What's in store for California in 2018?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering... Will people be able to buy clones and meds in Cali without a doctors rec in 2018?

I'm hoping that we can just go to a nice store in a decent city and be able to buy products and clones without all the semi-legal and shadiness of the current marketplace..
the worst...IMO is Trump rescinds the weed laws that gets sucked into this opined crisis

at best serious medical discoveries over thc trics can cure most cancers ....we hope!
San Diego wants to mandate that licensed dispensaries provide a 24 hour a day business representative for community relations. Just in case someone has a concern at 3am.

WTF is that nonsense?

Goddamn shit ass conservative government in San Diego.

And the people that want that law go home and drink martinis util they are passed out each night..
I'd be happy if I could just go to a store in an area where I don't risk getting shot. :)

lol where are you going?

TBH; I don't think they care about the cannabis, they just want to find ways to get paid by adding stupid red tape.

there should just be a north and south cali. because its like night and day once you get more north of LA.

in san fran, its sidewalk cafes with bright green neon signs. the operators are happy and helpful. the hydro stores speak openly about cannabis. the courts are better acclimated for the unclear laws.

in the south, its unmarked buildings, asshole operators constantly moving their store front. cops still write tickets, a $30 buck dismissal fee is still income. hydro stores still don't openly condone the use of their products for cannabis. courts still operate very harshly, unless you have money for a good legal team.

there are basic working models in WA, CO, OG but CA wants two sets of laws, one for the north and one in the south. its like they don't talk to each other; they are very much different states, not just in cannabis laws either.
the only thing that happens on jan 2018 is they open up to take applications. NO place will be approved to sell anything until it passes all county, local and state qualifications. There isn't any in place yet, no state approved growers,transporters,lab testing,dispensary. NONE have approval. yes they will "rush" some to the front, but there will be battles for position in each area. Will be a long time before you can just walk in without a rec,
Sessions is already on the hunt. He wants free ability to enforce Federal Cannabis drug laws in "legal" states. This is well reported.

Your in a "legal" state. DUCK might be a good idea!

Many friends in CO are already watching closely. You should watch the FED too. Be glad for what you have and don't make an issue for more. Might be sound advise!
Yea, in SOCAL it's shady business as usual.. All I want is to buy some clones without having to sit in some filthy ass medical office and fake back pain... Pretty much all of the dispensaries have been closed down around me. The few that are open are ok, but still quite a drive..

Yea, sessions looks like an old ghoul.. If people want to smoke weed then they should be allowed to. I know, it's the same argument that's been going on for many years..

Maybe I need a trip to NorCal..
Has anyone from cali heard any updates on the city of Nipton? They are supposedly turning it into a weed town but last I heard they were still in the early stages of reconstruction. Id love to visit once its finished and legalized!
I hope Cali does a few things right since I'm 20-30 minutes from S. Lake and NV legal weed isn't very hot. High prices shitty smoke and in Carson there'a a moratorium on legal sales. Gotta go to Reno and bend over if your crop isn't in yet. I'm legal with home grow for now but hard telling where the new rec store will open up. If I can't grow I'd rather smoke cali weed.
I hope Cali does a few things right since I'm 20-30 minutes from S. Lake and NV legal weed isn't very hot. High prices shitty smoke and in Carson there'a a moratorium on legal sales. Gotta go to Reno and bend over if your crop isn't in yet. I'm legal with home grow for now but hard telling where the new rec store will open up. If I can't grow I'd rather smoke cali weed.
They are so fucking slow with the process. There is a moratorium in my hometown in florida as well. We already voted to legalize it, wtf are they waiting for??
They are so fucking slow with the process. There is a moratorium in my hometown in florida as well. We already voted to legalize it, wtf are they waiting for??

Only time I need to buy "legal" weed is when my crop is too slow or I give too much away lol. Other than that it's nice to know you're growing legal and you don't need to buy at black market prices. Even if I wasn't legal I'd have an affirmative defense for medical. The thing that speeds up legalization is the greed for the tax money.
Only time I need to buy "legal" weed is when my crop is too slow or I give too much away lol. Other than that it's nice to know you're growing legal and you don't need to buy at black market prices. Even if I wasn't legal I'd have an affirmative defense for medical. The thing that speeds up legalization is the greed for the tax money.
I completely understand what youre saying. Unfortunately for me, I have a public service job and get drug tested, so until its legal I can only smoke every once in awhile. I'm hoping they realize the money they could be making and hurry up with the process
well big things have happen around here. new licensing starts jan 1st. they closed down just about everywhere. and not just closed down, but in some cases built obstructions or used fence.

whats funny is every one got so used to using them, there is lots or dry areas right now, people are like WTF?? they haven't talked to a black market dealer in years; one knows where to go..

SD already set and opening total of 16 /then-32sites, now at first it was gonna be first come; now though I'm hearing rumors of an auction??? has anyone heard of a licensing auction before??? I'm going to be getting some more info, Thursday we are sitting down with our lawyers. since we got a operations referendum letter from our city; we will act under advisement and might have to halt stuff, even though we don't have anything to do store fronts.

meanwhile you remember that "Guy" you used to go see, with all the aquariums, the live in girlfriend on the sofa. the uncomfortable small talk, because you have to stay for at least 30 minutes before you could leave. yeah call him again...
Writing on wall a year and half ago in California, regulate, regulate, and then regulate some more, oh yeah then tax the crap out of everything, kinda the liberal model of government. Only solution was to start growing my own medical plants. F the regulators, guess that is like the "guy".
Oh yeah, seven plants in legal medical marijuana grow, two recs at this house and I pay my taxes.
Legal by state law, but probably a problem with my county, city and homeowners regulatory authority, I at 65 will probably always be a regulatory criminal.
So many rules and regulations in California that I am sure enforcement is unfair and focused.
The fed can't close Colorado down.
It is already too big, too much money.

I think the worry with Cali is...They will tax it too much and it will be easier/cheaper to stay black or gray market.
Writing on wall a year and half ago in California, regulate, regulate, and then regulate some more, oh yeah then tax the crap out of everything, kinda the liberal model of government. Only solution was to start growing my own medical plants. F the regulators, guess that is like the "guy".

you should see the bin of paper work I saw today. they want to tax: the grower per oz/or per SF then tax the distributor, and then the consumer. growers will have to pay for their own inspections/testing which can be done at anytime, or as many times as the county wants.

my brain is just screaming fuck!! this such a massive money grab. there is no other industry not even oil that is bent over this much.

permits, are now cancelable at any time for any reason. no refunds, and you pay to reapply. even alcohol lets you reinstate your status w/o charging if the fines and codes/violations are corrected. just he reinstatement fees 25k is better then 135k.

ADD: and you can end up on a ban list too.

to make things worse every county can draw up their own tax/licensing plans. if any: Chula Vista is doing the outright ban on all sales and cultivation, thanks councilman diaz.

this rec launch is gonna be worse then the medical stumble the last ten years. I hear medical cards are going to triple in price as well, just a rumor though.

why do all this, why not just make SoCal illegal fuck it, honestly its better off, lots of good people are going to loose a lot of money. and I have a feeling most of the legal outlets are going to have registration of some sort.

I couldnt make heads or tails of some of the double-print I was trying to read.; it should be all up on the CA.GOV web site Monday morning.

you guys take a crack at it.
Quit your bitchin, you wanted to 'free da weed......!'

Got what you deserved bunch of hypocritical sellouts......