the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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Why do you fantasize about young girls? Do you think it's appropriate for an man in his 30s to make sexual advances towards a 14 year old girl?

oh heavens no, and I hope this election doesn't disrupt that high school or affect that poor girls grades or anyone elses..... and moore must be stressed at this accusation because he looks a lot older than 30.

or are you implying that accusation isn't the correct term here?
oh heavens no, and I hope this election doesn't disrupt that high school or affect that poor girls grades or anyone elses..... and moore must be stressed at this accusation because he looks a lot older than 30.

or are you implying that accusation isn't the correct term here?

Ah, you're a "different types of rape" kind of guy.

Why do 30 year old men get banned from malls? Why would a 30 year old man sign a 14 year old girls year book? Why would these women lie? Why are you so naive and slightly brain-dead?
oh heavens no, and I hope this election doesn't disrupt that high school or affect that poor girls grades or anyone elses..... and moore must be stressed at this accusation because he looks a lot older than 30.

or are you implying that accusation isn't the correct term here?
I'm sure you would have no problem with a 30 year old picking your daughter up from your trailer for a night out.
Ah, you're a "different types of rape" kind of guy.

Why do 30 year old men get banned from malls? Why would a 30 year old man sign a 14 year old girls year book? Why would these women lie? Why are you so naive and slightly brain-dead?

cuz no-one would lie during an election.

So not only are you a pedophile supporter, but you are naive, slightly retarded and a hypocrite.

hashtag thanksforclearingthatup

are you finished demonstrating your ignorance of the definition of support?

didn't think so.
are you finished demonstrating your ignorance of the definition of support?

didn't think so.

Dude. You are not good at this. Get to your point. What exactly are you trying to say? What is your argument?

Is your position that Moore is completely innocent of the allegations? If so, why did you not hold the same position for Clinton? Or any other Democrat for that matter?
they would both have a big problem from me.
is this english? if you are providing them with a big problem, what exactly does that big problem look like?

why do you think? because I would know for certain of the arrangement.
that is certainly not a sound argument, at best circular, clearly not well thought out.

admit it, you're not a bright person.
omfg which clinton you moron.

is your position that these are allegations just before an election?

thought so.

what does the timing matter? you either believe it happened, or you don't. pretty basic logic dude.

you answering the question for me that you just posed, is very comical. im literally laughing out loud.
what does the timing matter? you either believe it happened, or you don't. pretty basic logic dude.

you answering the question for me that you just posed, is very comical. im literally laughing out loud.

that guy fucked me when i was much younger than he. I didn't want to smear him all this time till he ran for a crucial Senate seat.......

when he is convicted of any of these allegations I will eat my words.

can't withdraw my support though, cause I haven't sent him money and can't vote for him.

good luck in your debating endeavors slugger.
that guy fucked me when i was much younger than he. I didn't want to smear him all this time till he ran for a crucial Senate seat.......

when he is convicted of any of these allegations I will eat my words.

can't withdraw my support though, cause I haven't sent him money and can't vote for him.

good luck in your debating endeavors slugger.

I agree, debating you is like debating a sack of potatoes, neither I nor the sack of potatoes will get anywhere. You're not bright enough to comprehend the slightest of complexities and I'm incapable of thoughtfully understanding your rationale. And you are clearly incapable of attempting to convince me otherwise. So it seems we are at a stalemate.

good luck with whatever it is you are attempting to achieve.
I agree, debating you is like debating a sack of potatoes, neither I nor the sack of potatoes will get anywhere. You're not bright enough to comprehend the slightest of complexities and I'm incapable of thoughtfully understanding your rationale. And you are clearly incapable of attempting to convince me otherwise. So it seems we are at a stalemate.

good luck with whatever it is you are attempting to achieve.

no worries, mission may now skeet off to where ever having properly used the word "allegations" in context to your virtue signaling.

have a good one.
no worries, mission may now skeet off to where ever having properly used the word "allegations" in context to your virtue signaling.

have a good one.

just like email allegations and benghazi allegations.

your fake chivalry for a pedophile is totally not hypocritical at all... nope, not you.. no way!

like i mentioned before, on numerous occasions, you are not convincing anyone of anything. you aren't capable.
oh heavens no, and I hope this election doesn't disrupt that high school or affect that poor girls grades or anyone elses..... and moore must be stressed at this accusation because he looks a lot older than 30.

or are you implying that accusation isn't the correct term here?
Zervos’ claims are among allegations made by at least nine other women that they were harassed or sexually assaulted by President Trump.

The hearing came just one day after President Donald Trump endorsed Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused by multiple women of sexually harassing and assaulting them as minors decades ago.

Trump has reportedly tried to cast doubt in recent weeks on the veracity of a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape in which he’s heard telling the show’s then-anchor, Billy Bush, that he’d grabbed women’s genitals. On Monday, Bush wrote in an op-ed for the New York Times: “Of course he said it.”
You do understand that, it being your poll and your so distinctly showing irrational hatred in the phrasing of the poll question meant I felt it a moral imperative to do so?
Did you expect anything else?
no, he was fired twice for violating the constitution.
he was not fired for being christian.
The linked erumor investigation I provided disagrees:
"The story is true.
Judge Moore was suspended from his post and charged with six ethics violations for refusing to remove the granite monument of the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Supreme Court building by August 20, 2003.
On November 13, 2004, the Alabama Court of the Judiciary expelled Moore from his position as Chief Justice."

Do you have any supporting evidence of your claim?
he wants to ban muslim people from holding office.
that is more extreme than hitler.

Let me get this straight.
You, who have religiously identified sooooo many times as Jewish, are saying that banning "a religion" from public office "is more extreme than hitler", it being that Judaism is a religion?

After seeing you say this multiple times and looking at the monitor in disbelief I think I can finally fully express why.

I am absolutely awestruck at the hypocrisy that would allow you to state that being barred from public office is worse than the slavery (as prisoners) and mass murder of jewish people during WWII. :oops:

Show the wife this one and I'm sure you're getting laid tonight!
and you wanted to vote for him, unsurprisingly.
Answered the first time you asked it (unlike the above, this one is just your regular stupidity speaking).

Have this post taken down as you have had many of my others, but it's screenshot material fer sure! ;)
they would both have a big problem from me. why do you think? because I would know for certain of the arrangement.

duh george.
Roy said he always got permission from the parent. Roy would ask you and you would be cool with a 30 year old dating your daughter. You would know for certain of the arrangement because you would approve.
"Lucid argument", "debate" how far up your ass have you lodged your corroded dome? You are dumber than fuck with no interest or capacity for lucidity, cogency, or moral legitimacy. Stfu clown youre an embarrassment to yourself and riu.
I thought you had that embarrassment angle cornered.

If you don't like what I write (or can't find logical fault with it) quit reading my posts.

Again, the all encompassing love you emanate towards me must have been crafted while staring into a mirror.
Now tell me how you really feel.
no, he was fired twice for violating the constitution.

he was not fired for being christian.

he wants to ban muslim people from holding office.

that is more extreme than hitler.

and you wanted to vote for him, unsurprisingly.

you are a neo-nazi scumbag.
I only chime in once in a skosh on political shit first off. And it alwAys seems your in there somewhere. Your a mulitple handle poster. You like to stir shit up. And you got MAJOR sexual identity problems. Your not a grower. No fukin way. Your a shit pot Obvious as all get out who and what you really is. And your not passing GO nor collecting on this block weaver. Because ive seen and heard your ilk before. Your old news. Used up and kicked around like a dusty ole bottle. Yawn.