i was on the fence whether or not to post my thoughts because they say you catch more bees with honey.. i never understood why somebody wanted to catch the bees in the first place if they already had the honey but i digress...
So I've placed one order so far, tried to place a second with no luck. I would like to say first I'm generally a happy customer but just definitely not dazzled here. First order was 300 dollars BOTH PACKS WERE ON SALE i do get that but still, no freebies. The first seed order on any site in ten years that i didn't get at least a single extra bean even if it's in the pack i bought or was on sale. Ok not a big deal i got what i ordered and fast. I wasn't worried about it because ok they were on sale i get it. Packaging was lackluster they were just thrown in a bubble package and mailed. Idk maybe I'm being critical in that aspect that's really all that's necessary being that it's within the country buuut glg sends stickers tins lighters dab pucks and still puts the packs in an extra layer of protection/vision block of some sort.. Double bubbled! I mean what if the package rips open at the sort facility, right!? A second envelope saves everybody some possible issues. Anyway they got here in one piece and that's what matters.
Went to make a second order and this one was going to be around 500 if i remember correctly. Went to checkout and got the craziest error starting there's no stock however one of three packs had three still available! The other two only had one available. I email oes with a screen shot and ask them to hold those packs for me. They try to fix the issue and i try again still no luck... At this point i go to bed. I wake up to an email stating ok try again or it's been fixed something of that nature. Go to the site and it's now working however two of the strains are now sold out -_- soooo if these are being held for me I'll change my tune and outlook real fast lol but this was a couple weeks ago and i never received correspondence to that effect obviously. Maybe had i been a longer standing customer they would have known if i say I'll buy it I'll buy it and held them, idk.
Just kind of an overall bummer of an experience compared to glg and attitude FOR ME, i know glg site is kind of weak sauce and some in the past had issues with over selling packs, i personally haven't had a problem with them nor ever with attitude. So not saying anybody is better here just want to share my own experiences which i can only compare to those I've had with other companies, ya know?!
My last concern is this auction section. I've found the strains listed for auction still available at other sites multiple times for the starting bid price. For instance this 700 dollar pack from afficianado which has a reserve not met is for sale for the same price right now at seeds here now.
Seems like a cash grab hate to say it.. Which hey capitalism more power to ya but still leaves me with this face on when i think about it :/
Have to reiterate this is a completely reputable source for seed and most of you are probably very happy with them and i do love the difference in selection compared to the others i use. Just my personal overall experience was sort of blah. Still going to make another order at some point, maybe even on one of these auctions ha. hope i get my package they may hate me now if they didn't already from this site here come to think of it

jkjk .. hopefully I'll be able to leave an awesome review here in place of this post when i do get the next order. Or if you get anything extra extra special and limited in stock OES, put aside for me i will buy it and tell everybody how great you guys are