I think more politicians should be like

haha, why did they call him black foot?

My dad has dealt with all sorts of racism in France, and HERE. Being called "black foot", (anyone who fled to France from North Africa), dirty Arab *go back where u came from etc. I know labelling racists is one of favourite past times, but please don't colour me with their brushes. I'm probably one of most accepting people you'll ever meet.
based on those pics of your pathetic grow, $100 could really help you move out of your parents' basement.

i guess you're not such a tough guy after all.

sounds like someone is jelly, i also dont live with my parents, unlike you like most Clinton and Bernie Supporters,
damn, thought you weren't a retarded person. oh well.
Dude I agree with him/her.

Congress is for serious real world business, Id like to see all religion removed from it whether it be prayers, crucifixes, burqa or kippah alike.

When in Congress your job is to represent your Constituents and them alone, regardless of your personal feelings.
Dude I agree with him/her.

Congress is for serious real world business, Id like to see all religion removed from it whether it be prayers, crucifixes, burqa or kippah alike.

When in Congress your job is to represent your Constituents and them alone, regardless of your personal feelings.
Eh hem... *"Her" would be the correct term. Op will vouch;)
