Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Nice attempt at a smear, but more news outlets are better for Democracy, as proven throughout history.

But you don't really care about democracy; you only care that your establishment shills win. If you're fighting against the truth you're on the wrong team, Buck.

how is it a smear when you used the exact same euphemism for your alternate reality?
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Donald Trump Sealed Indictment Started With Eric Schneiderman

We have New York State Attorney Eric Schneiderman to thank for the genesis of the sealed indictment against Donald Trump currently being held in the Eastern District of Virginia, which has formed the basis of the case of impeachment already begun against him. This is how that happened:

AG Schneiderman began a case of Enterprise Corruption, the state name for RICO, against Donald Trump. The case was based on the activities of Russian mobsters like Semion Moglievich who lived in Trump Tower, Russian oligarchs, and others.

Upon his own judgement and belief, Scheiderman decided that his case touched both Federal issues, and issues of National Security. He took his case to the Federal authorities. While the appropriate Federal District can often be location-based, if a federal case is to start on the same factual basis, the court chosen can also be based on subject matter. Because National Security is involved, Schneiderman brought his case to FISC to be heard.

FISC does not empanel Grand Juries. Per procedure, Schneiderman dismissed his case, which as a state AG he can do without a judge’s ruling; he had the right to dispose of it. The case was then restarted Federal Court on the facts offered by Schneiderman, as a RICO case. FISC provided evidence under seal to a Grand Jury, drawn from the Eastern District of Virginia, who read the evidence in a SCIF, a secure facility in the building sealed away from the public.

Sources report FISC retained some jurisdiction over this case, although jurors were empaneled from EDVA. Separate sources report this: it was unclear to me if the FISC power over the case was solely related to sealing the matter, or if perhaps there was more evidence heard at FISC than was shared with the Grand Jury. But that ‘some jurisdiction’ was retained was told me by several sources.

Editor’s Note: Donations and Whistleblowing
Patribotics hopes to expand reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here. If whistleblowers wish to contact patribotics they are encouraged to get in touch on Twitter, or via the secure email listed here.

Earlier this month, Claude Taylor and I reported exclusively that the indictment was granted. We were pulled up on use of the term “granted”, but it is the correct term when, as in this case, no prosecution is yet possible, since a sitting President has immunity; but he can be indicted, and he has been.

We reported as fact that the case was intended by prosecutors to form the basis of impeachment. This too was absolutely correct. Following the granting of the indictment on Trump, DAG Rosenstein took the matter to the Senate and presented it to lawmakers including Lindsey Graham in closed session. That is why Senator Graham came out and said ‘this investigation is now very clearly a criminal one.’ He had to say that; there was an existing criminal indictment and he had been shown it.

The following day, Rep. Green called for impeachment on the floor of the House. Contrary to what some ignoramuses are pushing on social media, a case of impeachment was begun against Trump at that moment:

Impeachment proceedings may be commenced in the House of Representatives by a Member declaring a charge of impeachment on his or her own initiative

Per procedure in the case of impeachment of individuals, the matter then went to the House Judiciary Committee.

Trump was then notified by both the other branches that a case of impeachment was commenced against him. I can report as fact that the Sergeant At Arms of the Senate, Frank Larkin (correction sorry needed tea), went to the White House on that Wednesday night. We did not report that the Marshal of the SCOTUS did so – only that she spoke to him before he left the country, on the matter of preserving evidence and complying with the orders of the courts. Sources linked to the enforcement arm of the judicial branch report Donald Trump was also told that he had not followed procedure to declassify evidence to the Russians; and that it would constitute an offense were he to share intelligence without declassifying it in the legal way on this trip. These sources do not report the location of that warning nor who delivered it to Trump, but it happened after the case of impeachment was begun and prior to his departure on Air Force One.

Sources report that AG Schneiderman, whose evidence was used to form the basis of a criminal indictment of the President, has been placed under an even heavier armed guard than usual for his protection.
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Donald Trump Sealed Indictment Started With Eric Schneiderman

We have New York State Attorney Eric Schneiderman to thank for the genesis of the sealed indictment against Donald Trump currently being held in the Eastern District of Virginia, which has formed the basis of the case of impeachment already begun against him. This is how that happened:

AG Schneiderman began a case of Enterprise Corruption, the state name for RICO, against Donald Trump. The case was based on the activities of Russian mobsters like Semion Moglievich who lived in Trump Tower, Russian oligarchs, and others.

Upon his own judgement and belief, Scheiderman decided that his case touched both Federal issues, and issues of National Security. He took his case to the Federal authorities. While the appropriate Federal District can often be location-based, if a federal case is to start on the same factual basis, the court chosen can also be based on subject matter. Because National Security is involved, Schneiderman brought his case to FISC to be heard.

FISC does not empanel Grand Juries. Per procedure, Schneiderman dismissed his case, which as a state AG he can do without a judge’s ruling; he had the right to dispose of it. The case was then restarted Federal Court on the facts offered by Schneiderman, as a RICO case. FISC provided evidence under seal to a Grand Jury, drawn from the Eastern District of Virginia, who read the evidence in a SCIF, a secure facility in the building sealed away from the public.

Sources report FISC retained some jurisdiction over this case, although jurors were empaneled from EDVA. Separate sources report this: it was unclear to me if the FISC power over the case was solely related to sealing the matter, or if perhaps there was more evidence heard at FISC than was shared with the Grand Jury. But that ‘some jurisdiction’ was retained was told me by several sources.

Editor’s Note: Donations and Whistleblowing
Patribotics hopes to expand reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here. If whistleblowers wish to contact patribotics they are encouraged to get in touch on Twitter, or via the secure email listed here.

Earlier this month, Claude Taylor and I reported exclusively that the indictment was granted. We were pulled up on use of the term “granted”, but it is the correct term when, as in this case, no prosecution is yet possible, since a sitting President has immunity; but he can be indicted, and he has been.

We reported as fact that the case was intended by prosecutors to form the basis of impeachment. This too was absolutely correct. Following the granting of the indictment on Trump, DAG Rosenstein took the matter to the Senate and presented it to lawmakers including Lindsey Graham in closed session. That is why Senator Graham came out and said ‘this investigation is now very clearly a criminal one.’ He had to say that; there was an existing criminal indictment and he had been shown it.

The following day, Rep. Green called for impeachment on the floor of the House. Contrary to what some ignoramuses are pushing on social media, a case of impeachment was begun against Trump at that moment:

Impeachment proceedings may be commenced in the House of Representatives by a Member declaring a charge of impeachment on his or her own initiative

Per procedure in the case of impeachment of individuals, the matter then went to the House Judiciary Committee.

Trump was then notified by both the other branches that a case of impeachment was commenced against him. I can report as fact that the Sergeant At Arms of the Senate, Frank Larkin (correction sorry needed tea), went to the White House on that Wednesday night. We did not report that the Marshal of the SCOTUS did so – only that she spoke to him before he left the country, on the matter of preserving evidence and complying with the orders of the courts. Sources linked to the enforcement arm of the judicial branch report Donald Trump was also told that he had not followed procedure to declassify evidence to the Russians; and that it would constitute an offense were he to share intelligence without declassifying it in the legal way on this trip. These sources do not report the location of that warning nor who delivered it to Trump, but it happened after the case of impeachment was begun and prior to his departure on Air Force One.

Sources report that AG Schneiderman, whose evidence was used to form the basis of a criminal indictment of the President, has been placed under an even heavier armed guard than usual for his protection.
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It's funny you say that, because I've noticed a pattern.

I wonder if other "astute" members see it too.

Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Israel and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism
The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism
The New Anti-Semitism: the Case of Joy Karega

Here's an interesting article. Another publication apologized for using them as a source.
"What I did not realize was that Counterpunch has engaged in a consistent pattern of anti-semitism, all of which has been well-documented."

Guardian Praises Anti-Semitic Site “CounterPunch” as Progressive

Counterpunch has repeatedly run articles by prolific anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon. Briefly, Atzmon has questioned whether the Holocaust occurred, while simultaneously arguing that, if Hitler’s genocide did occur, it can partly be explained by Jews’ villainous behavior. Atzmon also explicitly charged that Jews are indeed trying to take over the world, and has endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguing about the document that “it is impossible to ignore its prophetic qualities and its capacity to describe” later Jewish behavior.

The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir which alleges that the blood libel, (the charge that Jews ritually murdered gentiles), is true and is related to the false reports, in 2009, regarding Israeli thefts of human organs from Palestinians.

CounterPunch has made a cause celebre of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

CounterPunch’s Alexander Cockburn has advanced the argument that Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. media.

CounterPunch has published bizarre conspiracy theories, such as one piece written by Paul Craig Roberts about the Iranian protests in 2009, with the title “Are the Iranian protests another American orchestrated ‘Color Revolution‘?”

CounterPunchs Alexander Cockburn has cheered on mass-murderingIslamist terrorists in Iraq.

CounterPunch has advanced dual loyalty canards about Jews, and xenophobic narratives about how Washington is “occupied” by Israel

Counterpunch also has often welcomed Eric Walburg, a neo Nazi, to publish at their site. Walburg is also a Holocaust denier who, on the pages of CounterPunch, engaged in pro-Taliban propaganda.

CounterPunch published a rant by Jennifer Loewenstein, about a “Gazan Holocaust”, which included a passage referring to Israelis as “Neo-Jewish Masterswho used the Gaza war as a “pretext to carry out mass murder of the Arab Untermenschen.”

CounterPunch published the fascist Holocaust denier, and blood libel promoter, ‘Israel Shamir‘.


It's funny you say that, because I've noticed a pattern.

I wonder if other "astute" members see it too.

Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Israel and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism
The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism
The New Anti-Semitism: the Case of Joy Karega

Here's an interesting article. Another publication apologized for using them as a source.
"What I did not realize was that Counterpunch has engaged in a consistent pattern of anti-semitism, all of which has been well-documented."

Guardian Praises Anti-Semitic Site “CounterPunch” as Progressive

Counterpunch has repeatedly run articles by prolific anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon. Briefly, Atzmon has questioned whether the Holocaust occurred, while simultaneously arguing that, if Hitler’s genocide did occur, it can partly be explained by Jews’ villainous behavior. Atzmon also explicitly charged that Jews are indeed trying to take over the world, and has endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguing about the document that “it is impossible to ignore its prophetic qualities and its capacity to describe” later Jewish behavior.

The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir which alleges that the blood libel, (the charge that Jews ritually murdered gentiles), is true and is related to the false reports, in 2009, regarding Israeli thefts of human organs from Palestinians.

CounterPunch has made a cause celebre of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

CounterPunch’s Alexander Cockburn has advanced the argument that Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. media.

CounterPunch has published bizarre conspiracy theories, such as one piece written by Paul Craig Roberts about the Iranian protests in 2009, with the title “Are the Iranian protests another American orchestrated ‘Color Revolution‘?”

CounterPunchs Alexander Cockburn has cheered on mass-murderingIslamist terrorists in Iraq.

CounterPunch has advanced dual loyalty canards about Jews, and xenophobic narratives about how Washington is “occupied” by Israel

Counterpunch also has often welcomed Eric Walburg, a neo Nazi, to publish at their site. Walburg is also a Holocaust denier who, on the pages of CounterPunch, engaged in pro-Taliban propaganda.

CounterPunch published a rant by Jennifer Loewenstein, about a “Gazan Holocaust”, which included a passage referring to Israelis as “Neo-Jewish Masterswho used the Gaza war as a “pretext to carry out mass murder of the Arab Untermenschen.”

CounterPunch published the fascist Holocaust denier, and blood libel promoter, ‘Israel Shamir‘.


This reader, whether astute or not is up to others to decide, see's tty following the pattern of other old unattached white male geezers who are hooked on fake conspiracy stories and uses them to excuse their failures. Yes, his antisemitism is getting to be starkly noticeable. If we would just stop talking about it, the problem would be solved.
This reader, whether astute or not is up to others to decide, see's tty following the pattern of other old unattached white male geezers who are hooked on fake conspiracy stories and uses them to excuse their failures. Yes, his antisemitism is getting to be starkly noticeable. If we would just stop talking about it, the problem would be solved.

The obsession is mind boggling.

I pray to God you don't have a gun.
It's funny you say that, because I've noticed a pattern.

I wonder if other "astute" members see it too.

Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Israel and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism
The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism
The New Anti-Semitism: the Case of Joy Karega

Here's an interesting article. Another publication apologized for using them as a source.
"What I did not realize was that Counterpunch has engaged in a consistent pattern of anti-semitism, all of which has been well-documented."

Guardian Praises Anti-Semitic Site “CounterPunch” as Progressive

Counterpunch has repeatedly run articles by prolific anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon. Briefly, Atzmon has questioned whether the Holocaust occurred, while simultaneously arguing that, if Hitler’s genocide did occur, it can partly be explained by Jews’ villainous behavior. Atzmon also explicitly charged that Jews are indeed trying to take over the world, and has endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguing about the document that “it is impossible to ignore its prophetic qualities and its capacity to describe” later Jewish behavior.

The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir which alleges that the blood libel, (the charge that Jews ritually murdered gentiles), is true and is related to the false reports, in 2009, regarding Israeli thefts of human organs from Palestinians.

CounterPunch has made a cause celebre of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

CounterPunch’s Alexander Cockburn has advanced the argument that Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. media.

CounterPunch has published bizarre conspiracy theories, such as one piece written by Paul Craig Roberts about the Iranian protests in 2009, with the title “Are the Iranian protests another American orchestrated ‘Color Revolution‘?”

CounterPunchs Alexander Cockburn has cheered on mass-murderingIslamist terrorists in Iraq.

CounterPunch has advanced dual loyalty canards about Jews, and xenophobic narratives about how Washington is “occupied” by Israel

Counterpunch also has often welcomed Eric Walburg, a neo Nazi, to publish at their site. Walburg is also a Holocaust denier who, on the pages of CounterPunch, engaged in pro-Taliban propaganda.

CounterPunch published a rant by Jennifer Loewenstein, about a “Gazan Holocaust”, which included a passage referring to Israelis as “Neo-Jewish Masterswho used the Gaza war as a “pretext to carry out mass murder of the Arab Untermenschen.”

CounterPunch published the fascist Holocaust denier, and blood libel promoter, ‘Israel Shamir‘.


Except that I did not reference any of those articles.

Are you saying that any mention of Palestinian mistreatment is by definition anti-Semitic?
This reader, whether astute or not is up to others to decide, see's tty following the pattern of other old unattached white male geezers who are hooked on fake conspiracy stories and uses them to excuse their failures. Yes, his antisemitism is getting to be starkly noticeable. If we would just stop talking about it, the problem would be solved.
And a personal attack in place of any argument whatsoever.

I do hope you don't have any firearms.
It's funny you say that, because I've noticed a pattern.

I wonder if other "astute" members see it too.

Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Israel and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism
The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism
The New Anti-Semitism: the Case of Joy Karega

Here's an interesting article. Another publication apologized for using them as a source.
"What I did not realize was that Counterpunch has engaged in a consistent pattern of anti-semitism, all of which has been well-documented."

Guardian Praises Anti-Semitic Site “CounterPunch” as Progressive

Counterpunch has repeatedly run articles by prolific anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon. Briefly, Atzmon has questioned whether the Holocaust occurred, while simultaneously arguing that, if Hitler’s genocide did occur, it can partly be explained by Jews’ villainous behavior. Atzmon also explicitly charged that Jews are indeed trying to take over the world, and has endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguing about the document that “it is impossible to ignore its prophetic qualities and its capacity to describe” later Jewish behavior.

The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir which alleges that the blood libel, (the charge that Jews ritually murdered gentiles), is true and is related to the false reports, in 2009, regarding Israeli thefts of human organs from Palestinians.

CounterPunch has made a cause celebre of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

CounterPunch’s Alexander Cockburn has advanced the argument that Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. media.

CounterPunch has published bizarre conspiracy theories, such as one piece written by Paul Craig Roberts about the Iranian protests in 2009, with the title “Are the Iranian protests another American orchestrated ‘Color Revolution‘?”

CounterPunchs Alexander Cockburn has cheered on mass-murderingIslamist terrorists in Iraq.

CounterPunch has advanced dual loyalty canards about Jews, and xenophobic narratives about how Washington is “occupied” by Israel

Counterpunch also has often welcomed Eric Walburg, a neo Nazi, to publish at their site. Walburg is also a Holocaust denier who, on the pages of CounterPunch, engaged in pro-Taliban propaganda.

CounterPunch published a rant by Jennifer Loewenstein, about a “Gazan Holocaust”, which included a passage referring to Israelis as “Neo-Jewish Masterswho used the Gaza war as a “pretext to carry out mass murder of the Arab Untermenschen.”

CounterPunch published the fascist Holocaust denier, and blood libel promoter, ‘Israel Shamir‘.


Yeah that is definitely an antisemitic propaganda rag. I think it would be obvious to anyone that citing such a source is a clear indication of the sort of thing one wants to be exposed to and spread.

It is damaging to the Palestinian cause that such a bigoted source is used in its defense.
Honestly though, when everyone says you're wrong continuiously do you not have the self actualization to question your beliefs?
First; not everyone, just the usual group of your sycophants who mistake groupthink for answers.

Second, stay in your lane; what you know about self actualization would get lost in a speck of dust.

Third, if you thought for yourself you'd quickly realize those you spend all this time defending are taking advantage of you.

But keep flinging poo. It's what you're best at.
First; not everyone, just the usual group of your sycophants who mistake groupthink for answers.

Second, stay in your lane; what you know about self actualization would get lost in a speck of dust.

Third, if you thought for yourself you'd quickly realize those you spend all this time defending are taking advantage of you.

But keep flinging poo. It's what you're best at.
Blah blah.

Your usual debunked canned bullshit.

No-one likes you or your ideas, dumbass.

Take the hint.
Blah blah

Your usual flinging poo without substance.

You're a no one, trying to speak for others and it rings hollow.

Take the hint.
Again you see and notice the harsh presentation but fail to see the point being made.

This is why you can't get a woman, you're just completely full of deluded shit talk and never question your views.

You're like a Trunp supporter cos at least they know they're no good at "book learning" and "filling brain with no-ledge and fancy sciency-stuff".
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