Millionaire Donor Threatens Democratic Party: “If They Go Far Left, I’m Out”

Wikiquote is the only non-forum place I could find his though

ummm, hate to break this to ya, because i know you're gonna cry like a little bitch, even moreso than when i point out you are a closeted queer, but...

Screenshot 2017-12-18 at 6.56.51 PM.png

wiki is the only non-forum place yours shows up, closet boi.

now prance around like the effeminate little wannabe cowboy that you are.
Oh, but I can, and in such an obvious place it shows that Squeaky is a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Wikiquote is the only non-forum place I could find his though (truth being I stopped looking after the 1st 6 hits because they started straying into individual word hits).

You know that little Image tab on Google when you search for something?

It has scanned copies of the newspaper I cited.

Where can you cite your quote from?

And even if you can cite it, mine gives the context required to understand it.

Context as I said before is key.
Simple statement of truth.
No, it was an opinion without factual basis.

Your logic is non-existent and your thinking skills are weak.

You bring little of substance to any discussion here.

That's why you have no credibility. You're just desperate to be part of the 'in' crowd.

It's lemmings like you who lead this country off the cliff.
Wikiquote is the only non-forum place I could find his though (truth being I stopped looking after the 1st 6 hits because they started straying into individual word hits).

The primary reason for that is Adolf Hitler never said it. He paraphrased it. He was actually referring to the teachings of Immanuel Kant and Frederick Nietzsche.

What Hitler actually said was, "“National socialism is the determination to create a new man. There will no longer exist any individual arbitrary will, nor realms in which the individual belongs to himself. The time of happiness as a private matter is over.”

You have to remember Wiki's are written by volunteers...a good many of whom put in things that they want based on their opinion, not on actual fact.
Yeah, your pal BTTYK is so fucking complex. Bwahaha!
Dude, choomer is clearly Skytard.

This new "alliance" with the Bernie Fucktards just proves it even more considering they're from opposite sides of the political spectrum.

Notice how they're literally never around at the same time?

I'd heard she had right wing sleeper socks, it's just so obvious.
Dude, choomer is clearly Skytard.

This new "alliance" with the Bernie Fucktards just proves it even more considering they're from opposite sides of the political spectrum.

Notice how they're literally never around at the same time?

I'd heard she had right wing sleeper socks, it's just so obvious.

Bernie himself would tell these dumb motherfuckers to shut the fuck up.
Brevity is the soul of wit, witless.
Then why not display some instead of using it exclusively for insult?
The better way to say nothing is TO SAY NOTHING.
Bernie himself would tell these dumb motherfuckers to shut the fuck up.
Socialist Bernie can take the gas pipe. His claim to fame is he was about as lesser an evil as Dumph.
So, BTTYK stuck is microphallus inside of Choomer? Gross.
So you come here to form ludicrous fantasies you obviously get off on? Sad,