Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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How the banks and debt will destroy our economy again. Interview with Micheal Hudson, author of J is for Junk Economics; A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception;

As long as we let banks continue to extort and distort our economy, we will suffer through crash after crash. So far, the only ones getting bailed out are the criminals.
Oh look, you posted a link from counter punch...

Don't spend your 5c all in one place.
Oh look, you posted a link from counter punch...

Don't spend your 5c all in one place.
You try to discredit the source of the information in order to try to discredit the argument. That's weak as fuck. It's not like Fox News or MSNBC, where everyone already knows the agenda being sold. You've yet to expose CounterPunch, or any of the other sources that have been frequently cited here, because you can't. Independent media has been targeted by neocons like you because they expose your agenda. Not because what they report about is false. If it's false, prove it. You won't because it's not and putting in the work to try is too difficult for someone like you who only reads mainstream headlines and tacitly accepts their narratives.
You try to discredit the source of the information in order to try to discredit the argument. That's weak as fuck. It's not like Fox News or MSNBC, where everyone already knows the agenda being sold. You've yet to expose CounterPunch, or any of the other sources that have been frequently cited here, because you can't. Independent media has been targeted by neocons like you because they expose your agenda. Not because what they report about is false. If it's false, prove it. You won't because it's not and putting in the work to try is too difficult for someone like you who only reads mainstream headlines and tacitly accepts their narratives.

Yeah sure kid.

Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Israel and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism
The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism
The New Anti-Semitism: the Case of Joy Karega

Here's an interesting article. Another publication apologized for using them as a source.
"What I did not realize was that Counterpunch has engaged in a consistent pattern of anti-semitism, all of which has been well-documented."

Guardian Praises Anti-Semitic Site “CounterPunch” as Progressive

Counterpunch has repeatedly run articles by prolific anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon. Briefly, Atzmon has questioned whether the Holocaust occurred, while simultaneously arguing that, if Hitler’s genocide did occur, it can partly be explained by Jews’ villainous behavior. Atzmon also explicitly charged that Jews are indeed trying to take over the world, and has endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguing about the document that “it is impossible to ignore its prophetic qualities and its capacity to describe” later Jewish behavior.
The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir which alleges that the blood libel, (the charge that Jews ritually murdered gentiles), is true and is related to the false reports, in 2009, regarding Israeli thefts of human organs from Palestinians.

CounterPunch has made a cause celebre of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

CounterPunch’s Alexander Cockburn has advanced the argument that Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. media.

CounterPunch has published bizarre conspiracy theories, such as one piece written by Paul Craig Roberts about the Iranian protests in 2009, with the title “Are the Iranian protests another American orchestrated ‘Color Revolution‘?”

CounterPunchs Alexander Cockburn has cheered on mass-murderingIslamist terrorists in Iraq.

CounterPunch has advanced dual loyalty canards about Jews, and xenophobic narratives about how Washington is “occupied” by Israel

Counterpunch also has often welcomed Eric Walburg, a neo Nazi, to publish at their site. Walburg is also a Holocaust denier who, on the pages of CounterPunch, engaged in pro-Taliban propaganda.

CounterPunch published a rant by Jennifer Loewenstein, about a “Gazan Holocaust”, which included a passage referring to Israelis as “Neo-Jewish Masterswho used the Gaza war as a “pretext to carry out mass murder of the Arab Untermenschen.”

CounterPunch published the fascist Holocaust denier, and blood libel promoter, ‘Israel Shamir‘.
Yeah sure kid.

Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Israel and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism
The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism
The New Anti-Semitism: the Case of Joy Karega

Here's an interesting article. Another publication apologized for using them as a source.
"What I did not realize was that Counterpunch has engaged in a consistent pattern of anti-semitism, all of which has been well-documented."

Guardian Praises Anti-Semitic Site “CounterPunch” as Progressive

Counterpunch has repeatedly run articles by prolific anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon. Briefly, Atzmon has questioned whether the Holocaust occurred, while simultaneously arguing that, if Hitler’s genocide did occur, it can partly be explained by Jews’ villainous behavior. Atzmon also explicitly charged that Jews are indeed trying to take over the world, and has endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguing about the document that “it is impossible to ignore its prophetic qualities and its capacity to describe” later Jewish behavior.
The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis
Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir which alleges that the blood libel, (the charge that Jews ritually murdered gentiles), is true and is related to the false reports, in 2009, regarding Israeli thefts of human organs from Palestinians.

CounterPunch has made a cause celebre of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

CounterPunch’s Alexander Cockburn has advanced the argument that Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. media.

CounterPunch has published bizarre conspiracy theories, such as one piece written by Paul Craig Roberts about the Iranian protests in 2009, with the title “Are the Iranian protests another American orchestrated ‘Color Revolution‘?”

CounterPunchs Alexander Cockburn has cheered on mass-murderingIslamist terrorists in Iraq.

CounterPunch has advanced dual loyalty canards about Jews, and xenophobic narratives about how Washington is “occupied” by Israel

Counterpunch also has often welcomed Eric Walburg, a neo Nazi, to publish at their site. Walburg is also a Holocaust denier who, on the pages of CounterPunch, engaged in pro-Taliban propaganda.

CounterPunch published a rant by Jennifer Loewenstein, about a “Gazan Holocaust”, which included a passage referring to Israelis as “Neo-Jewish Masterswho used the Gaza war as a “pretext to carry out mass murder of the Arab Untermenschen.”

CounterPunch published the fascist Holocaust denier, and blood libel promoter, ‘Israel Shamir‘.
pada will pretend that never happened and demand that you produce the same damning evidence next week.
Long list of claims that CP is anti-semetic without actually providing evidence of said claims

Try again, Joe

You're Nsane little buddy. I have no intention of discussing everything with you 87 times. I know you're not capable of substantive debate, you couldn't even finish community college?

Who is Joe? Are you drunk again? If you get another DUI, you'll do time. I'm really worried about you sport. I'm here for you when you want to talk.

edit: If you're worried about all that recent hair loss and weight gain, you might consider talking to a doctor. Booze never helped anyone.
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It's the same story every time.. even with proven sources you yourselves have cited in the past. Whenever the same sources actively discredit your claims, said sources are discredited even though you've cited them to prove your own points previously.. So it's easy to see how you change the standards when they produce alternative conclusions. Instead of trying to argue against the data, you try to discredit the source. Then act as if that's sufficient. As if that truly proves your own point correct. doesn't.
It's the same story every time.. even with proven sources you yourselves have cited in the past. Whenever the same sources actively discredit your claims, said sources are discredited even though you've cited them to prove your own points previously.. So it's easy to see how you change the standards when they produce alternative conclusions. Instead of trying to argue against the data, you try to discredit the source. Then act as if that's sufficient. As if that truly proves your own point correct. doesn't.
I'm reading this word salad and I think what you're trying to say is that someone other than your shitstain crew likes to cite antisemitic propaganda rags and that you feel like shitstikk has been unfairly singled out.

If you want people to take your arguments seriously, don't use bigots as your authority.
It's the same story every time.. even with proven sources you yourselves have cited in the past. Whenever the same sources actively discredit your claims, said sources are discredited even though you've cited them to prove your own points previously.. So it's easy to see how you change the standards when they produce alternative conclusions. Instead of trying to argue against the data, you try to discredit the source. Then act as if that's sufficient. As if that truly proves your own point correct. doesn't.
word salad
It's not like Fox News or MSNBC

It's the same story every time.. even with proven sources you yourselves have cited in the past. Whenever the same sources actively discredit your claims, said sources are discredited even though you've cited them to prove your own points previously.. So it's easy to see how you change the standards when they produce alternative conclusions. Instead of trying to argue against the data, you try to discredit the source. Then act as if that's sufficient. As if that truly proves your own point correct. doesn't.

You guys don't need to pretend not to get it. Everyone else does, and it just continues to prove that you can't actually address a tough opposing argument head on with actual thought. Everything too tough to address you just try to discredit outright, we can all see that for ourselves.

Who the fuck is we? You had three friends here, before what's his name rage quit the other week. You are literally talking about two fucking people.
You're Nsane little buddy. I have no intention of discussing everything with you 87 times. I know you're not capable of substantive debate, you couldn't even finish community college?

Who is Joe? Are you drunk again? If you get another DUI, you'll do time. I'm really worried about you sport. I'm here for you when you want to talk.

edit: If you're worried about all that recent hair loss and weight gain, you might consider talking to a doctor. Booze never helped anyone.
Nsane in the membrane, Nsane in the brain...
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