why HRC lost and man are going down
Dozens of People Are Going to PRISON; and You Already Know Most of their Names!
Hal Turner Commentary
Saturday, 04 November 2017 16:25
The Intelligence Community had a "sit-down" with then-candidate Donald Trump and told him exactly what had taken place under the Obama regime, during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. Obama, Clinton and literally DOZENS of other high-ranking officials in MANY departments of government, sold-out America's national security by allowing Bribes, Extortion, Money Laundering and kickbacks to grease the wheels for Russia to get hold of twenty percent of American Uranium mining. A lot of them got very rich from what was done; and they all THOUGHT they'd get away with it once Hillary became President. They were wrong.
A LOT of very well-known people are going to prison. Here's how it went . . .