Aussie Growers Thread

rekon any of the mycos in great white are good for potatos capsicum and pumkin i thing i have a goood fungel i tje out door cuse when i pulled a sun flower out there was all this white shit in the soil im pretty sure gw is said 2 form associations in 90 percent of plants
20171229_175748.jpg 20171229_175705.jpg 20171229_123748.jpg 20171229_123731.jpg 20171227_130839.jpg heres my garden with the capsicum and pumpkin the pumkin liiks like shit lol thru in some pics of the widow the last one wss ttaken on the 19 th i rekon when tje root ball gets a bit bigger and i get it a bit more dieled in with watering nd stuff im happy with tje growth first time i rekon im not stressing about it being behind lol
the lower leaves that have some white fly eggs i dont wanna pull the off cuse the top has benn defoliated so i want tjat 2 catch up but now theres ants on my plant like the ants are eating tje eggs witch is good but will the ants cuse any harm to my plant
the lower leaves that have some white fly eggs i dont wanna pull the off cuse the top has benn defoliated so i want tjat 2 catch up but now theres ants on my plant like the ants are eating tje eggs witch is good but will the ants cuse any harm to my plant
Why did you pull the leaves off the top part of the plant?
Why did you pull the leaves off the top part of the plant?
white flys eggs wanted to pull every leaf with eggs but dident wanna kill the plant gunna get some neem oil when i can it kind of works out tho cuse i dont have to worry about hight when i flip im gunna use it to my advantige shes gunna be a bushy bitch
now that i thing about it ir might be cattapillers hopefully theres somthing i can make and just spray that will deter bad bests and maybe the marigold im going 2 plant will atract some beneficial insects