Is she ready/bud po rn!


Well-Known Member
OK guys 2 strains northern lights x big bud around 50 ish days flower. Second is gorilla cookies( gg#4 x cookie wreck ) about the same time!
Gorilla cookies first northern lights is second(it's the taller one)
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What do yall think should I harvest when it says? And when do u start counting days lol, I know the scope and trichs and all that jazz!
if you're space and garden habits are controlled just like your breeders' rooms
then your flowers should be finishing within the time they say.
Each failing resource will prolong proper finishing.
I begin counting when my plants show sex

Growing grass?(yer doing it wrong) :)

that grass eats the same precious nutrients that your marijuana plants starve for while all the roots compete just to survive, just saying.
Only way to tell if the bud is to your liking is to check the Trichs.

Mostly amber is a couch lock stone

Mostly cloudy/some clear, few amber is more of a head high little more energy
Because he is clever. Yes, the grass eats a tiny bit of food, but it is also feeding the microbes like crazy while keeping the surface of his pots cool damp and alive.
40 to 60% of what a plant produces through photosynthesis gets pissed out into the ground by the roots.

Companion planting. Cover cropping. Several plants are great to run with Cannabis!

"Is she ready"

Yer early by a week or 2..... Calyx's need to swell some more and the pistil's recede into them some.

Only way to tell if the bud is to your liking is to check the Trichs.

Mostly amber is a couch lock stone

Mostly cloudy/some clear, few amber is more of a head high little more energy

Many newer strains don't all....
PS, those plants are running lowish on iron. I'd do a soil test afterward to see how you can prevent this next time. Might be as simple as pH drift.
Nice Journal!
if you're space and garden habits are controlled just like your breeders' rooms
then your flowers should be finishing within the time they say.
Each failing resource will prolong proper finishing.
I begin counting when my plants show sex

Growing grass?(yer doing it wrong) :)

that grass eats the same precious nutrients that your marijuana plants starve for while all the roots compete just to survive, just saying.
Sorry buddy not gunna argue with you but u should do some research. Companion or cover crop do use very Lil, and give a lot more than they take!
Root zone isn't a problem if u have a big enough pot, and as for the nutrients, those companion crops are nitrogen fixing plants, meaning they take nitrogen out of thin air and put it into the soil. So once again sorry but your are wrong, it is a great question tho! Cannabis plants can't take nitrogen out the air only the soil (or through leaves with foliar spray) so the companion plants don't fight the cannabis plant for nutrients but rather give the cannabis plant more nutrients like I said u should do a tad of research I can't teach it all just know basics!
Because he is clever. Yes, the grass eats a tiny bit of food, but it is also feeding the microbes like crazy while keeping the surface of his pots cool damp and alive.
40 to 60% of what a plant produces through photosynthesis gets pissed out into the ground by the roots.

Learn something everyday!
My roots don't go near the surface unless I put coco chunks or bark mulch over the top so growing grass in that zone shouldn't hurt at all since the roots are pretty shallow and can provide the constant moisture needed to have the cannabis root to grow into that zone. It takes up to 45 days or more for clover to start fixing nitrogen and I don't see many grasses that fix N. The science isn't much on cannabis and companions but that's because they couldn't study it. I'd lean towards alfalfa and clover rather than grass for N fixing. Really you'd want to grow a control next to it and see if there is that much of a difference.

From what I can find in articles I get bad info alongside the info on cover crops and most of what I find is for growing outdoors in the off season to till back into the soil to keep the nutrients from washing away. Companion planting is different than cover crops. Cover crops retain nutrients and cover the soil from washing out or blowing away, keeping those nutrients in play at the root zone and some are nitrogen fixers that make the soil better but the nodules have to be composted to release the N into the soil for other plants to use, from my understanding. Companion plants keep bugs away and provide some things to the soil or absorb toxins. But it's hard to discern what's science and what is lore with good statements right next to lines like these "He avoids plants like cucumbers, melons, and squash, which are prone to powdery mildew." as those types of powdery mildew do NOT affect cannabis. But there is no mention to avoid hops, mj's cousin, which is susceptible to russet mites and the same variety of powdery mildew. Even in this article there is still no mention of grasses other than buckwheat, that fix N.