Well-Known Member
We got word today that my 36 year old stepson has died as a result of his meth addiction. My stepdaughter is also a meth addict and I want to try to help her. She is 35 and has been on meth for about 7 years. I have tried to help both of them before, but their addiction caused huge problems resulting in theft of my property and the worst stress I have ever experienced in my life, but I am willing to give it another try for my stepdaughter if I can figure out a plan that has some chance of success. The last time I had her here, she stayed for a few days and then the cravings got too strong and she left. What can I do to help her? Both of her natural parents are deceased, along with her brother, so I don't want to turn my back on her. Is there any chance??? I don't have money, but I am willing to give all that I have if it would save her.