
Well-Known Member
Got some last night and did it around 9ish but were already went through a few local pubs so had some alcohol in me by then.

It came off a 1oz purple rock :) and crushed it into powered and up the nose. Never done it before so wanted a faster hit then with eating it and waiting for the creep on high.

I don't know how much I did but wasn't large dose. I haven't done speed (amphetamines for about 17 years) but the effects were that of speed. Didn't get the super clammy hands feet but the body feel was that of speed. There was some visual perception changes like everything seems more defined looking and the room(s) felt bigger. More social feeling. I stopped drinking after my third time and after about 1.5 hours when I got home guessing the alcohol wore off by then and then the drug feeling was more pronounced but more like seeing things around you if you took about .4-3 grams of shrooms. After that just wore off slowly till I started to get tired but no real come down effects, maybe because even though I drank I stayed hydrated with water and Gatorade. I did get the drank beer for too long headache. Sleeping sucked as I wasn't sure how much or when I fell asleep. Was a bit dehydrated feeling when I woke up and much less energy when I went for a 40 min hike with my dog but no depressed/worn out energy feel after hike.

Can't say I would do it again, there was nothing really special about it. Taking 50mg of MDMA and say .4-3grams of shrooms would be a way better ride.


For me MUCH different high.
None of the MDMA's warm/fuzzy/fuck yah life is awesome serotonin rush feeling.
MDA heart beat/rate much more relaxed then MDMA which seems to make my heart beat hard.
No teeth grinding like MDMA, was a bit surprised as if I do MDMA if I don't take Magnesium before the jaw don't stop.
Comedown was easier than MDMA's get away and stop looking at me feeling.
Because I haven't done larger doses with both the high seem to have lasted as long.
When trying to fall asleep didn't get that weird body is vibing feeling I get from MDMA and the noticeable heart beat increase.
Besides feeling young and rebellious ...
Shoving MDA OR MDMA up Your nose is unnecessary.

It will not hit You quicker.
It will only irritate Your sinuses and make You feel worthy of friends.

MDMA and MDA is absorbed into the blood stream via the small / large intestines.
So putting it Your nose will take a while to get all the way to Your tum tum.
I've seen people smoke/vape MDMA once with some tinfoil tubes.
Didn't feel the need to try that though, but they said it hits fast like a bullet train.

Damage to lungs and soft tissues aside, smoking is the less dangerous way of ingesting drugs.
When you put something into an orifice, everything in it goes into your body. When you smoke something, only some of the gasses go in, but many of the nasty things won't combust that easily and stays behind in the ash.
I prefer the high from mda. Has visuals and is not so touchy feely like mdms. But I have also read mda is more nuerotoxic and easier to od on. Overall Im not a big fan of either.
I've seen people smoke/vape MDMA once with some tinfoil tubes.
Didn't feel the need to try that though, but they said it hits fast like a bullet train.

Damage to lungs and soft tissues aside, smoking is the less dangerous way of ingesting drugs.
When you put something into an orifice, everything in it goes into your body. When you smoke something, only some of the gasses go in, but many of the nasty things won't combust that easily and stays behind in the ash.
never smoked mdma hate snorting it will always bomb or do a sneaky dab

how do you know its the nasties that doesnt combust easily when somking? not only that but the nasty stuff that occours when burning it.
never smoked mdma hate snorting it will always bomb or do a sneaky dab

how do you know its the nasties that doesnt combust easily when somking? not only that but the nasty stuff that occours when burning it.
It seems like You need to educate Yourself on what a dab of ayahuasca is.

Dabbing drugs is for real the best way to get high.
It seems like You need to educate Yourself on what a dab of ayahuasca is.

Dabbing drugs is for real the best way to get high.
what a vacuous reply that was. for a start ayahuasca is a drink

ive done more than my fair share of dmt i dont need you telling me i should do more in a thread about mdma/mda
what a vacuous reply that was. for a start ayahuasca is a drink

ive done more than my fair share of dmt i dont need you telling me i should do more in a thread about mdma/mda
Welcome to the HS... Where We purposely trick You into doing something very smart.

Whats ups Hahge. I know when You switch accounts.

Are You ready for that party JahJahboinks constructed ?
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I already did.

Are You familiar with England and it's inhabitants??????
You will be rewarded a hat AND t shirt the next time You take a dab.
i should be familiar i live there ;)

a dab over here is a licked finger and lump of goodness stuck to it

christmass is coming dabs are abound
i should be familiar i live there ;)

a dab over here is a licked finger and lump of goodness stuck to it

christmass is coming dabs are abound

You don't say?
We must meet up and have a spot of tea at Canterbury.
A good half spot, what do You say???

Chap any hook ups on the club mollz?