This shit
IS hard to grow and people will be putting out all sorts of shitty bud once they can grow there own.
The Canadian government don't care either. as long as there is money for the company's that will put out propaganda (there friends).
Your only defense now and in the Canadian future is to produce your own without telling anyone you are.
This is a perfect time for the KISS technique.
And a perfect time to work the laws in our favor.
Soon We will be able to grow Cannabis and possess Cannabis. Also We will be able to buy it in a store if We so choose.
What kind of beer do you normally buy in the liqueur store?
Are you a craft brew that is more expensive? Or is Canadian just fine? Or do you home brew.
These will be our new choices with weed.
There is and will always be shitty weed.
Good thing We will soon have
any kind of choice. Eh?