Millionaire Donor Threatens Democratic Party: “If They Go Far Left, I’m Out”

Did you hit your fucking head or something?




You are irresponsibly stupid.

this is fun edit:


Obama’s DOJ Got Aggressive On Civil Rights And Police Abuse. Now Trump Could Roll It All Back.

“A lot of the issues that folks believe are most vulnerable are the very issues where this Justice Department has been out in front.”

Obama’s Capital Gains Tax Hike Unlikely to Increase Revenues

The Democratic Party, then, has moved steadily to the left since the Clinton presidency.
They're the same.

Hillary totally would've given the rich a tax cut of historic proportions.

Cut back climate/wildlife protection legislation.

Attempted 3 seperate times to ban Muslims coming from 7 random countries amongst others...

They can't face the fact the Democrats are moving on without their whiney little emo bitch asses.

Padaraper, so what's the deal with the make-up and the weird rape smile in your borderline narcissistic collection of selfies?

And how come you're always alone in them?
They're the same.

Hillary totally would've given the rich a tax cut of historic proportions.

Cut back climate/wildlife protection legislation.

Attempted 3 seperate times to ban Muslims coming from 7 random countries amongst others...

They can't face the fact the Democrats are moving on without their whiney little emo bitch asses.

Padaraper, so what's the deal with the make-up and the weird rape smile in your borderline narcissistic collection of selfies?

And how come you're always alone in them?

I'm actually just posting things mentioned in this
Have Democrats Pulled Too Far Left?

Pada isn't actually someone you can debate with. I doubt he actually reads the posts, that was kinda my point. I'm stoned though, so it's probably on my end.bongsmilie
It isn't "reading people's minds"

Cloobeck is telling you in extremely specific terms what he plans to do if the Democratic party moves left on economic issues that will affect his bottom line. He will "cut them off". It does not get more clear than that.

He IS saying so; "IF DEMOCRATS MOVE LEFT" What do you think he's saying there, dummy? If they go left, he's out. How else can you possibly interpret that?

He doesn't have to explicitly say it, it's apparent in his rant
you are a retarded person.
They're the same.

Hillary totally would've given the rich a tax cut of historic proportions.

Cut back climate/wildlife protection legislation.

Attempted 3 seperate times to ban Muslims coming from 7 random countries amongst others...

They can't face the fact the Democrats are moving on without their whiney little emo bitch asses.

Padaraper, so what's the deal with the make-up and the weird rape smile in your borderline narcissistic collection of selfies?

And how come you're always alone in them?

I like yours w/ Buckold and ScrawgDog puffing your cheeks in a pulsating way and not letting you smile because you expose your teeth when you do?

If the Demoncratic party chooses to actually practice the principles they (recently) espouse there might be a candidate or 2 worth voting for, but presently their credibility is a bit shoddy.
I like yours w/ Buckold and ScrawgDog puffing your cheeks in a pulsating way and not letting you smile because you expose your teeth when you do?

If the Demoncratic party chooses to actually practice the principles they (recently) espouse there might be a candidate or 2 worth voting for, but presently their credibility is a bit shoddy.
The interesting thing you'll find about liberals is that we're not some monolithic group all "following the leader" like Republicans with Trump in a cult like fashion?

I voted for Hillary, she was the better candidate for the ordinary people of the country but for better or worse she lost because of the archaic electoral college system defying the will of the people.

But that ship has sailed. Loads of younger progressive lawmakers beginning to shine and move towards leadership of the Democrats.

You must admit with the proposed tax plan and plan to cut 20mill American's health insurance that Republicans aren't representing the interests of the lower echelons of their base, right?

Both parties have an "old guard" that needs to go, then maybe we can work on practical bipartisanship again?
AMONG liberals, it’s almost universally assumed that of the two major parties, it’s the Republicans who have become more extreme over the years. That’s a self-flattering but false narrative.
I disagree
But in the last two decades the Democratic Party has moved substantially further to the left than the Republican Party has shifted to the right.
Absolutely absurd
To see just how far the Democratic Party has moved to the left, compare Barack Obama with Bill Clinton. In 1992, Mr. Clinton ran as a centrist New Democrat. In several respects he governed as one as well. He endorsed a sentencing policy of “three strikes and you’re out,” and he proposed adding 100,000 police officers to the streets.

In contrast, President Obama’s former attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., criticized what he called “widespread incarceration” and championed the first decrease in the federal prison population in more than three decades. Mr. Obama, meanwhile, has chosen to focus on police abuses.
How many innocent minorities were police responsible for murdering during president Obama's administration? How many of the officers involved in these murders were convicted? How many nonviolent drug offenders were arrested during the Obama administration?


One of the crowning legislative achievements under Mr. Clinton was welfare reform. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, loosened welfare-to-work requirements.
Loosening welfare-to-work requirements is what Peter Wehner considers "far left"

I agree Obama was much better on the issue of welfare than Bill Clinton

Mr. Obama is more liberal than Mr. Clinton was on gay rights, religious liberties, abortion rights, drug legalization and climate change.
Gay rights, abortion rights, and climate change are all contingent upon the amount of time that's passed since those issues became important to Americans. Of course a Democratic president would be more sympathetic to them today than 20 years ago. I'm not sure what Wehner is referring to when he says "religious liberties", and on the issue of drug legalization, what drugs are legal now that were illegal during Bill Clinton's administration?
He has focused far more attention on income inequality than did Mr. Clinton, who stressed opportunity and mobility.
By using Bill Clinton as a standard, it's very easy to make the claim Obama has focused far more attention on income inequality than he did. But income inequality has gotten far worse under Obama. What is Wehner referring to in regards to actual policy positions that can validate this claim?
He is the first president to essentially nationalize health care.
The Affordable Care Act is not nationalized healthcare...
Clinton lowered the capital gains tax, Obama raised it
Sure, kinda..
Mr. Clinton cut spending and produced a surplus. Under Mr. Obama, spending and the deficit reached record levels.
Uhhhhh.. I wonder why :shock: Very disingenuous "far left"
In foreign policy, Mr. Obama has shown himself to be far more critical of traditional allies and more supine toward our adversaries than Mr. Clinton was. Mr. Obama has often acted as if American strength is a problem to which the solution is retrenchment, or even retreat.
America was engaged in 7 different conflicts during the Obama administration (Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan), so again, totally baseless claim
Another bellwether: Hillary Rodham Clinton, in positioning herself for the 2016 election, is decidedly more liberal than she and her husband once were on illegal immigration, gay marriage and incarceration. She has called to “end the era of mass incarceration” and spoken about the importance of “toppling” the wealthiest 1 percent. She has remained noncommittal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the free-trade agreement that has drawn ire from the left.
The Democratic Party, then, has moved steadily to the left since the Clinton presidency. In fact, since his re-election, Mr. Obama’s inner progressive has been liberated. (An exception is the administration’s conditional approval of oil drilling off the Alaskan coast, starting this summer.) Other examples are his executive action granting temporary legal status to millions of illegal immigrants, his claim that gay marriage is a constitutional right, and his veto of legislation authorizing construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
"far left"
One can also plausibly argue that the Republican Party is the governing party in America. After two enormous losses by Democrats in the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections, Republicans control the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are currently 31 Republican governors compared with 18 for Democrats. Republicans control 68 of 98 state legislative chambers and the most state legislative seats since the 1920s. Nearly half of Americans now live in states under total Republican control. The Obama years have been politically good for Mr. Obama; they have been disastrous for his party.
Those who insist that the Democratic Party’s march to the left carries no political risks might consider the fate of the British Labour Party earlier this month. Ed Miliband, its leader, ran hard to the left. The result? The Conservative Party under David Cameron won its first outright majority in Parliament since 1992.

Mr. Clinton acted on a lesson Democrats learned the hard way, and moved his party more to the center on fiscal policy, welfare, crime, the culture and foreign policy.
Each of which, you deny
I disagree

Absolutely absurd

How many innocent minorities were police responsible for murdering during president Obama's administration? How many of the officers involved in these murders were convicted? How many nonviolent drug offenders were arrested during the Obama administration?


Loosening welfare-to-work requirements is what Peter Wehner considers "far left"

I agree Obama was much better on the issue of welfare than Bill Clinton

Gay rights, abortion rights, and climate change are all contingent upon the amount of time that's passed since those issues became important to Americans. Of course a Democratic president would be more sympathetic to them today than 20 years ago. I'm not sure what Wehner is referring to when he says "religious liberties", and on the issue of drug legalization, what drugs are legal now that were illegal during Bill Clinton's administration?

By using Bill Clinton as a standard, it's very easy to make the claim Obama has focused far more attention on income inequality than he did. But income inequality has gotten far worse under Obama. What is Wehner referring to in regards to actual policy positions that can validate this claim?

The Affordable Care Act is not nationalized healthcare...

Sure, kinda..

Uhhhhh.. I wonder why :shock: Very disingenuous "far left"

America was engaged in 7 different conflicts during the Obama administration (Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan), so again, totally baseless claim


"far left"


Each of which, you deny

You've gone completely off the walls, QUIT THE METH, it's making you a total jerkoff.

Of course you two love Jeremy.

Jeremy Corbyn warned antisemitism could stop Labour winning power after Holocaust denial row hits conference
Labour leader forced to deny he heads the 'nasty party' after speaker says people should be allowed to question whether the Holocaust happened

Anti-Semitism Claims Hound U.K.’s Labour Party Despite Rise in Polls

Why the Rise of Corbyn's Labour Party Should Worry the West
His party must wrestle with its demons before its brand of leftist populism has a chance to change Britain.

Anti-Semitism and the British Left

Alan Dershowitz: Will Brits vote for hard-left, anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn?

Labour, antisemitism and where Jeremy Corbyn goes from here

Britain’s top Jewish writers slam Jeremy Corbyn for tolerating Labour anti-semitism under the cover of opposition to Israel

Election 2017: Corbyn 'failing to grasp anti-Semitism

Britain’s Labour Party Tries to Whitewash Its Anti-Semitism
The Labour Party has struggled with accusations of entrenched anti-Semitism ever since Jeremy Corbyn took over as party leader last year. Its internal report on the issue has only made things worse.

edit: Hey Kid, remember when you wrote this?

Exactly. Israel uses the same tactics, and for some reason they get to complain about it if Hamas does it... Check the death count for even more confirmation, either Hamas is completely incompetent and can't use their own equipment for $hit, or they are not engaging Israeli targets with Palestinian civilians in them... It's pretty clear which one they would choose... On the flip side, check the civilian death count on the Palestinian side, either Israel IS in fact targeting civilians directly, or they can't use their own equipment for $hit! Given the American made equipment available and Israeli military behind the wheel... take your own guess at which one they chose. I'm pretty sure (Palestinian majority) Hamas would care about Palestinian civilians, but I highly doubt Israeli military/government officials would care very much about Palestinian civilians, and the death count confirms that. American media is totally biased, it's disgusting.
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Giving holocaust deniers a pass (and liking their posts) while you criticize Israel and cite antisemitic propaganda rags is what puts eyes on you. That's not conflation, that's you twats being actual antisemitic shitstains.
Conflate much? Keep practicing...

And yes I will continue to criticize Israeli apartheid and mistreatment of Palestinians until they stop doing it.

I'll do it for all the same reasons that mistreating native Americans is wrong. Or black people. Or Rohingya.

But keep trying, apartheid denier. Keep licking Netanyahu's boots.
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