Doctors change their mind they want to be gate keepers now


Well-Known Member
Most med patients learn the score....early on, especially when they see lists of Lp board of directors, and realize that each of these outfits has
multiple former top tier police and police services officials and former government politicians / Prime Ministers/ senators/judges/ lawyers/ ..etc etc....
All of these people ,were formerly using their positions, to basically persecute and punish medical patients and rec users. Tossing them in jail ...or out of their homes and onto the street, for using cannabis PERIOD.
Now as the backroom handshakes and meetings ....position these same individuals... onto the board of directors of these lp's and service companies...
all the while,they lobby to restrict the individuals access to the plant ,,,everywhere and way they can.
I think most people get the patronage..appointments these guys are setting themselves up with...but we also remember all to well what it was like to get busted and railroaded thru the court end up with a criminal record ...for possessing a plant.
They have to also understand...that we also won't forget who these ANTI's are.... and most of us would rather cross heated broken glass, to purchase mj or mmj from a friend or the BM...and would do so long before.... we would make a leisurely stroll across a marshmallow laden field...over to an LP's door.....(never)


Well-Known Member
my family doctor and a few others I went to see wouldn't consider it, had to go to a special clinic which is annoying enough as it is because of the long wait times and LP pushing that goes on.


Well-Known Member
my family doctor and a few others I went to see wouldn't consider it, had to go to a special clinic which is annoying enough as it is because of the long wait times and LP pushing that goes on.
Same here brother


Well-Known Member
"Doctors of B.C. provided a list of “considerations” since there isn’t enough evidence to make strong a recommendation, said president-elect Dr. Eric Cadesky. “There isn’t a consensus amongst doctors. The feedback we got contained many different points of view.”

He said that’s because there are no clear guidelines on how to safely grow and use cannabis."


No evidence to make a strong

And since people have been growing and using it without a problem for a couple thousand years or more it see that "guidelines" are far from necessary.

Why would docs humilate themselves by going to the table with nothing to say?