Mistrial declared in Bundy Trial


Well-Known Member
no you didn't, you simply asked why would it be a good idea to condemn neo-nazis
which is something only a neo-nazi would do
Then quote and prove that Buckold.
I can do that simple task and it should embarrass you that you can't seem to be able to do so. ;)


Well-Known Member
"i totally trolled you by posting a years old hoax that i thought was real then pretending like i just did it to troll you after i realized it was a hoax"
Your doing your own glossary, how nice.
You take yourself and this "site" far too seriously. ;)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for that. Many here spew assertions without giving you any idea where that "information" came from and you are an exception.

But the story is about a former white supremacist Christian Picciolini and has this unlinked blurb as a nod to what you have posted:

"The data tells us this, 74% of extremist-related killings in this country in the last ten years have been carried out by right-wing extremists, not Islamic extremists."
(You had it close to word for word except you changed the last word from extremist to terrorist)

Later in the article we find that it is a quote by Oren Segal of the ADL, so off to the ADL I go to search for the source story, and I find it here:


and I find the source (sort of, and I have modified the quote to post numbers for percentages in red):

"Over the past 10 years (2007-2016), domestic extremists of all kinds have killed at least 372 people in the United States. Of those deaths, approximately 74% (275.28) were at the hands of right-wing extremists, about 24% (89.28) of the victims were killed by domestic Islamic extremists, and the remainder were killed by left-wing extremists (7.44)."

...and the wording here is important as the numbers are prefaced " approximately " and " about ".

Interestingly enough, the next sentence after that quote is:

"Though not the most lethal, in some ways the most troubling extremist-related murders that occurred in 2016 were the murders of police officers at the hands of black nationalists. "
are they right wing extremists now too?

But at the top of the story is:

Download the whole report Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2016 (PDF).

So I go there,
but it still doesn't have any definitive data (and I heartily encourage anyone to take a look and prove me wrong) as no where in that report can I find just the number "74", let alone the quote or any supporting data.

In fact the first paragraph of the document is:

The June 2016 shooting spree at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando,
Florida, by Omar Mateen—who killed 49 people and wounded 53
more—dwarfed in its lethality all other extremist-related mur
ders this past year. Mateen, who claimed his attack in the name
of ISIS, though there are no known connections between him
and that terror organization, achieved the dubious distinction
of being the deadliest domestic terrorist since Timothy McVeigh
bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

and scan the rest of the report and this chart leaps out at me in the "NOTES ON METHODOLOGY AND SOURCES:"


I was surprised that 9/11 wasn't on the list, but then noticed the "domestic" excluding any other type of attack, so why does this chart reach all the way back to 1966?

But that aside, even in this report they offer no definitive data to back that statement.

Take a minute, see what's in it. ;)

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
eso why does this chart reach all the way back to 1966?
civil rights act of '64. white racists jumped from the democratic party to the republican party.. they hated blacks so much they chose racism over party.

similar to repubs choosing trump over party.

repubs are some messed up, confused individuals.

anyway, pissed off people do extreme things.

that's my best guess as to when right winged terrorism really took off.


Well-Known Member
civil rights act of '64. white racists jumped from the democratic party to the republican party.. they hated blacks so much they chose racism over party.

similar to repubs choosing trump over party.

repubs are some messed up, confused individuals.

anyway, pissed off people do extreme things.

that's my best guess as to when right winged terrorism really took off.
Nah it probably started when they integrated baseball and saw how big Jackie Robinsons dick was.