What's your dream car?

When was the last time people stood in line to buy a new car like this? Around the world? I was in line on day1, it was madness.....people want what Elon has to sell.....

just look at the mob around the Tesla Model3 at the LA Auto show today....lol



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My Expedition That I was T-Boned in Tonight :(
They don't make them suv's on truck frames anymore, all unibody garbage.

but i miss my 1977 Granada and 81 Caballero and 92 Mustang.
go long on Tesla.....you will thank me later
No. When their stock values the company the same as GM or Ford, there's no longer any upside. It's already been priced in.

I want to see Tesla survive and succeed. He's not there yet. Hype won't help.

He has a long way to go to build a successful car company. Meanwhile, Porsche is selling twice the cars (solidly backed by Volkswagen AG) and even GM is selling 20,000 Bolts a year with no production or supply chain management issues.

Long story short, Elon now needs to DELIVER.