When to start only water for these girls? (shameless first grow bud pics :P)


Well-Known Member
I have a USB microscope en route to me... but I am seeing quite a few hairs starting to turn and curl up...

The trichs are definitely still mostly clear to slightly cloudy.

When I read the seed sites I have 60-65 days as flower time. I'm at day 41.

The last 3 waterings have been 7 days, 6 days, 6 days, and this next one I think is going to be at 5 days based on how light the pots are right now...

Given that, I have 3 waters left if they turn out to be on schedule with the seed site's info...

I've read that those sites are just a guide... so... kind interested on when to start dropping the feedings and going straight water.

One of the girls (Special K) started showing brown pistols just yesterday, the other(double glock) showed them about 3 days ago. Since then the Special K hasn't really progressed all that much but the Double Glock nearly doubled the amount of browning pistols since yesterday.

Anyway, rambling above aside... knowing all the above info, but not knowing trich color truly yet, you all think I'm the full 3 weeks out for both? less? more?



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My guess 2 or 3 weeks, theres a lot of pistols that are white and young. Good looking plants. I don't grow with chems or nutes. But I do know that ppl give them on average a 2 week flush. Some will argue more some Will argue less. It's comes down to how many chems you put into the soil. That is the reason for a flush! Good luck hopefully someone more knowledgeable in chem growing can help you further!
You can water if you want to save some money in the last few days before chop. But the plant will be preety much finished then so you will know when you may want to do that.

Flushing is an old myth that sounds like it makes sense but science says otherwise and most modern growers (even some old in years) don't flush.
Water only is fine when the plants about to be harvested but you cannot pick that on a new strain 1/2 way through flowering or of cause in water only grows.

last week a growing friend of mine asked how long I flushed for as the smoke was smooth. I told him I didn't and it was not cured properly yet. He wont flush ever again.
Well thats good info.

I guess i can water only when i see her starting to fade as that is a sure sign she isn't taking up nutrients anymore.

Much appreciated
Well thats good info.

I guess i can water only when i see her starting to fade as that is a sure sign she isn't taking up nutrients anymore.

Much appreciated

Oh NO!
They take up nutrients till you harvest!

The idea that flushing anything from a plant is false. You can't! The plant can not do that! Those weeks of bulking are so very important to be getting proper nutrition.
What do you grow for?
The best possible result?
Feed it till the last cpl of days and then water if you need to.

ANY P&K booster is stopped for the actual last 2 weeks before harvest.....
Ah... i see how my last statment was confusing.

I meant "water only" as a way to water... not only water when they fade hahaha.

English... who knew it was so difficult to use...
i feed my plants upto the last feeding then they get one last feeding of fresh water before the chop. flushing is a myth, no other crops are "flushed" before harvest.

i also usually wash my buds right after the chop too to remove any potential dust particles, mold spores, rogue bugs and their eggs, etc.

i use 3 buckets filled with water, one has lemon juice and baking soda, one has peroxide, the last is just plain water for the final rinse.

i wouldnt waste my time or energy "flushing" and your plants look like to me that they have at least 3 weeks left in them but id say more likely 4 weeks. dont be fooled by some pistils turning and receeding early. i think its normal, all of my plants have done that and ive noticed when they start to do it they are about to hit a growth spurt and pack on some weight. it happens a couple times it seems like, the plant will slow down after a couple weeks of stretch after the flip and it will start to take off again but it will get fatter and denser instead of taller.

the breeder recommendations are just that, recommendations. if you have 100% ideal growing conditions and dont run into any problems you could probably harvest in that time frame but ive noticed that the plant is done when its done.
I do have a microscope coming so I can take a closer look.

Nice to know the pistol thing isn't a quality indicator...

They have started to put on some weight for sure, especially the one that has the pistols receeding.
That is the flush.

NO it's NOT a "flush" or a "fade"...... It's what they have you do to not finish the plant too fast and fry the living shit out of them.......Your still feeding your base nutrient!

Did you know that Mg - K and N are thc antagonists? That means that higher amounts of these will reduce the final potency in the plant .....

It's why I stop my amending Mg and K sulfate at 2-3 weeks to go....
Ah... i see how my last statment was confusing.

I meant "water only" as a way to water... not only water when they fade hahaha.

English... who knew it was so difficult to use...

When you use water only, hand built organic "super" soils...Generally from day 1 of veg...
NO it's NOT a "flush" or a "fade"...... It's what they have you do to not finish the plant too fast and fry the living shit out of them.......Your still feeding your base nutrient!

Did you know that Mg - K and N are thc antagonists? That means that higher amounts of these will reduce the final potency in the plant .....

It's why I stop my amending Mg and K sulfate at 2-3 weeks to go....
You’re yelling.
You can water if you want to save some money in the last few days before chop. But the plant will be preety much finished then so you will know when you may want to do that.

Flushing is an old myth that sounds like it makes sense but science says otherwise and most modern growers (even some old in years) don't flush.
Water only is fine when the plants about to be harvested but you cannot pick that on a new strain 1/2 way through flowering or of cause in water only grows.

last week a growing friend of mine asked how long I flushed for as the smoke was smooth. I told him I didn't and it was not cured properly yet. He wont flush ever again.
GO look at the dried up goop that runs from the cuts on the base where you cut off branches after harvesting a heavy fed plant with no flushing. It looks like a sparkly thin toothpaste stain.