Super Strong Cannabutter Recipe?

why not heat in the butter to 252 for the 30 minutes and be done? would that not be as efficient as 230 for 90 min? that chart only goes to 51 minutes so it seems lower than 230 would work for 90 minutes...
that chart is based on a hexane extract also keep that in mind...

keep it in mind, but realize that the research has been done and that's not a big enough variable to make a huge difference, the graph is still useable.

and based on the test results of my capsules, I followed the 250 curve to a T, and it was exactly right, I had pretty much 100% activation (the test couldn't find any THCa....) or CBN... so idk, I follow what works, and this has proven itself to me to work.
how do you decarb?

I follow skunkpharm research's decarboxylization guide, but I do it in an oven at 250 degrees using a laser thermometer to know precisely when to start the timer when the oil hits 250F.

here's a digital copy of my lab results for the coconut oil capsules
nice! i was curious if you decarbed in the butter or in the oven.those caps look good!

I decarbed IN the oil... you can do it using an oil bath at 250, or an oven at 250, or whatever other vessel you can think of to translate 250F efficiently (a hot plate perhaps...)
Not sure on the answer to your question but there is a limit to the amount of THC the butter will absorb, absorption slows as the butter becomes more saturated so you waste more and more the stronger you make your butter.

You could try a recipie that uses more butter per serving to increase the strength of the final product, but you've probably thought of that ;)
Hi, what do you think of 3/4 oz frosty bud to 1 lb butter? Thanks.
Whats overloading the butter ?

I dont see how thats possible,i just made butter using an ounce of hash in the 1st batch & 50 grams hash in the 2nd batch,both pounds of butter broke down the hash to oil form where it blended in with the butter.

I dont think its possible to overload butter with thc.

Of course its possible, that's very basic chemistry. Overloaded refers to saturated. Any solvent (in this case, fat) has a limit to how much of a solute (in this case THC/CBD/etc.) it can dissolve before it becomes saturated. When a solvent is saturated it cannot dissolve any more solute. You can try to “supersaturate” a solution but the excess solute will precipitate out. In this case, that might not be such a bad thing as it would still be present, just separated.
Is it possible to double the potency of cannabutter by this simple method? First make sure you maximize your cannabis yield using the crock pot method.

- maximize the amount of finely ground cannabis
- use less better / to cannabis for a more potent result

But here's my question. Why not repeat the process, using cannabutter instead of regular butter in another crock pot session? Has anyone tried this?

Because butter is only about 80% fat and nearly 20% water, each time you cook the butter you are reducing its water content. Because the solubility of THC & CBD is very low in water compared to fat, you are in effect increasing potency by reducing water volume alone. 100Ml of butter that is 80% (80ml) fat might absorb around 8 grams of pure THC based on some rough approximations, but the same 100Ml if 100% fat could absorb approximately 10 grams of pure THC.

While I believe the solubility of THC is higher in fat than alcohol (someone may be able to correct me on this), I like to add a tbsp of rum or whiskey to my butter, mostly because it adds a whole new layer of taste to baked edibles. It may or may not increase potency, but I don't believe it does.
Of course its possible, that's very basic chemistry. Overloaded refers to saturated. Any solvent (in this case, fat) has a limit to how much of a solute (in this case THC/CBD/etc.) it can dissolve before it becomes saturated. When a solvent is saturated it cannot dissolve any more solute. You can try to “supersaturate” a solution but the excess solute will precipitate out. In this case, that might not be such a bad thing as it would still be present, just separated.
Great link! I've been really curious about max sat. I'd hate to saturated beyond its capacity.
I use 1lb unsalted butter to 3/4 oz. of bud. Most butter makers recommend 1lb to 1oz. What is your preference?
Because butter is only about 80% fat and nearly 20% water, each time you cook the butter you are reducing its water content. Because the solubility of THC & CBD is very low in water compared to fat, you are in effect increasing potency by reducing water volume alone. 100Ml of butter that is 80% (80ml) fat might absorb around 8 grams of pure THC based on some rough approximations, but the same 100Ml if 100% fat could absorb approximately 10 grams of pure THC.

While I believe the solubility of THC is higher in fat than alcohol (someone may be able to correct me on this), I like to add a tbsp of rum or whiskey to my butter, mostly because it adds a whole new layer of taste to baked edibles. It may or may not increase potency, but I don't believe it does.
Rum or whiskey, that's a good idea. Maybe a little Kahlua?
Because butter is only about 80% fat and nearly 20% water, each time you cook the butter you are reducing its water content. Because the solubility of THC & CBD is very low in water compared to fat, you are in effect increasing potency by reducing water volume alone. 100Ml of butter that is 80% (80ml) fat might absorb around 8 grams of pure THC based on some rough approximations, but the same 100Ml if 100% fat could absorb approximately 10 grams of pure THC.

While I believe the solubility of THC is higher in fat than alcohol (someone may be able to correct me on this), I like to add a tbsp of rum or whiskey to my butter, mostly because it adds a whole new layer of taste to baked edibles. It may or may not increase potency, but I don't believe it does.
Is this why we clarify it first? To get rid of water content you have to boil it correct? But we're not supposed to boil it right?
That's a big extra step. Just go straight into the butter with the D carb, simmer then strain.

Or like I do, put the ground Decarb in simmering water, then add butter and then strain flushing lump with hot water. Cool / separate.

I'm noticing that a lot of people don't boil in water first, I thought that was an necessary step?
That's a big extra step. Just go straight into the butter with the D carb, simmer then strain.

Or like I do, put the ground Decarb in simmering water, then add butter and then strain flushing lump with hot water. Cool / separate.

I'm noticing that a lot of people don't boil in water first, I thought that was an necessary step?
I just have this silly idea that it tastes cleaner. plus straining butter with a coffee filter takes a lot of time. then again, cheese cloth works too lol