Random Jabber Jibber thread

Both plants looked overwatered when I got them but I haven't seen any bugs -- yet.
I might just top dress with some worm castings & gnat nix (crushed growstone) and see what happens.
But I do have some fully cooked organic soil ready to go if a transplant is needed.
Do what malt says and hit them with peroxide. I would have suggested full strength 30% :D but I'm an asshole, he gave you really good advice. Plus the 3% will give you a little help with oxygenation from over watering and clear the mold.
The only good mold is blue cheese
Pencillium ascomycetes has a good rep for certain peeps, me it kills, but I have mad skillz
Do what malt says and hit them with peroxide. I would have suggested full strength 30% :D but I'm an asshole, he gave you really good advice. Plus the 3% will give you a little help with oxygenation from over watering and clear the mold.

There is more than one kind of good mold.

Blue cheese just tastes the best.
I am a fan of Botrytis cinerea myself. Bad for bud but good for the grape.

met a group of flannel girls in town today and they happened to have an extra ticket to a hurling game at Fenway.. I've never seen it played and it's crazy intense as far as a stone going 200 they seem to not care. I was driving one of these ladies back to the bar when I saw a group of dudes beating on a guy on the ground. It just so happened there was a puddle next to them and I felt like being a hero of sorts infront of this flannel fanny. Hit the puddle and drenched the group.. As we ripped away laughing and riding high on my minimal exposure act of heronisim I herd a snap snap and my driver side mirror disappears. Took a moment to realize I was being shot at but I already had her head buried and was pinned going through a red light. So now I need to put another truck back on the road and maybe retire my vanity plate? Yes she mouthified my wang

Night y'all. dix all around for your health