Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

We'll need to learn how to pay taxes to support the common good first.

Unfortunately the right labels that as socialism and then the concept is dead in the water.

I forget who said it first but it was something like, The value of of a society can be judged on how well they treat those incapable of contributing to that society.

It pisses me off that our gov't can spend billions to help poor people in nations all over the world when we have so many homeless right in our back yards. Let's clean up our own backyards before becoming janitors for the rest of the world.
Unfortunately the right labels that as socialism and then the concept is dead in the water.

I forget who said it first but it was something like, The value of of a society can be judged on how well they treat those incapable of contributing to that society.

It pisses me off that our gov't can spend billions to help poor people in nations all over the world when we have so many homeless right in our back yards. Let's clean up our own backyards before becoming janitors for the rest of the world.

The quote has been said many ways and attributed to many people. This is one of the more elegant;

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." ~ Mahatma Ghandi

And America currently fails this test terribly. Make no mistake about it, either; it isn't the majority of American citizens who think this is socialism, rather it's the corporate sponsored media and corporate owned political class who say such things. This worm is beginning to turn, if slowly.

Once people figure out that starving the poor is how the rich and mega corporations pay for their tax breaks, all hell will (justifiably) break loose.
Employee insurance is tax free and uninsured people pay for that tax break. And always have!

It's not tax free, depending on the plan you get from your employer, it can appear on your w-2 as income. But the employer certainly does get a tax deduction for their costs of providing the plans. So the taxpayer (those that actually get taxed in one form or another) still pays it either way.

The uninsured just get screwed. They pay WAY too much for the services they use, or they are denied services they can't pay for. The right loves to scream about Death Panels; well, we have them already and they are called hospital administrators.
It's not tax free, depending on the plan you get from your employer, it can appear on your w-2 as income. But the employer certainly does get a tax deduction for their costs of providing the plans. So the taxpayer (those that actually get taxed in one form or another) still pays it either way. .

Of course they get to deduct it, it's an ordinary and necessary expense. Howsoever they don't get to deduct it from their taxes. No sir. They get to deduct it from their net income which is taxable. The employer still pays the premium out of the income. I'd rather save a dollar and keep 50 cents but I pay the premium so I can attract a better class of workers.
Indeed they have. You get to live for as long as you have money- whether you want to or not.

Not in Canada eh.

We got doctor assisted suicide here now for terminally ill people. Not as liberal as it should be but that will change over time. If I were diagnosed with alzheimer's I'd want my plug pulled when I couldn't change my own diapers or recognize family members. Can't get that now.
Not in Canada eh.

We got doctor assisted suicide here now for terminally ill people. Not as liberal as it should be but that will change over time. If I were diagnosed with alzheimer's I'd want my plug pulled when I couldn't change my own diapers or recognize family members. Can't get that now.
I was born in Canada and I've been exploring my options to live up there. You're making a strong case stronger!
Unfortunately the right labels that as socialism and then the concept is dead in the water.

I forget who said it first but it was something like, The value of of a society can be judged on how well they treat those incapable of contributing to that society.

It pisses me off that our gov't can spend billions to help poor people in nations all over the world when we have so many homeless right in our back yards. Let's clean up our own backyards before becoming janitors for the rest of the world.
A common misconception is that the billions being spent by Western countries in less developed Nations aren't necessarily helping the poor. They're mostly just poorly diwguised bribes to local governments that open the doors for Western Corporation to come in and exploit the local natural resources. So your tax dollars aren't actually helping anybody but corporations... as usual...
Come start a cannabis lounge with me here in Edmonton!
Or a dispensary.

I would rather start a small lab to offer cheaper pot testing for folks. Start just doing thc/cbd and go further as the profits allow.

Not likely to run into legal hassles doing that. Gonna be a bigger demand for that service. Probably get it running for 100-150G.

I have the credentials with a diploma in environmental chemistry and a clean criminal record. Little shy on cash but with a decent bissiness plan and some research to show viabilty I'm sure I could tap into my inheritance for 50G. Or sell the farm and move south. :)
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I'm sitting in a chair in my hospital room after having my appendix removed and an abcess on the colon near it drained. Tube should be coming out tonight and I should be home tomorrow.

It's very possible that the appendix was responsible for the lower gut problems tat have plaged me for the last few years. The surgeon said he thinks it started to swell up but a small hole developed and prevented it from blowing but allowed a slow leakage into my belly and could have been going on for years.

Surgery went perfect and eating like a horse. Feeling better every hour. Been hell for a over a week since I had to prep for a colonoscopy a week ago Wednesday.

Got extra 50mil lotto tickets for tonight. After the run of bad luck I've had recently it's time for some payback!
I'm sitting in a chair in my hospital room after having my appendix removed and an abcess on the colon near it drained. Tube should be coming out tonight and I should be home tomorrow.

It's very possible that the appendix was responsible for the lower gut problems tat have plaged me for the last few years. The surgeon said he thinks it started to swell up but a small hole developed and prevented it from blowing but allowed a slow leakage into my belly and could have been going on for years.

Surgery went perfect and eating like a horse. Feeling better every hour. Been hell for a over a week since I had to prep for a colonoscopy a week ago Wednesday.

Got extra 50mil lotto tickets for tonight. After the run of bad luck I've had recently it's time for some payback!

Congrats on the successful surgery, as for the lottery tickets. . .

I'm sitting in a chair in my hospital room after having my appendix removed and an abcess on the colon near it drained. Tube should be coming out tonight and I should be home tomorrow.

It's very possible that the appendix was responsible for the lower gut problems tat have plaged me for the last few years. The surgeon said he thinks it started to swell up but a small hole developed and prevented it from blowing but allowed a slow leakage into my belly and could have been going on for years.

Surgery went perfect and eating like a horse. Feeling better every hour. Been hell for a over a week since I had to prep for a colonoscopy a week ago Wednesday.

Got extra 50mil lotto tickets for tonight. After the run of bad luck I've had recently it's time for some payback!
I had my appendix out years ago. In my case the symptoms were nothing more than a persistent stomach ache in my lower right abdomen.

I sure hope this has you feeling better than you have in years!