Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Anyone know anyone nere ascot Brisbane that can help with a lil 420 at all lol be happy with even a 25er lol I'll have to up date u guys on my grow iv upgraded to 750w full spectrum LEDs with some thia skunk under them there lil stunted but think that's be course of the shitty soil I'm using I'm sure I'll post some pic's when I get home


Well-Known Member
Yeah but the thing real pussy is attached to wants shit like wahbrains and shiny crap.
I've got a couple kids but I'm happy about that. funny little fuckers. We're a bit harder on ours than most and that's helped a lot - they're awesome. with a couple of rare exceptions I cant stand kids - parents let them get away with murder and bring them up to be precious little snow flakes. the world doesnt work that way so neither should parenting. it sounds like I'm an abusive prick but I never smack them, just bring them up to know right from wrong and they aren't all bad. that said there's times I wish i didnt have em :D

My missus is a trooper. likes a smoke and a drink, loves a root and doesnt give me grief. They're out there - just dont settle for a life sucker and it can be good


Well-Known Member
I've got a couple kids but I'm happy about that. funny little fuckers. We're a bit harder on ours than most and that's helped a lot - they're awesome. with a couple of rare exceptions I cant stand kids - parents let them get away with murder and bring them up to be precious little snow flakes. the world doesnt work that way so neither should parenting. it sounds like I'm an abusive prick but I never smack them, just bring them up to know right from wrong and they aren't all bad. that said there's times I wish i didnt have em :D

My missus is a trooper. likes a smoke and a drink, loves a root and doesnt give me grief. They're out there - just dont settle for a life sucker and it can be good
Lol I feel u on the kid thing bro I got 2 now my self 1 only baby atm but the older 1 is 9 soon as u said no need to smak but don't let them just do what they want I hate that shit

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I've got a couple kids but I'm happy about that. funny little fuckers. We're a bit harder on ours than most and that's helped a lot - they're awesome. with a couple of rare exceptions I cant stand kids - parents let them get away with murder and bring them up to be precious little snow flakes. the world doesnt work that way so neither should parenting. it sounds like I'm an abusive prick but I never smack them, just bring them up to know right from wrong and they aren't all bad. that said there's times I wish i didnt have em :D

My missus is a trooper. likes a smoke and a drink, loves a root and doesnt give me grief. They're out there - just dont settle for a life sucker and it can be good
None of mine live at home me n the missus root in any room lol


Well-Known Member
the one thing iv noticed with kids now days likeit fucken doas nt bead in is if youe where to have a go at em the parents forget all about what theve done and say something to you if i di somthing abit dis wrong id get told it was wrong at my mums 50 my little cuz called my auntie a fucken dog im not scared of my my mum at but i thingk she would have found a way to kill me she pretended not to hear it its all about buying em shit now taking em out i hope i can raise my kids with out spanking em but if thay fuck mith my misses thayed be fucked im telling you


Well-Known Member
Kids are great when, A: They are other peoples and B: When they leave home.

Grand kids on the other hand are awesome.
i do feel like i wanna have kids tho lol i fucken love my niece and nefew tho my neace was like 2 or thre months premy i lived wit them then i can still remmember baby sitting while my sis took my b in law 2 wark given bottles n n shit tryn not to fall asleep lol changing dirty nappys lol i fell old when think about how old thay are now like yall say you just gotta find the right chick

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
the one thing iv noticed with kids now days likeit fucken doas nt bead in is if youe where to have a go at em the parents forget all about what theve done and say something to you if i di somthing abit dis wrong id get told it was wrong at my mums 50 my little cuz called my auntie a fucken dog im not scared of my my mum at but i thingk she would have found a way to kill me she pretended not to hear it its all about buying em shit now taking em out i hope i can raise my kids with out spanking em but if thay fuck mith my misses thayed be fucked im telling you
You wanna hear your 16 yr old done tell his mum she better sleep with one eye open cos I'm gonna cut your throat...

Fuck I lost my fucken shit big time


Well-Known Member
Remember. There are plenty of inconspicuous household consumeables that make for a good poison. Take nutmeg and death lilly for example. One is a numbing agent. They other just fucks with your body function.