The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Just back from the tent to check on the lassies.
The large fan leaves are turning more pale. But the small leaves near the bud look dark green and shiney.

the affected fan`s will prob just die off now or hold there status quo, she`s into flower production now....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
have a google for tea`s, see what suits you, all can be made depending on the growers budget, experience, and style....

but wouldnt worry, there not in anyway bad...


Well-Known Member
underfeeding ,maybe ph off the scale, or hard water ..any of these can cause a lockout even with organic feed same as you growing 10 plus years, hard to tell from couple leave pics, but i would lean that way more than nute def, as he has had salt build up etc...

also told him same up the feed plants will be fine ...
Whats happening is hes not reaching 6.5/6.6 so not all nutrients are being uptaken.
Since N is a mobile element ( if hes been feeding veg nutes he shouldn't have this issue unless his ph if off)which means deficiencies occur in the lower foliage first like Calmag being semi mobile n mostly occuring in the middle of the plant starts on lower foliage so with what youre feeding should be adequate heck I feed. 5 ml per(depending on plants) 2ltr n feed veg nutes till week 4 then half n half as the first few weeks are pretty much still in vegative growth imo so by week 4 flowers form so I do half and half then just flowering but add canna mono N when needed till week 7 as extra N can take from the high (learned that from doc who on here same with mag in late flowering.)
So yeah a ph pen will halp and runpff is the medium dries the ph fluctuates so the run off reading dont mean shit just ph ur feed n ur dandy


Well-Known Member
For all the noob hrowers here ive to break some bad news
.flushing is a myth and if u dont believe me ill drop a few logic bombs.

.just by using a microscope isnt a great indicator of finished product. Alot of strains have different coloured trics. Follow these 3 steps.
Bud density
Hairs receding no white hairs
And wait one more week
Amd a microscope if ur still unsure but a plant always says when shes done..more so with experience but its super easy to learn


Well-Known Member
I never flushed.. flushing is for toilets.
Had a microscope but now unused.
No pen or other testers.
Light meter i find useful.
9000 lux centre to 6000 across canopy with new lumatec bulbs.
Old bulbs on overdrive nowhere near that. grolux


Well-Known Member
I never flushed.. flushing is for toilets.
Had a microscope but now unused.
No pen or other testers.
Light meter i find useful.
9000 lux centre to 6000 across canopy with new lumatec bulbs.
Old bulbs on overdrive nowhere near that. grolux
Scopes out the window once u can read ur plant.
I know im always on about reading plants n by that I mean learning about mobile,semi mobile n immobile elements this helps alot when troubleshooting issues also time of defs usually occurs the same time like Calmag if not hit as u flip youll get some defs n in my experience 80% of flowering fuckups is Calmag def


Well-Known Member
I never flushed.. flushing is for toilets.
Had a microscope but now unused.
No pen or other testers.
Light meter i find useful.
9000 lux centre to 6000 across canopy with new lumatec bulbs.
Old bulbs on overdrive nowhere near that. grolux
Isnt lux measuring the light we see? U should be looking at par(photosynthetically active radiation -what they eat) ppfd (photosynthetical photon flux density is the measurement oh how much usable radiation the plants takes (better ppfd better penetration) and finally PPF tells us how much par is being emmited whichbis again what the plant needs to grow and flourish.

I ramble alot when high but I drop mad logic bombs


Well-Known Member
no ph pen here either, totally with you on reading them, thick and thin, ups and downs heavy yeilders and sick puppys..
As ive said before ive seen a lad with Savage yeilds in coco with no ph but he was growing for yrs like yourself.
I mentioned above I broke a pen once n since im so anal I follow the same routine so when the pen landed I checked my feed n it was 6.6..routine boyz

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just had a brilliant phone call...

so sparkie buddy was in some barn today fitting new lights, turns out the ballast will run hps, he`s throwing new ignitors into them monday so plan b just kicked off...


Well-Known Member
Isnt lux measuring the light we see? U should be looking at par(photosynthetically active radiation -what they eat) ppfd (photosynthetical photon flux density is the measurement oh how much usable radiation the plants takes (better ppfd better penetration) and finally PPF tells us how much par is being emmited whichbis again what the plant needs to grow and flourish.

I ramble alot when high but I drop mad logic bombs
Just useful to keep an eye on bulb performance