Beautiful trichromes - pictures from cell + laser lens


Well-Known Member
DId you get any INfo for yourself from that!??!!? I can see a few that have turned colour,for sure.But looks like most are still clear/milky although milky/clear look too alike when looking at thics like this...Overall what have you taken from long ago did you start...notice differences,between then and now?!
I took that video, but I did find the idea from some site.

So I took someone's advice and quick dried a small nug, the smoke didn't taste so good, but it wasn't that shitty either. Now the high is incredible, and now I understand when people talk about head highs, I've been smoking for a while, but never smoked bud this fresh.

The bud from my plants are more potent than the shit I buy, and I buy from dispensaries.:weed:


Well-Known Member
you mean "trich-ome". I dont know how many times I have to say it: theres no extra r in trichome. All these newbs seem to think tricrome is a fucking word. Incedentally, the prefix "trich-" means hair. -ome im not sure. Take the word trichosis, meaning disease of the hair.
I've been calling them trichRomes forever, thanks for the heads up.


Well-Known Member
he could have put that a bit nicer lol we cant all be so fucking intelligent...
I figure there's enough bickering in this forum, and like you said in a forum about weed of all things :sad:

I'm too stoned most of the times to give a shit about stuff like that, just take your winnings whenever you can, he did help me not look stupid next time:-P

:finger: <- just wanted to use that one.


Well-Known Member
you mean "trich-ome". I dont know how many times I have to say it: theres no extra r in trichome. All these newbs seem to think tricrome is a fucking word. Incedentally, the prefix "trich-" means hair. -ome im not sure. Take the word trichosis, meaning disease of the hair.
This is what sucks about being stoned all the time, you miss a lot of shit that happens around you.

I can't believe I missed this the first time, did you see how he spelled incidentally?

"Irony" is the word that comes to mind.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I thought the tri might relate to the three kinds of trichomes? So it may translate as hair comb . . . I use to carry one of those.


Well-Known Member
Very nice set up with the lens in front of the camera...
I have been doing similar with a swiss army knife magnifier....

Here are my trichomes...

Not as good a picture as yours, but... here they are...

Hope you guys enjoy...




Well-Known Member
Do you think that you can just use a jewelers loupe in front of a digital camera lens to get a similar effect?


Well-Known Member
Do you think that you can just use a jewelers loupe in front of a digital camera lens to get a similar effect?
I am sure you could... you will just have to play with the loupe to plant and loupe to camera distances until you get focus...

All I did was put my swiss army knife in front of my camera...:o

Experiment!!! the worse that can happen is you delete some bad

those look great gypsy. wish i could find something to use
No magnifying lenses around you at all...???? just go buy one man.... they're not expensive at all...:-P

haha all i got is a broken cd drive now :wall:
Why would you do such a thing?
Right?!?!?! like ... Dude, did you break a good one? or you're still talking about the first cd-rom???:-o

Ah! Hey everybody... + rep all around... very good thread and follow up posts... this is the reason why I enjoy RIU so much... creative individuals, separated by the world wide web, but with a common interest... DOING SOME CRAAAZY SHIT...!!!!:clap:

Cheers ...
