You do understand that, it being your poll and your so distinctly showing irrational hatred in the phrasing of the poll question meant I felt it a moral imperative to do so?
Did you expect anything else?
no, he was fired twice for violating the constitution.
he was not fired for being christian.
The linked erumor investigation I provided disagrees:
"The story is true.
Judge Moore was suspended from his post and charged with six ethics violations for refusing to remove the granite monument of the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Supreme Court building by August 20, 2003.
On November 13, 2004, the Alabama Court of the Judiciary expelled Moore from his position as Chief Justice."
Do you have any supporting evidence of your claim?
he wants to ban muslim people from holding office.
that is more extreme than hitler.
Let me get this straight.
You, who have religiously identified sooooo many times as Jewish, are saying that banning "a religion" from public office
"is more extreme than hitler", it being that Judaism is a religion?
After seeing you say this multiple times and looking at the monitor in disbelief I think I can finally fully express why.
I am absolutely awestruck at the hypocrisy that would allow you to state that being barred from public office is worse than the slavery (as prisoners) and mass murder of jewish people during WWII.
Show the wife this one and I'm sure you're getting laid tonight!
and you wanted to vote for him, unsurprisingly.
Answered the first time you asked it (unlike the above, this one is just your regular stupidity speaking).
Have this post taken down as you have had many of my others, but it's screenshot material fer sure!