Is it time to harvest? Cloudy trichomes


Active Member
Hi all, pretty sure it’s closing into harvest now. I was going to harvest 2 weeks ago until people told me not to, and now I see why. I finally feel like my plant is ready to harvest and just wanted some other opinions.

I know the leaves are still quite green but I have been flushing for 4 weeks now and I’ve never seen them so wilted. I feel like my plants will not lose their greenness and I don’t want to risk leaving it longer as the trichomes, to me, are about 80-90% cloudy, and the rest clear. The calyx’s have swollen too.

I’ll post some pictures, appreciate any help :) Thanks peeps!


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I don’t think it’s really that close. I’m also curious what your lighting is? If that’s done you will really want to look at changing your lighting. I know this is the most tempting time but it’s also the most crucial. Keep in mind different parts of the plant will read differently. Some
Nugs might be mostly cloudy where as some still clear. I wait until I start seeing some amber. I tried cutting bits and harvesting at different times. It’s amazing the quality that’s added in the last couple weeks.
Look done, Just curious whats your lighting?

Sorry I should have specified because I knew I was going to get these questions. I say it every time in my other threads.
It’s an outdoor grow and the summer was terrible, so yes my buds are very small. I didn’t use any lighting as I brought them inside from outdoors as one bud was rotting and I had to chop it off. It’s been inside for the past month and a bit just by the window. It’s had no lighting besides that.
Personally I know people are telling me I’m being impatient but I’ve been as patient as a saint with this. Some of the bud is going darker in colour and I’ve read that’s when it’s past the harvest window.
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I don’t think it’s really that close. I’m also curious what your lighting is? If that’s done you will really want to look at changing your lighting. I know this is the most tempting time but it’s also the most crucial. Keep in mind different parts of the plant will read differently. Some
Nugs might be mostly cloudy where as some still clear. I wait until I start seeing some amber. I tried cutting bits and harvesting at different times. It’s amazing the quality that’s added in the last couple weeks.

Not close? It’s definitely close. I know you haven’t seen my other threads so let me explain. I stopped explaining because it was too much writing. Be prepared.
It’s an outdoor grow that I had to bring inside because of bud rot. Luckily it just attacked the top bit and I could cut it off. My buds are small because I’m in a country which had an awful summer. Plus Durban Poison creates small, dense nugs anyway.
I didn’t use artificial lighting after I brung them in because I read it can confuse them after coming from natural sunlight (on a budget and live with parents too). So they’ve had to deal with shitty window light.
Trust me I’ve been insanely patient with this.

It’s so frustrating because on another thread I told people I’m waiting for it to go a bit amber as I prefer a couch lock effect and a few people really beat me down with the “it’s never going to go amber because it’s a sativa so stop waiting for that”. So then I settled on waiting for cloudy. I’m not waiting for amber as it’s in the -3 degrees now and the humidity is at 99%. It’s just too risky to let them keep going at the start of winter. I still have to dry and cure. I have a heater in there that I can’t leave on for a long time because I don’t pay the electricity bill.
My fault because I planted a bit late and didn’t expect the flowering stage to be almost 11 weeks. The website said 8-9 weeks.

Totally agree with you that this is the most crucial time to get the highest quality of bud, and that a lot of people rush it, but my gut is still telling me it’s done. Some of my bud has gone darker in colour and I’ve read that it’s because it’s gone past harvest.

I’m stuck between trusting other growers and going with my gut.
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forget about the type of buzz you think you want. grow different plants for different effects instead.
my awesome garden did not flourish until I read jorge Cervantes medical grow bible and
stopped taking advice from anyone.
I then read Ed Rosenthals bible and discovered why every thing here is so awesome.
click the link in my sig, download and read for best results
what's wrong with green? four weeks of no nutrients kills a plant. is that your intention?
you best cut it now

That’s what I’ve been saying. People have said my plants’ leaves haven’t started dying so it’s not ready. But I’ve seen people harvest green plants so that’s bs.
Not my intention. I thought harvest was close about 4 weeks ago so I started flushing. 2 weeks later I’m told it still has weeks to go and I didn’t want to give nutes again in case I didn’t have 2 weeks to flush.
I never thought harvest was going to be so difficult to determine.
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forget about the type of buzz you think you want. grow different plants for different effects instead.
my awesome garden did not flourish until I read jorge Cervantes medical grow bible and
stopped taking advice from anyone.
I then read Ed Rosenthals bible and discovered why every thing here is so awesome.
click the link in my sig, download and read for best results

Good point. I wanted to grow different strains but since it’s my first time I stuck with 3 of the same, easy-to-grow strains. Plus I’m South African and I wanted my first grow to be Durban.
Next year I’ll do different ones.
I’ll take a look into those books too, thank you. I would like to not have to come onto the forums when I’m stuck. I appreciate all the help but there’s just so many different opinions.
Good point. I wanted to grow different strains but since it’s my first time I stuck with 3 of the same, easy-to-grow strains. Plus I’m South African and I wanted my first grow to be Durban.
Next year I’ll do different ones.
I’ll take a look into those books too, thank you. I would like to not have to come onto the forums when I’m stuck. I appreciate all the help but there’s just so many different opinions.

you wont have any questions after reading one of those grow bibles. relax, its just a weed, grows in a driveway crack. Grown thousands and never had one actually any more difficult to grow than the next. better fortune next time
your leaves are fading because you've been flushing for a month and not feeding the plant....stop that.
if you MUST flush, a week is MORE than flushing at all is more than sufficient...but lets not go there.
the last month of a plants life is insanely important, and if you aren't feeding it, you're going to get midget buds.....
your leaves are fading because you've been flushing for a month and not feeding the plant....stop that.
if you MUST flush, a week is MORE than flushing at all is more than sufficient...but lets not go there.
the last month of a plants life is insanely important, and if you aren't feeding it, you're going to get midget buds.....

.....Did you read any of my replies?
I know why my leaves are fading, obviously it’s because it’s not getting the same food. Plain water is still food though, it’s not like I’m starving them.
The reason is because I thought harvest was close about 4 weeks ago, so I started flushing. Turns out they had a few more weeks to go. I couldn’t give them nutrients again and then not have enough time to flush. Take into consideration this is my first time and I had no clue as to when harvest was definitely coming. Live and learn.
My summer was horrible anyway, I’m going to have small buds and I don’t mind. It’s not the end of the world.

P.S. You don’t have to flush yours but don’t tell other people not to do that when the recommendation on almost every website is to at least have a week of flushing.
I don’t care if it doesn’t make a difference, I don’t like knowing I’m smoking something which is pumped with man-made chemicals. It also forms black ash and keeps going out. I’ve smoked unflushed weed before, I know my preference.
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Sorry I should have specified because I knew I was going to get these questions. I say it every time in my other threads.
It’s an outdoor grow and the summer was terrible, so yes my buds are very small. I didn’t use any lighting as I brought them inside from outdoors as one bud was rotting and I had to chop it off. It’s been inside for the past month and a bit just by the window. It’s had no lighting besides that.
Personally I know people are telling me I’m being impatient but I’ve been as patient as a saint with this. Some of the bud is going darker in colour and I’ve read that’s when it’s past the harvest window.
If you took these inside are you still making sure they get total darkness for the prescribed time?
don’t care if it doesn’t make a difference, I don’t like knowing I’m smoking something which is pumped with man-made chemicals
Flush if it makes you happy, but once a 'chemical' has made it's way into your plants no amount of water is going to do take any of it out.. that simply not how plant biology works. 'Flushes' and 'fades' simply exist to keep nute happy growers from burning their plants during the end of flowering when a plants energy needs typically start falling. Again, you seem like a very nice person and you should do what makes you happy, but if you're concerned about man made chemicals in your flowers then you should grow organic because whatever you feed a plant isn't going anywhere once the roots uptake it.
no, plain water is not food...its water..if it was food, your plants wouldn't be starving

and i don't care about how many websites give bad advice, flushing is a total waste of time and effort, if you looked into the actual science of it, you'd know that, and quit wasting your time

and i'm honestly not trying to be a dick, i'm really trying to save you a bunch of wasted effort

people used to drive nails into the stalks of plants, split the stalks, do all kinds of shit, then they figured out those things were bullshit, and they quit doing them. the difference here is that manufacturers have started taking advantage of people who don't know any botany, and are selling useless bottles of shit to do a useless thing, so its in their best interest to keep this ridiculous shit going on.
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