Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
@ruby fruit @OzCocoLoco @Lucky Luke @Joomby @bobqp @Vnsmkr
I've just been looking at your comments on this thread so i thought I'd comment.
Everything is fine! I've been preoccupied with stuff which has left me in a position where i had to cut ties with our hobby. Nothing serious eg police or deportation haha. I hope to come back next season with hollands hope and sharman by dutch passion and keep down to 6 or 8 plants. I've privated messaged ruby about this just now, but i found all these comments about worrying so i thought i'd comment. I'm alive!
Haha good news man. We thought you were sharing a cell with Bubba


Well-Known Member
Yeah they’ve been trying to flower for a few weeks but I’m usually into flower by the second week of January and will usually have most out of the ground by mid March.
Oh right you must have an earlier season than me then i think most people my way are into flower during feb

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
You running anything this season or just chilli's rubes?
I got a sour kush from DNA going again and a sharksbreath from DNA as well
The farm is out for the year there goes 2-3lb and I had 12 seedlings 2 weeks old to send 8 to another place for a 20% cut and long story but thats out to
So I'm down to 2 personal plants wat ever I get off them is my smoke for the year
I still have about 5 jars of different strains from last season to smoke thru as well
Love that sour k

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member