Well-Known Member
They're the same.Did you hit your fucking head or something?
You are irresponsibly stupid.
this is fun edit:
Obama’s DOJ Got Aggressive On Civil Rights And Police Abuse. Now Trump Could Roll It All Back.
“A lot of the issues that folks believe are most vulnerable are the very issues where this Justice Department has been out in front.”
Obama’s Capital Gains Tax Hike Unlikely to Increase Revenues
The Democratic Party, then, has moved steadily to the left since the Clinton presidency.
Hillary totally would've given the rich a tax cut of historic proportions.
Cut back climate/wildlife protection legislation.
Attempted 3 seperate times to ban Muslims coming from 7 random countries amongst others...
They can't face the fact the Democrats are moving on without their whiney little emo bitch asses.
Padaraper, so what's the deal with the make-up and the weird rape smile in your borderline narcissistic collection of selfies?
And how come you're always alone in them?