Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
What size pots are you using for the Snowryders?
I would use at least 2 gallon, 3-4 gallon on the AK47-LR#2.


Well-Known Member
What size pots are you using for the Snowryders?
I would use at least 2 gallon, 3-4 gallon on the AK47-LR#2.

For the snowryder im useing 6 inch pots like it said to use on dope-seeds.com for Yield is Avarage (15g - 25g under floros per 6" pot) and the plants stay short (12" - 14"). Thats what im doing for the snowryders on my first grow my next grow ill get bigger pots 2-3 gallon pots thats another thing i need to get is those pots from HTG.


Well-Known Member
I am using all 3 gallon on my diesels. And i have 1 female snowryder in a 3 gallon and 1 in a 2 Gallon i want to see the difference.


Well-Known Member
Day 48 i think ??

Every thing is looking great.:weed: Snowryders are getting bigger.



Well-Known Member
Holy shit man those are snowryders?! I thought those were non-auto strains! Those are looking sweet man, what's your secret?


Well-Known Member
So i decided to pull a nug off, a small one just enough for a bowl. It is my best looking plant but not the best nug by far. From A Diesel Ryder. Quick Dried it over a light bulb with foil. Took about a hour to dry. I just took a good size rip and it made me cough so hard i started sweating. Not the harsh coughing, was the oh shit my lungs are gonna expand through my chest kind. Then bam instant head rush, now really stoned the talkative/energetic high. Which is kinda not good cause i need to go to sleep. Holy shit im ripped! For pulling a tiny bud early I am super happy, I give it a 8 out of 10. Only reason i give it that is because the green taste i got from it. Bud was really dry and stem was not.

I started flushing my 2 smallest, but most developed plants i want to give them a few weeks. I am using 5ml of Molasses per gallon of water during flush. I really like the sweet taste you get from the Molasses. Last couple days of flush will be straight water. Also thinking about trying the 24-48 no light before harvest thing, on one of them and compare.

Sorry Talking your ears off!!! I am really baked now 2 hit into the diesel ryder fuck. :bigjoint: :wall: :bigjoint: