Keeping the money in the small guys wallet


Well-Known Member
With all the talk of commercial grows and coorperate weed I think it is a good time to organize an effort to boycott any cannabis product that does not help support small time Michigan growers. Make it embarrasing to shop at any large canna business. Legalization is potentially good for the small guy if the large cannot profit. Michigan has a history of watching jobs any money leave the state. I would think most logical people should see the benifit of keeping it local.

Refuse to smoke anything you cannot trace back to a small pesticide free operation and feel good knowing that those farmers will in turn support other local business.
Well..the only part of the MIlegalize bill i like is the small business thing. I can not remember what they called it but it basically allows for a small outfit to grow 150 plants and process and distribute it all in one place. I am not so much worried about the is a tiny market in comparison to rec. problem with your idea of organizing a boycot is that when rec kicks off and the stores open, people are going to flock to them, pay a premium and all of that, just for the novelty of going into a "weed" shop. That evententually wares off but even so, there is no keeping out "big pot", craft growers will just have to put out a superior product as most do and let the free market dictate who wins....all of this ASSUMING we dont end up with a mmfla remake(regulatory capture scheme) on the rec side the era of MIlegalize draws near that assumption grows smaller and smaller.
With all the talk of commercial grows and coorperate weed I think it is a good time to organize an effort to boycott any cannabis product that does not help support small time Michigan growers. Make it embarrasing to shop at any large canna business. Legalization is potentially good for the small guy if the large cannot profit. Michigan has a history of watching jobs any money leave the state. I would think most logical people should see the benifit of keeping it local.

Refuse to smoke anything you cannot trace back to a small pesticide free operation and feel good knowing that those farmers will in turn support other local business.

I love the ideal but c'mon, you see these growers and smokers every day here figuring out how to smoke their moldy buds, spraying pesticides, hanging hot shots? and thats all before any boycott is proposed. you think the gram a day kids at the disp give 2 chits about pesticides?
If patients really cared about this ideal they would already have a registered competent caregiver and would have been skipping the nasty disp weed in the first place?
I'll do my part though and promise to never buy weed from a dispensary, never have either.
Well..the only part of the MIlegalize bill i like is the small business thing. I can not remember what they called it but it basically allows for a small outfit to grow 150 plants and process and distribute it all in one place. I am not so much worried about the is a tiny market in comparison to rec. problem with your idea of organizing a boycot is that when rec kicks off and the stores open, people are going to flock to them, pay a premium and all of that, just for the novelty of going into a "weed" shop. That evententually wares off but even so, there is no keeping out "big pot", craft growers will just have to put out a superior product as most do and let the free market dictate who wins....all of this ASSUMING we dont end up with a mmfla remake(regulatory capture scheme) on the rec side the era of MIlegalize draws near that assumption grows smaller and smaller.
I have not seen this small 150 plant thing. Where Can I find out more? Tbh this whole thing confuses and scares me.
I have not seen this small 150 plant thing. Where Can I find out more? Tbh this whole thing confuses and scares me.

"The department shall issue the following state license types: marihuana retailer; marihuana safety compliance facility; marihuana secure transporter; marihuana processor; marihuana microbusiness; class A marihuana grower authorizing cultivation of not more than 100 marihuana plants; class B marihuana grower authorizing cultivation of not more than 500 marihuana plants; and class C marihuana grower authorizing cultivation of not more than 2,000 marihuana plants."

Found that here

If you keep scrolling past what I've quoted they mention the 150 plant thing...still trying to wrap my head around what they're saying there...
I love the ideal but c'mon, you see these growers and smokers every day here figuring out how to smoke their moldy buds, spraying pesticides, hanging hot shots? and thats all before any boycott is proposed. you think the gram a day kids at the disp give 2 chits about pesticides?
If patients really cared about this ideal they would already have a registered competent caregiver and would have been skipping the nasty disp weed in the first place?
I'll do my part though and promise to never buy weed from a dispensary, never have either.

I am not saying it will shut them down. I would feel nice knowing I helped them reach the status of bud a dollar store or cheap beer, or one ply toilet paper. More or less remove any chance of them being respected.
If patients ever cared about the MMMP they would have followed guidelines and registered a caregiver for their supply sans the dispensary to maintain the program as intended in MI?
we see that the majority of consumers care about cheap available weed, while producers, sellers care about fast liquid money. I dont mind dispensaries at all, done right they rock! but they were not any part of the MMMP while hundreds were throwing caregivers under the bus for their continued profits.
I am for high quality herb with no pesticides or fungicides grown in organic soil. If you can grow alot of it or run a shop that is great.
If you are trying to grow cash and that is primary goal they can fuck off.
I think alot of dime bag smokers would be pissed of if they thought dirtyeyeball grew their stash.
I am for high quality herb with no pesticides or fungicides grown in organic soil. If you can grow alot of it or run a shop that is great.
If you are trying to grow cash and that is primary goal they can fuck off.
I think alot of dime bag smokers would be pissed of if they thought dirtyeyeball grew their stash.
500, 1,000, or 1,500 plant grow licenses
Sounds like bullshit. If someone is allowed to grow a certain number for profit. Than every adult in the state needs to be allowed to grow the same. Period. If your grow is wired and plumbed safely, if you do not poison your product and can prove, and if you are will to pay a tax. It is the same fucking plant!
I do not even understand how a law that pretends one fools herb is somehow superior because he bought a permit is even legal.
500, 1,000, or 1,500 plant grow licenses
We were talking about the Milegalize bill in the last few posts, in which there is a "micro business" permit that allows 150 plants.

The state is allowing cultivators to "stack" licenses too meaning obtain multiple licenses operating under 1 center
Yup, a company can gain multiple class c licenses, along with vertical integration i believe as well, which would allow the same company to grow,process, and then retail-just each one requires a wholy different facility. Talk about potential monopoly and regulatory capture-the mmfla is a perfect example given the asset requirements for each license.
Different facility, not even different building if there are seperate entrances to segregate the different business.
We were talking about the Milegalize bill in the last few posts, in which there is a "micro business" permit that allows 150 plants.

Yup, a company can gain multiple class c licenses, along with vertical integration i believe as well, which would allow the same company to grow,process, and then retail-just each one requires a wholy different facility. Talk about potential monopoly and regulatory capture-the mmfla is a perfect example given the asset requirements for each license.
How does the seed to sale tracking work? Like say you get a cultivation license, then do you have to start from seed in order for the state to track the end use??
They are going to force out the small guy they always do they always have. They will probably make it, no, they will more than likely make it illegal for personal growth eventually.