Turned 1000w light on during dark period in flower

Care Bear

I'm 5 weeks into flower 7p-7am lights on. Well this morning I woke up at 11am and turned light on 1000w thinking it was supposed to be on at 7am instead. Just had woke up so was a little confused. The light was on for about 2 minutes before I realized what I had done. The strain is serious seeds AK47. Will this damage my plants?


Well-Known Member
I'm 5 weeks into flower 7p-7am lights on. Well this morning I woke up at 11am and turned light on 1000w thinking it was supposed to be on at 7am instead. Just had woke up so was a little confused. The light was on for about 2 minutes before I realized what I had done. The strain is serious seeds AK47. Will this damage my plants?
They're toast............

Seriously, they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I'm 5 weeks into flower 7p-7am lights on. Well this morning I woke up at 11am and turned light on 1000w thinking it was supposed to be on at 7am instead. Just had woke up so was a little confused. The light was on for about 2 minutes before I realized what I had done. The strain is serious seeds AK47. Will this damage my plants?
You're good as long as it's an isolated incident. It's when the night cycle keeps getting interrupted that you'll have issues.


Well-Known Member
What schmoe joe and the rest said... remember she survived living in the wild for millenia before us indoor guys...

Besides she shares some of the blame in our screw ups!