Well-Known Member
i know. the ultra-right wing 'washington free beacon' even said so.the Steele dossier was Republican funded......
i know. the ultra-right wing 'washington free beacon' even said so.the Steele dossier was Republican funded......
Testiclees remembers you as a noxious, bloated asshole.I liked you better as testiclees.
Trump clings to conspiracy theories — and strengthens the case for his removal
Trump clings to conspiracy theories — and strengthens the case for his removal
His insistence that it is not his voice on the “Access Hollywood” tape is simply not true. He himself has admitted it’s him and has apologized for what he said. This is a wholly different category of Trump lie. He is not merely exaggerating — as he did about the height of one of his buildings — but compulsively denying the undeniable. It is deeply troubling behavior.
The New York Times also reports that Trump cannot let go of his insistence that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Last year, and under considerable pressure, Trump reluctantly renounced that claim. Now, he’s back at it, clinging to that obsession as he also does to the insistence that his inaugural crowd was the biggest in history or that he would have won the popular vote had not a gazillion illegal immigrants materialized at the polls for Hillary Clinton. There is absolutely no evidence that anything like that happened. But for Trump there need not be.
The Onion? What's hysterical is that every word is the stone cold truth!Trump Voters Celebrate Massive Tax Cut for Everyone But Them
Jubilant Trump voters on Thursday celebrated the prospect of a gigantic tax cut that will benefit everyone but them.
Across the country, Trump supporters were overjoyed that, after months of gridlock and wrangling, the man they voted for was about to make Americans other than them wildly richer.
“President Trump has taken a lot of hits from the fake-news media, but he stood his ground,” Carol Foyler, a Trump voter in Ohio, said. “Today he honored his pledge to the American people, except for me and anybody I know.”
Harland Dorrinson, a Trump supporter from Kentucky, agreed. “When I cast my vote last November, I said to myself, ‘I sure hope this means that people with a thousand times more money than I have get even more money,’ ” he said. “Promise kept.”
Tracy Klugian, a Trump voter from Minnesota, said that tax cuts for everyone but him are an important step toward making America great again. “Look at the stock market—it’s been going through the roof,” Klugian, who has no money in the stock market, said.
But some Trump supporters, like Calvin Denoit, of Texas, were more muted. “Tax cuts that completely exclude me and my family are a good start,” he said. “But, until President Trump eliminates all environmental and safety regulations for corporations that I have zero stake in, I won’t be satisfied.”
The only thing more amazing is that the people who said "Give us Sanders or we'll give you Trump" are the people crying that we cant get rid of him (due to the absolute Republican control of congress they helped usher in).Amazing.
The only thing more amazing is that not only is he still in office but no one is mounting a serious campaign to have him ousted. Yes, the articles were introduced- and they quickly dropped out of sight like a rock in a muddy pond.
What that says about the state of our Union is beyond troubling.
Control of congress was handed to Republicans after Democrats failed to get single payer passed and during the TEA party wave because Democrats failed to pass progressive policy positions their base supported. So how did Sanders supporters "help usher them in" if Sanders became popular later than 2015?..The only thing more amazing is that the people who said "Give us Sanders or we'll give you Trump" are the people crying that we cant get rid of him (due to the absolute Republican control of congress they helped usher in).
Sanders is the most popular politician in the country. He's the frontrunner on the Dem ticket in 2020 for multiple mainstream news organizations..Your group is dead, man, widely ridiculed and discredited.
You should stop posting and focus on some introspection for a while.
LOL!Control of congress was handed to Republicans after Democrats failed to get single payer passed and during the TEA party wave because Democrats failed to pass progressive policy positions their base supported. So how did Sanders supporters "help usher them in" if Sanders became popular later than 2015?..
Sanders is the most popular politician in the country. He's the frontrunner on the Dem ticket in 2020 for multiple mainstream news organizations..
Trump sucked. It was obvious on the campaign trail.The only thing more amazing is that the people who said "Give us Sanders or we'll give you Trump" are the people crying that we cant get rid of him (due to the absolute Republican control of congress they helped usher in).
Your group is dead, man, widely ridiculed and discredited.
You should stop posting and focus on some introspection for a while.
How were Sanders supporters responsible for electing Republicans to Congress in 2012 and 2014?LOL!
You're embarrassing yourself with this deluded shit.
So try coming up with actual supporting evidence for this claim instead of Fix News level vacuous shit talking.LOL!
You're embarrassing yourself with this deluded shit.
...nevermind 2010?How were Sanders supporters responsible for electing Republicans to Congress in 2012 and 2014?
People wanted to make the White House White Again after "8 years of a n****r".So try coming up with actual supporting evidence for this claim instead of Fix News level vacuous shit talking.
Clinton 'should have' soon. Well, she didn't. The election results shouldn't even have been close. So why were they?
Instead of grade school blather, try getting to the bottom of those questions.
I have been and I've found a deeply dissatisfied electorate that has been systematically marginalized for decades and has been getting angrier and more desperate every year.
They aren't shy about saying that they voted for the orange clown to send a message, to force change, to vote against the corporate representative. I don't think they got what they wanted, but then Clinton, Bush and Obama didn't really deliver what they wanted either.
Now the situation is just that much more obvious.
Honestly, I fear that it will take yet another economic crash and resultant hardship for people to get serious about taking government out of the hands of the neoliberal/neoconservative corporatists. The sense of resignation, futility, powerlessness and learned helplessness is still so strong that we don't have millions of citizens in the streets every day, demanding the removal of the Chump and his plutocracy.
But you're more than welcome to keep foaming at the mouth with simpleton insults and distracting drivel. You're in good company, even though you're still getting shafted by the system. Defending it won't do you a damned bit of good.
They're well on their way to another crash. They're deregulating the CFPB, watering down the Dodd-Frank regulations, and giving enormous tax breaks to the top 1% while increasing the tax burden for the poor and middle class. Another crash is virtually inevitable within the next decade. Be it the student debt bubble, the credit card bubble, or another housing bubble. This is how supply side economics works when you choose not to address the actual underlying issue of a stagnant economy. This is an absolute recipe for disaster.Honestly, I fear that it will take yet another economic crash and resultant hardship for people to get serious about taking government out of the hands of the neoliberal/neoconservative corporatists.
What's interesting and a sign of the bubble getting extreme is that even Republican Party politicians are privately (and not so privately) saying that they have to pass the single most destructive tax cut of their careers, virtually guaranteeing yet another crash- and if they don't, their campaign funding will dry up and their careers will be over, in favor of someone else who will pass them, consequences be damned.They're well on their way to another crash. They're deregulating the CFPB, watering down the Dodd-Frank regulations, and giving enormous tax breaks to the top 1% while increasing the tax burden for the poor and middle class. Another crash is virtually inevitable within the next decade. Be it the student debt bubble, the credit card bubble, or another housing bubble. This is how supply side economics works when you choose not to address the actual underlying issue of a stagnant economy. This is an absolute recipe for disaster.
What I fear.. is that people still won't get it
That's true.Trump sucked. It was obvious on the campaign trail.
The only way he could have won is if the Democrats sucked even worse.
It shouldn't even have been close.
sure, its not cnn, msnbc, so it must be fake news . I mean think how many libs they exposed for sexual harassment. That's a news agency you can depend onThat has to be the worst news site I've ever been on.
Watch out for the aliens!
Quite a few, actually.sure, its not cnn, msnbc, so it must be fake news . I mean think how many libs they exposed for sexual harassment. That's a news agency you can depend on