Millionaire Donor Threatens Democratic Party: “If They Go Far Left, I’m Out”

why did you personally defend the neo-nazis at the daily stormer even as they told their heaviy armed readers to intimidate the jewish families they doxxed in person?
Lets see, how does that go again?

Ah yes.

Quote it Buckold. Within the page you've demonstrated that you can.
Why can't you use it to prove your own allegations?
Go fetch! )
maybe quote his same post for a third time, nazi boi.
By all means!
From what I could understand of that, I think you have me mixed up with someone else.
I grow Himalayan Tomatoes hydroponically, I don't know anything about cannabis.
Not often you get such honesty from Squeaky. ;)
what language is that?
Go back to your breakfast of Buckolds latest offering like your avatar so aptly demonstrates.
English please, ffs.
Stop spamming in foreign languages.
Stop masquerading as a thinking individual. If you refuse to understand your native language because you don't like the source, it's not a very flattering measure of your intellect.
why are you here?
no one likes you
Nobody has to like me to be able to learn something from me.
Besides, you rely on me (or other thinking people like me) to justify your socialist crusade. ;)
One thing that would make that prediction an absolute certainty would be the proposal and passage of a law that forbids the issue of 492 page bills moments before a vote but instead well in advance of the vote so that bills inclusions aren't always learned ex post facto.
That would be a considerable platform plank.

it's done on purpose..there is a law to ALLOW this on purpose.
What she said was true. Republicans are deliberately withholding details and limiting the time for public debate of a 500 page tax law bill for no good reason.
She also said she wouldn't hire black people and told everyone to vote for Bernie and didn't herself, ya digg?

Also, "You've got to vote for it to see what's it's in"...I know it all worked out for the best but we did that shit too.
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