
Although the mister is buddy's with a cop and he sussed the situation, hypothetically speaking of course, but he's of the opinion he's more than happy for people to grow for personal use. As he said "wtf do I care whether you go out for a pint or have a joint at home, you're minding your own business and taking it out of the hands of the criminals." Said he'd leave it if he found a few plants in someone's house.
They better not! I still haven't recovered over John. Arthur's a legend, if anyone Finn's the most expendable I think. Although he sets my gaydar off, I suspect he may become bum buddies with someone soon.
No new colas, flowers, nada. It's like nothing was meant to grow there. Can't remember if I lst'd, I probably did. Era, she's still blooming lovely, can't wait to smoke her.
Not yet, it'll be end of year or thereabouts before I get it. Have the funds but my little person needs an occupational therapy assessment and therapy sessions. That shit ain't cheap and we'll be waiting over a year to go public so have to go private. The mister is due tax back as well (home carer's credit which I only found out about recently, if anyone's missus is a stay at home parent you're entitled to it too, worth a grand), I'm hoping we'll get it in his next payslip. I'm seriously considering that Migro 100, it ticks so many boxes and it's made by an Irish company - I like the thought of supporting our own and if something did go wrong with it, I can literally walk into the shop where it's bought. Can't do that with an overseas purchase.