cold tolerance of MJane 1 degree F....

bill ls

I have been GROWER for more then 60 years. I used to travel all over the world and during that time I got various seeds and have developed my own hybrids for generations. I have varieties that can handle temps down to 1 (one) degrees Fahrenheit , I just harvested some "Blackberry Crush" one of my hybrids. Since it is the first year I am not sure has to how cold it can handle. It got down to 26 for hours (ohio) and it is fine. I pluck the buds, It was a cross between Strawberry Kush and my own Black Berry hybrid. The blackberry started coming up In December after Christmas last year as some years I have to replenish my seed stock. Five came up on their own from the seeds in the fall. Then it got -2 F and all but ONE died. It grew slowly until spring and then continued to get to about 6 feet and produced a lot. Found a good potting soil at Wmarts, called Natural Earth" something like that, has worm castings in it, suggest indoor growers try it, you will be amazed on how fast the plants will grow. Miracle Grow sucks, too much peat. My other cold varieties are "Arctic Tundra" good to about 9 degrees F.; The Black beery Crush was a big producer and grows very tall (the Blackberry normally grows to about 13 feet +/-. My Crush got to nearly 17 feet and has yielded more then a pound and a half DRY!
welcome to RIU Bill sure glad to hear another oldy here

I'm 42 years growing started at 15yo back in them soviet days

we used many methods to keep our babes alive in the cold

snows ok, so is ice but that cold is a killer

I do autos inside now in winter

but back in the day we'd use 3 times the normal soil

as extra insulation, I've even used hot water bottles

and fish tank heaters to keep them awake

my colleague still uses fresh green compost to retain and make heat during winter

others just double up the grows in summer to make up the fall in winter

good to hear from you

good luck
As long as its planted in the ground they can pretty cold temps.

I always plant on a hill if I can. Gives the colder air a place to settle. I put straw around the base if the plants. I prefer blackberry and honeysuckle thickets. They help a little in cold temps.

I've had pure landrace sativas handle several dips into the 20's fahrenheit.
As long as its planted in the ground they can pretty cold temps.

I always plant on a hill if I can. Gives the colder air a place to settle. I put straw around the base if the plants. I prefer blackberry and honeysuckle thickets. They help a little in cold temps.

I've had pure landrace sativas handle several dips into the 20's fahrenheit.
My Blackberry variety grows in the Blackberry patch! That's how it got its name. I made it from hybrids that date back to the early 70's. A Mexican variety called "Yucatan Blue" grew up in the eastern mountains in Mexico and was good to bout 20F. Over the years I would seed the LAST survivors from the cold and each time I did that; the survivors temps kepts getting lower. I crossed it with a super 1 hit variety called "Delta 11" I created in the mid 70's It is either gold or Maroon. D-Red or D-Gold. This is the "Arctic Tundra"


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Says you're 69 on your profile but you say you have been growing for over 60 years? That is crazy that in 1957 your parents allowed you to grow pot at 9 years old.... Sounds like a pretty fascinating story. Not saying you don't have alot of experience, but the 60 years experience seems a little far fetched based on your age.
I have been GROWER for more then 60 years. I used to travel all over the world and during that time I got various seeds and have developed my own hybrids for generations. I have varieties that can handle temps down to 1 (one) degrees Fahrenheit , I just harvested some "Blackberry Crush" one of my hybrids. Since it is the first year I am not sure has to how cold it can handle. It got down to 26 for hours (ohio) and it is fine. I pluck the buds, It was a cross between Strawberry Kush and my own Black Berry hybrid. The blackberry started coming up In December after Christmas last year as some years I have to replenish my seed stock. Five came up on their own from the seeds in the fall. Then it got -2 F and all but ONE died. It grew slowly until spring and then continued to get to about 6 feet and produced a lot. Found a good potting soil at Wmarts, called Natural Earth" something like that, has worm castings in it, suggest indoor growers try it, you will be amazed on how fast the plants will grow. Miracle Grow sucks, too much peat. My other cold varieties are "Arctic Tundra" good to about 9 degrees F.; The Black beery Crush was a big producer and grows very tall (the Blackberry normally grows to about 13 feet +/-. My Crush got to nearly 17 feet and has yielded more then a pound and a half DRY!
Glad someone brought up the cold tolerance factor because,
I came across this the other day..and I'm pretty sure it's a joke. They want $75,000 for seeds.

Claims that the plant will survive freezing and drought and will live forever.

Somebody please confirm that this is bullshit, I'm so confused! Haha.

What's worrying to me is that there's 3 reviews.. :/

Gotta be a joke. Even if it is what they say it is, 75k? These guys ever heard of a grow tent? lol
I have had many strains that will survive a couple of frosts but that's about it after a couple they are pretty much dead as the cell structure gets damaged from the plant freezing. Here is one that survived a coupleIMG_3009.JPG. I have not had a plant that survived much below freezing for any length of time, a couple of morning frost is about it, then you have bud rot setting in.
Glad someone brought up the cold tolerance factor because,
I came across this the other day..and I'm pretty sure it's a joke. They want $75,000 for seeds.

Claims that the plant will survive freezing and drought and will live forever.

Somebody please confirm that this is bullshit, I'm so confused! Haha.
Yes it's bullshit lol. But the time traveling time warp for $25,000 looks ands sounds like the real deal ;).
Dude a measly 25 grand? My new strain "Donald Trump" goes for 3 pounds of gold per seed, it makes your skin turn orange and you build a wall around yourself. Yield reports "huge" the smoke is "tremendous ".
With a strain named after his Orangeness" I'd expect the yields to be "Big...Very big." and the smoke to be "Good."
I'd think huge and tremendous are words not within his vocabulary haha.