DWC/Bubbleponics root problems(?)


Well-Known Member
That’s exactly what the water chiller salesmen claim in their sales pitch too, “No way around it.” The chiller salesman claims that if your water is not cold, your dissolved oxygen will be low and your plant roots will suffocate from low oxygen insults.

Dudes have brains, even the popular pseudo-guru “Rocketman” has a brain, albeit his tiny brain is about the size of a small dog brain, think about this cold water logically… if plant roots need more oxygen, why not simply give those plant roots more oxygen.

If your plant roots feel bad, look sick, are hot and sweating then give them cold water, buy yourself a good $400 water chiller from your friendly water chiller salesman and chill those roots and microbes.

Slow down their metabolism/growth, soak them in cold water, numb them with hypothermic water.

But, how in the world would you ever know if your reservoir DO is really low, unsafe until your cannabis roots suffocate and you wake up one morning and see and smell the fungal outbreak happening in real time? Of course you wouldn’t know until the crisis happens.

There’s only “Hope,” like little Hope, Arkansas, a few miles NE of Texarkana, TX on I-30 where “Slick Bill Willy” and Mike Huckabee was spawned and grew up.

And then comes that stark realization that all your efforts have really failed to insure minimal safe oxygenation for your plant roots. Now that discovery will definitely blow your dress up over your head for sure when you see and smell that mess in the box… a few of you know exactly what I’m talking about and all of you DWC/RDWC growers constantly worry/tither about the possibility of a low oxygen crop failure like this.

Never, ever confuse the most important vital nutrient called elemental oxygen (O2) with ambient air or cold water or bigger water pumps will that pump more water or bigger air pumps that pump more air, this bubble rock or that ambient air venture device attached to a water pump.

Or what?

We can spend $400 on your shitty chinese-made, cheapest available components, who knows what the electrodes are contaminated with, overly-expensive, looks like it was designed by a complete amateur, basic electrolyzer?

OH BTW GET READY TO REPLACE THOSE ELECTRODES WHICH COST ANOTHER $$$ EVERY 18 MONTHS. I bet the chiller salesmen are shaking in their fucking boots with that MTBF.

You're a bad shill. Bad at your job, and you don't grow.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Well-Known Member
Wait, what exactly happened here? Who is "rocketman" and why did this thread turn into a debate over water chillers and/or DO?


Well-Known Member
Wait, what exactly happened here? Who is "rocketman" and why did this thread turn into a debate over water chillers and/or DO?
J Henry is a salesman that wants to sell you something that is overpriced and doesnt' work. If it did work, his company could afford to advertise here.
don't mind him, he doesn't grow and doesn't like people that do.

J Henry

Active Member
Or what?QUOTE]

Well, if you are a DWC/RDWC hobby grower you can buy yourself a cheap $35 used water chiller made in China or made in Mexico, buy a new water chiller from your friendly water chiller salesman water chiller made in China or made in Mexico for a few hundred bucks and listen to the chiller motor humming 24/7 for months on end plus more listen to the hum and vibration from that water pump, freeze ice packs, a 10’ 4 level water fall or 2 of them, 5 air bubblers, bigger high volume water pumps or bigger high volume air pumps, more guessing, hoping and prayers, you might have to punt with a fungal outbreak… you my man have many, many options with DWC/RDWC. Don’t just sit there in a stupor dude, use you head and thinks of some options.

There are far fewer environmental control options available for dirt farming.
Our Thanksgiving day feast is really smelling good in my home this morning, what a bessed day to be living in America.