the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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Shutup, you monster, asshole whisperer how could you do that to titsticks sphincter? hurt my feelings! ;)

Found the easter egg yet?
After giving you a pretty good time period within to search the clock is ticking.
Tick...tock, dick sock.

Don't you want to play?
Too busy falsely accusing people of pedophilia?

Prerequisite camouflage to keep scrutiny of yourself at bay more busy work than you thought, Dexter?
oh heavens no, and I hope this election doesn't disrupt that high school or affect that poor girls grades or anyone elses..... and moore must be stressed at this accusation because he looks a lot older than 30.

or are you implying that accusation isn't the correct term here?

Yes. The correct term is accusationS, and there are very many of them as well as plenty of contemporaneous confirmation. You have daughters by any chance, dirtbag?
that guy fucked me when i was much younger than he. I didn't want to smear him all this time till he ran for a crucial Senate seat.......

You really are a complete dirtbag. You're too stupid to understand why it has been very difficult traditionally for women (let alone children) who have been victimized to report it? Where the fuck have you been? Your ignorance is astounding.
oh heavens no, and I hope this election doesn't disrupt that high school or affect that poor girls grades or anyone elses..... and moore must be stressed at this accusation because he looks a lot older than 30.

or are you implying that accusation isn't the correct term here?
How the fuck can you deny the evidence against moore?

Oh right you are a neo nazi
that guy fucked me when i was much younger than he. I didn't want to smear him all this time till he ran for a crucial Senate seat.......

when he is convicted of any of these allegations I will eat my words.

can't withdraw my support though, cause I haven't sent him money and can't vote for him.

good luck in your debating endeavors slugger.
Moores pedophilia was known about for years so they investigated him since he is now in a high profile spot. The evidence is overwhelimg.

You are a neo nazi who wants another bigot in the senate
I'm reading you speak out and defend a man who is accused by more than one person of being a pedophile. I must assume that you would approve of your daughter dating a 30 year old as long as he ask for you permission before hand. Moore said that is what he did and you seemingly approve. Do you think this is the best way for your child to find a lover?

why are you making this about me dude (rhetorical) that fuckery ain't happening here.....if it did you would at least have facts, names and sources and a nice story with arrest records for me beating that older guys ass.

got any of those names, facts or sources?
You really are a complete dirtbag. You're too stupid to understand why it has been very difficult traditionally for women (let alone children) who have been victimized to report it? Where the fuck have you been? Your ignorance is astounding.

the mall and that yearbook tho.
Moores pedophilia was known about for years so they investigated him since he is now in a high profile spot. The evidence is overwhelimg.

You are a neo nazi who wants another bigot in the senate

"they" who? you saying "they" knew but "they" waited for the high profile special election....doesnt add up.

of course after some sort of prosecution i will gladly sing your tune.