First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering


Active Member
I have 3 plants in the flowering stage right 33 to be exact. I let them veg for about 2 months before starting the flowering stage. 2 are Pure Power Plant and 1 is Night Shade. I may be expecting too much but do these look like they arent filling out as much as they should?? I am happy with the results so far but I thought the buds would be bigger. This is my first time growing so I am definitely still learning and would be glad to hear any advice. For reference the two tall ones are 31" and 29" tall...I didnt get the whole plants into those pics. The second pic down is of the Night Shade, its only 19" and look pretty full. Here they are.



Active Member
they look pretty delicious to me.:) :joint::clap: my plant is about 26 inches ( just a guess, havent meassure in awhile) and i have been in veg about 2 months and now in flowering about 2 weeks. your colas look to be about twice the size of mine. but im only in week 2. so i think they are looking pretty good. but this is my first grow and im a noob so dont listen to what i tell ya. haha


Well-Known Member
Mine are very similar, but a little smaller (being about a week younger its about the same.) I think it may just be part of the strand in my case.


Well-Known Member
they look great to me.. on my first grow only bagseed and about a week from harvest and your buds look pretty darn close to mine id say they look great ;) have you tried molasses? ive had great results in thickening up my buds.. Good luck!:weed:


Active Member
yeah, I throw about a tablespoon of molasses into there water cycle every other week. How often do you use the molasses on yours??


Well-Known Member
i use it like every other watering about twice maybe 3 times a weeks but just used straight water for the last 2 weeks ;)


Active Member
Thanks...I hope they double or triple in size the next couple of weeks though. Let me know how yours turn out
The height growth usually takes place in the first 2 weeks of flowering.. Mine went from 12" to 33" in the first two weeks and haven't grown more than an inch or two in the last 3 weeks


Active Member
for the pruning question...yeah, I took off a couple of the bigger fan leafs, they were hiding the bottom buds from the light. It seemed to help because they got bigger fairly quickly after I did some trimming.

My plants did about the same thing with doubling in height...went from 17" to 30 in a week and a half. I was referring to the bud size. The buds have been steadily filling in and the trychs are getting more and more plentiful. Also, the hairs are starting to turn auburn. I still have to get a scope to check the trychs. According to my research, these babies take about 8-9 weeks for flowering so I am half way home. If they double in size, then I should get a pretty good return.


Well-Known Member
nice man , hope my ppp turn out like that , what was your lighting situation and nutes.. awesome grow


Active Member
I have 10 60W CFLs on them for 12/12. I used 5 flood lights and then put a outlet splitter in each. Honestly, I didnt use a whole lot of nuts, I bought some soil that already had nutes in it and lasted up to 3 months. Recently I have been giving them some big bloom pellets and mixing in some mollases with the watering cycle. They seem to be doing well. I might step up the mollases a little more often soon. I will keep updating every week or two with pics so we can see how they are doing.


Active Member
I am going to take some pics today...more and more of the hairs are turning red and the smell is definitely getting stronger. I am off to Puerto Vallerta (sp?) in a little over a week and I will be gone for 7 days so I have to figure out what I am going to do for watering or if they will be ready by then. They should still be a week or so away from full strength though.


Active Member
I just got my magnifying glass today too so I am gonna check the trychs for "readiness"...Auburn and cloudy means chop away, right?!


Active Member
Your right about the stretching...newb mistake, I guess. They grew a lot faster then I thought when I switched over to flowering. I hope they continue to fill out. Thanks for checking back in