admendments into sugars
Sprouted corn that is grd up in blender ,till liquid .Coots uses barley
I like corn due to a higher enzymes,
Enzymes help break down starches of yer admendments into sugars
Sweet thanks brother just watch some vids never knew about this. Will start adding this to my teas. Right on brother!
It seems like the one on the right is getting more yellow today.


Here's an update shot

And when should I top? Is this considered 3 or 4 nodes?
4 , 5 then I just consider the robustness ,if they look weak I wait

Any thoughts on the yellowing? It seems to be getting worse by the hours. I don't understand how it can be nitrogen def when it's brand new soil and the other plant is green.
Any thoughts on the yellowing? It seems to be getting worse by the hours. I don't understand how it can be nitrogen def when it's brand new soil and the other plant is green.
As the others r doing well nothing ,some just don't thrive ,u can't do anything as the others r doing so well
And the yellowing continues.
I added some trim from another plant around its base to maybe hopefully add nitrogen if that may be the issue lol.

Nice I'll be watching this. I have a similar setup using the whole no till kit from BAS on a single auto flower in a 2x2. I have a few photoperiod seedlings going which will also get the same treatment just in a 4x4 under either 600w or 1000w temps permitting.

Should be an interesting learning experience. I'm having some issues starting seeds out in their 3.0 mix but I think it's my environment.