First time set up?


Well-Known Member
takes a great picture m8, i take it that is on macro setting, will give mine a try later, havent been able to get close ups like that so far, no need for a microscope.


Well-Known Member
more pics they look so tasty now the bottoms are filling out nicely since i added the two small cfl,s

A good few of the hairs have started to turn brown is this normal at this stage?

by the way the pics are high resolution so if ya click on em they get huge


Well-Known Member
looking gooood, yeah brown hairs are normal, they will keep kicking out new white hairs for now and then slow and stop. you are doing a fine job m8


Well-Known Member
Dude just went through your thread and things look freakin awesome. Took a break from this site for a while, but def gonna keep my eye on this thread.


Well-Known Member
looking gooood, yeah brown hairs are normal, they will keep kicking out new white hairs for now and then slow and stop. you are doing a fine job m8
thanks del gotta get around to catchin up on your grow hows it goin


Well-Known Member

i noticed some calyx,s on them but they all have hairs comin out of them i hope there not hermies do hairs come out of seed pods???i didnt see any balls


Well-Known Member

i noticed some calyx,s on them but they all have hairs comin out of them i hope there not hermies do hairs come out of seed pods???i didnt see any balls

pull a few calyx's off and see whats inside is they is a small unformed seed then it could be hermie"the calyx under where the flowers are growing".
i hope they are not hermie, they look great.
do you have a timer or any light leaks.
great grow.
what strain?.


Well-Known Member
in an old grow i did.
one of my plants went hermie and i pulled off some calyx's.
the tear shaped pods under were the flowers grow.
i pulled off a few
i disected some.
i pulled some apart and inside the calyx is a seed if it is gone hermie.
here are some pics of the hermie calyx
pics 1 and 2 are before i disected them.
pics 3 and 4 are the tiny unformed hermie seed what was inside the calyx
1hh 001.jpgbefore the disection

2hh 002.jpg

3hh 003.jpgafter the disection and as you can see, there is an tiny green unformed seed.
this was from a 4 week old plant, what turned out tobe hermie..
i killed my plants after that and started again, with some plants i had in the vegg room.
if you have 1 hermie it will send all flowering plants hermie too, like a male would."after about 3 weeks 12/12.

4hh 004.jpgpics of unformed seeds.

i really hope your plants havent gone hermie.
i dont think they have cos your plants are doing fine and hermies take longer to grow than a virgin female plant.

pull off a couple of the calyx and have an inspection.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the help i pulled one of the bigger calyx an disected it there was a really tiny white seed what do ya reckon


Well-Known Member
hermie, id say, take a pic.
if you think seeds are in the cax. do another just to check.
you could pull them all off , cos they will poll the rest of the flowers as they are growing.#
were your seeds fem?.,

i dont think your plants have been hermie from seed, like fem seeds can be.
i think your plants have just turned hermie, due to light leaks/stress or bad timing.
you do have a timer dont you.


Well-Known Member
oh wow yeah they are herms i reckon , had a close look now. you have to carry on now though and you may find it knocks your head off. looks fucking nice bud though man, if you dont want them i will have. i could be wrong i often am.soz m8