FastBuds Stardawg


Well-Known Member
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Fastbuds Stardawg at 14 days from breaking ground, after starting initial soak on the 9th. Sibling seed never sprouted. Seems like she was growing a bit slowly in a 16oz part cup, just transplanted ~24 hours ago into 15gal smart pot with BuildASoil no till kit. She'll be under a I think it's 190w-ish dual cob led fixture from (formerly) NorthernGrowLights in a cheap 2x2x5 tent off amazon.
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Fastbuds Stardawg at 14 days from breaking ground, after starting initial soak on the 9th. Sibling seed never sprouted. Seems like she was growing a bit slowly in a 16oz part cup, just transplanted ~24 hours ago into 15gal smart pot with BuildASoil no till kit. She'll be under a I think it's 190w-ish dual cob led fixture from (formerly) NorthernGrowLights in a cheap 2x2x5 tent off amazon.
cool im running a west coast og just started flowering
cool im running a west coast og just started flowering
About how old did you first see preflowers? From what I read before week four, usually just after week three. I suspect mine would be longer and indeed closer to budding in week 4 though with the new larger pot I (hopefully) imagine she'll take off and be a real pain in the ass to manage in the space given.
im sorry to say iv got now clue defenetl not dsy 30 las time a ran it is flowered right on day 30 iv heard it said with autos in i find it fits its spends most of its energy on its roots then boom it takes off thos round i havent been keeping count of days im more going buy what it needs when it needs it not ill give x for it 2 do z kinda thing im just letting her do her thing im really like fast buds tho im sure ure plant will be fine tho looks healthy thay dont really do mutch tho not in the firs 2 weeks more week 3 and onwards thay grow preddy fast
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Here she is on day 28. Believe it or not I have already cut back quite a lot of the cover crop the other day in addition to a bit of defoliating.

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Some of the middle leaves have started to do this, and as you can see in the second picture some new growth is curled up a bit. I've been following the BuildASoil feeding schedule though a little on the lighter side. I have some DEM Natural Mistik arriving today and will foliar with that tomorrow morning after work.
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Day 35 update. Hopefully she's done stretching now. Stinks up the house a bit without running the carbon filter, but I don't otherwise notice much aroma except when I first come home after some time. Looking pretty nice, it's crazy she could literally be about half-way to harvest and barely a month from seed. I plan to sow a Mephisto Creme de la Chem in a couple weeks so she'll be a few inches tall by this gal's harvest.
Looking good. Looking forward to seeing how it does. l'll be growing this strain also
Thanks brother, as am I. So far I'm pretty impressed with modern day autos, nothing like what I originally disregarded over a decade ago. I am already anticipating nearly 2 oz given the bud sites but that may just (most likely) be novice exuberance.
Thanks brother, as am I. So far I'm pretty impressed with modern day autos, nothing like what I originally disregarded over a decade ago. I am already anticipating nearly 2 oz given the bud sites but that may just (most likely) be novice exuberance.
nice iv got no idia what my west coast og will yield im still a noob lol smells got tho are u going to do a smome report
Thanks brother, as am I. So far I'm pretty impressed with modern day autos, nothing like what I originally disregarded over a decade ago. I am already anticipating nearly 2 oz given the bud sites but that may just (most likely) be novice exuberance.
2 oz I say you will get a little more than that plant looks great
Absolutely brother, I even intend to use the smaller popcorn/larf as a malawi style cob ala icmag so should be interesting.
fuck ye i always wanted 2 try a cobb cured weed for another day tho im yet to try normall weed thats ben harvestet dried cured properly man it smell so good i think mines gunna ready between middle of december 2 maybe around xmas i samled some already cuse i acedently broke a branch of killing a spider that was living under a leaf i gotta say i got stoned for a few hours wasent the best high if had but all things considered i cant wait till its dried and had a cure lol its gunna be awso e
fuck ye i always wanted 2 try a cobb cured weed for another day tho im yet to try normall weed thats ben harvestet dried cured properly man it smell so good i think mines gunna ready between middle of december 2 maybe around xmas i samled some already cuse i acedently broke a branch of killing a spider that was living under a leaf i gotta say i got stoned for a few hours wasent the best high if had but all things considered i cant wait till its dried and had a cure lol its gunna be awso e

Lol luckily you didn't burn the house down and move to Belize.. Haha sorry if that's an inside joke. Fucking hate spiders myself though respect their place in the food cycle..just stay the fuck away from me lol.. Yes brother, been wanting to try the cobs for over a year but I think with this harvest I will make it an actuality. Unfortunately no cannabis from this household ready by Christmas or Thanksgiving, but perhaps a small homebrew ale kit if I actually get to it ready for Christmas which my Brother-in-law and myself would quite enjoy.
Lol luckily you didn't burn the house down and move to Belize.. Haha sorry if that's an inside joke. Fucking hate spiders myself though respect their place in the food cycle..just stay the fuck away from me lol.. Yes brother, been wanting to try the cobs for over a year but I think with this harvest I will make it an actuality. Unfortunately no cannabis from this household ready by Christmas or Thanksgiving, but perhaps a small homebrew ale kit if I actually get to it ready for Christmas which my Brother-in-law and myself would quite enjoy.
ye i under stand burning the house down i wanted to burn the hole naighberhood down lol i dont think i could bring my self to it tnis time around iiv never realy harvested before so the whole curing thing is new for me once i reatch my goal tho of having alot of difrent strains jarred up i may i like the sound of home brew tho i hope mines ready tu pull buy xmas man cuse i dont think i could hold off i rekon eather way ill be taking a tester im pretty tempted now tbh lol but gotta wait ill be proud of my self if i can make it till harvest without taking a tester tho its realy starting to smell good like a piney earty smell
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So day 42 update. She's still growing like a best, was around 34" before I snapped the stem and now she's around 27" or so. I did see a few gants the other day when I was watering her with barely SST. I haven't really implemented any IPM so will be doing that soon. Some of her top leaves protruding from bud sights seem a little spindly and droopy as well as sort of yellowish. It's quite possible I watered too much yesterday or that the LED is still too close. I'm out of room for adjustment though, already ratcheted up as high as she can go.
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Alright so here we are on day 47 or so. She's completely overgrown the tent and being scorched by the LED which is topped out, but I may be able to find a way to raise it about 2 inch while potentially suffocating the light so I'm unsure. I just last night or early morning for the plant topped with a half inch or so of worm castings and watered with coconut, yucca and fish protein hydrosolate. The mycelium is taking off with a few sprays to maintain moisture. I thought about adding a bit more straw to help maintain humidity but haven't done that yet. Honestly she's a beast but no frost yet, and aroma is only obvious when first walking into the premise so I'm not super impressed just yet. Hopefully in the next couple of days/weeks she'll start to frost up and eventually stop the annoying vertical growth.
Amazing grow. It's awesome to see someone growing autoflowers and show
what they're capable of. Seems like the light just kind of was not enough to stop that stretch, but looking at that plant, it's one hell of a scaffold for some bud!